"Then I'll add another golden bell..."

"I told you there's no rush! It's easy to talk about the price, since we are so familiar with each other! We can't let you suffer, right!" Xiaoer said innocently.

joke! We are not familiar with each other. If I don’t let you suffer, why should I suffer myself?

Then Xiaoer pointed to the green treasure on the peacock's tail and said, "Come on, let me tell you, look at these gems! I believe you, sir, have seen a lot of gems, right?"

The foreigners nodded unconsciously, it was indeed common.

Seeing him nod, Xiaoer smiled with satisfaction! The best I’ve ever seen, I’m afraid you haven’t seen it!

The fake gems made by the space processing workshop are even more beautiful than the real ones!

"Then have you seen the gems on my fan? Look at the rows of emeralds on the peacock's tail! Are every one of them exactly the same? No matter in terms of shape, size, or brightness! You Since you have seen gems, you must know how rare such gems are! To be honest, this is the first time I have seen it in my entire life!"

After saying this, Xiaoer also realized that it was normal for her age and that she had never seen anything in the world. This statement was not convincing! Then Xiaoer asked the onlookers who had seen such a gem.

Everyone shook their heads. They had seen one or two before, but there were more than a dozen in a row. A dozen gems with the same shape, size, texture, and luster were really rare in the world.

"Gemstones are common, but twin gemstones are not. It is not an exaggeration to say that a set of gems like this is worth tens of thousands of gold."

The onlookers nodded in agreement.

Xiaoer is so happy! International friends are so awesome!

"Then I'll add another golden clock inlaid with precious stones." He brought a total of eight Western clocks. Exchanging six clocks for this fan was the limit he could give, and he still had to use the rest. Take the two Western clocks down and replace them with some other items.

Xiaoer is very satisfied with this equal exchange!

Forget it, in order to make this Western gentleman more happy and happy, Xiaoer decided to make this white silk embroidered peacock-spreading lacquer handle round fan more magical!

Previously, Xiaoer had used the purple water from the Colorful Fairy Lake and the purple leaves of the Colorful Fairy Lotus to create a perfume in a processing workshop, which would have a long-lasting fragrance when applied to items.

And if this kind of perfume is used together with space stream water, it will have a magical effect. The fragrance can attract butterflies.

Xiaoer secretly put some perfume and stream water on the peonies and peach blossoms on the fan.

Then I fanned myself with a fan, firstly to dry the fan quickly, and secondly to spread the fragrance quickly.

"Actually, my fan has another magical feature." Xiaoer said while fanning it.

Seeing so many people gathered here, other people also ran over to watch the fun.

Everyone's appetite was whetted.

"What's so magical?"

“What magic can a fan do?”

Xiaoer smiled and said: "It's just that the fake is the real thing!"

"Fake the real thing? What do you mean?"

Xiaojiu smiled and did not answer the question.

Because she saw one or two butterflies flying over from all directions.

Xiaoer raised her fan flat, and the first colorful butterfly to arrive landed directly on the peony flower!

The butterflies that arrived later either flew around the fan or flew to the other side of the fan and stopped on the peach blossoms.

"Oh my gosh! So many butterflies!"

"Oh my God! It's amazing! The flowers on this fan actually attract butterflies."

"Fake things to be confused with truth. Fake things to be confused with truth!"

"Oh my God! I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's so amazing? How did this happen? This is a miracle created by God!"

"Oh my God! So romantic!"

"Beautiful! This picture is so beautiful! I will never forget it in my life!"

Xiaoer turned the fan over, and a colorful bird on the branch was flapping its wings cheerfully on the branch, screaming happily at the magpie in the fan.

This made Xiaoer a little surprised!

She thought that attracting butterflies was the limit, but she didn't expect that she could attract birds.

The people on the island became very happy when they saw the butterflies flying in the sky. Some Western women could not help but dance.

"Wonderful! It's so wonderful! This fan has the ability to attract birds and butterflies, so it's worth tens of thousands of dollars!" A businessman from Minzeguo praised.

"This fan is really amazing, beautiful lady. I also have some pocket watches, musical instruments, and some jewelry. Why don't you go and see if there is anything suitable? If you like, I can take what I brought this time. I’ll trade all the goods with you for this fan!”

"I also have some spices, perfumes, and many expensive jewelry there! I am also willing to exchange this fan with you with all my sincerity."

"I have brought a lot of fine wine, gems, and beautiful ladies this time. If you are willing, I am willing to trade all the goods for the fan in your hand."

The foreigner selling Western clocks was anxious: "My beautiful lady, I will use these eight clocks plus the four pocket watches I have to exchange for your fan. We are so familiar with each other, you will definitely exchange it with me. You won’t let me suffer, right?”

"I'm so touched by Sir's sincerity! Okay, then this fan of mine belongs to you!" Xiao'er didn't expect that because of her last move, she could actually get two more Western clocks and four pocket watches!

What a great deal!

Xiaoer gave the fan to the foreigner and also gave him some purses that Xiaoer bought at Nishangfang for rewards. The embroidery on these purses is also very exquisite.

The foreigner was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear! Just tell me that I will do business with Xiaoer next time.

Xiaoer smiled and said nothing. She didn't know if she would have a chance to come back next time.

Later, when the foreigners returned to China, the fan fetched a sky-high price! The foreigners were so happy that they couldn't sleep all night. I feel like I am really discerning!

Xiaoer's bag contained some embroidery, and there was also a white wedding dress with real gems embellished on it. Xiaoer originally planned to give it to Liu Jingshu, but Mrs. Liu said that white is unlucky and cannot be worn on the wedding day, so she redesigned a set of red ones. This white set has been kept in space, and now it is just in time to take it out and mix it with Westerners. Exchange goods.

She visited all the stalls on the island, and finally exchanged the wedding dress for several Western musical instruments and gems.

In the end, this marriage became the wedding dress of a certain princess!

In addition, Xiaoer also bought many gems and seeds.

Of course the gems are for the jewelry shop; the seeds are intended for Shen Chengyao to use in the experimental fields for cross-breeding.

Official Shen Chengyao is doing practical things by doing more experiments.

Di Shaowei and Shangguan Xuanyi also bought some original foreign language documents in order to be able to listen to what Ming Xiaoer said in the future.

Today they are really like ducks listening to thunder!

It's a bit late tonight. Thank you everyone for your tips, recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Regarding adding updates, I will try hard, but I don't know when I can do it.

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