"The smile is written on the face

Hum a country song

Let your thoughts fly in the evening breeze! "A round fan was exchanged for eight Western clocks. Xiaoer was so happy looking at the pile of trophies that she couldn't help humming.

"Girl, how did you use that fan to deceive so many Western clocks?" Di Shaowei was so angry! Such a wonderful painting was like watching a pantomime, and he didn't understand a word of what this girl said.

Judging from the stupid look on the foreigner's face, he must have been deceived by this girl.

But this girl is still not human! I understand all Western languages!

"Yes, girl, you are so awesome! I see those foreigners were stunned by what you said! What on earth did you say? And is that fan really that expensive?" The chief helmsman looked curious, if he It can be said that maybe next time he has a chance to come back, the things he brought can be exchanged for more goods.

In his eyes, exchanging a round fan for a Western clock is the limit, even if the fan can attract birds and butterflies. Although it is inlaid with gems, a fan is just a fan after all. That Western clock is also inlaid with gems and is even plated with gold!

But now a round fan was exchanged for eight Western clocks and four pocket watches. This was really beyond his imagination.

"Girl, how did that fan attract butterflies? Is it really because the flowers were embroidered so real?" Wan Fusheng saw Xiaoer chatting non-stop with the foreigners. He was so envious!

This is money earned by being able to speak well, but I don’t know when I will have this skill.

Everyone on the boat gathered around Xiaoer and asked questions.

Xiaoer could only translate the conversation just now to them.

Everyone laughed and marveled from time to time! Miss Xiaoer is so awesome that they feel inferior to her!

Everything on that fan was named a flower by her!

"Girl, you are so stupid!" Di Shaowei mourned for the Westerner.

The weather is so sunny today and the scenery is beautiful everywhere. Xiaoer taught Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei how to learn English in the cabin to kill the boring time at sea.

Both of them studied very seriously, and all three of them were focused on this matter for a while.

Not far away, a large ship came towards their ship.

The chief helmsman hurriedly adjusted the ship's direction to avoid them.

At this time, the ship on the opposite side threw something similar to a smoke bomb. The smoke bomb spread over the deck, and smoke and fragrance filled the air in an instant.

The people on the deck inhaled the smell and fell to the ground.

At the same time, many ropes with claws were thrown from the big ship, which suddenly pulled the two ships close to each other.

Zhao Yong and others came out when they heard the noise and saw the fallen soldiers and sailors.

Of course, there are also pirates jumping onto the deck.

"There are pirates! Yangmei, Yangliu, guard the cabin to protect the master and the girl!" Zhao Yong rushed out with the remaining four secret guards.

At this time, there was still a little smoke and fragrance left in the air. Several people rushed forward and fell down within a few breaths.

Xiaoer and the other three naturally heard the noise.

The three of them walked out. Yang Mei saw them walking out and said hurriedly: "Master, girl, there is poisonous gas outside. Everyone is poisoned. You go back to your room first, and the servants will stay here until the poisonous gas dissipates before going out."

At this time, a dozen pirates had jumped down from the deck, and they were using ropes to tie up the fainted people.

"Second brother, are you just throwing these people into the sea to feed the fish?"

"Idiot, search your body for anything valuable before throwing it away!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I almost forgot!"

These people did not run into the cabin immediately, because they believed in their smoke too much. They waited for the people on the boat to walk out of the deck, and then robbed the ship without any effort!

They have such confidence because they have succeeded several times.

At this time, the pirates on the deck also saw Xiaoer and the others.

Because willows and bayberries blocked the cabin door, the pirates thought there were only a few women left in the cabin.

If there were still men, he would have rushed out long ago.

When they saw the beauties, all of them twisted their mouths and smiled obscenely!

"Hi! Beauty! Don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

"Is this an oriental beauty? She is so delicate and lovely! It must feel comfortable to touch!"

"Such a delicious sweetie!"

"Save the most beautiful ones for the boss, and you can do whatever you want with the rest."

After hearing this, the pirates whistled! They all wanted to rush forward.

"Be careful! Don't you think these two women look too calm? Maybe..."

"Jim, you are too cautious. With that Mi Xiang around, what are you afraid of!"

Others couldn't understand what the pirate said, but Xiao'er understood!

Xiaoer's breath suddenly became cold! Shameless!

There are pirates and thieves, and these pirates have no limits to their shame!

"Detoxification pills." She took out the detoxification pills and gave one to each of them.

Looking at the approaching pirates, Yangmei and Yangliu stuffed the pills into their mouths, then rushed out with their swords in hand.

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled Xiaoer: "Stay in the cabin!"

"Yes, don't go out! Watch how Brother Di throws them down one by one to feed the fish!"

Xiaoer thought for a while and nodded.

Xiaoer leaned against the door of the cabin and watched them fight, then she remembered the big ship next to her. There should be a lot of good things on board!

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I might as well go back and steal.

Xiaoer returned to the cabin, went to another room, opened the window and climbed in.

This pirate ship is bigger than my own!

There are many cold weapons placed on the deck.

Xiao'er didn't look much, she ducked into the cabin.

Then they found the warehouse where they kept their loot.

sky! Boxes of gold and silver bars were placed there, and rough jade and jade stones were piled up into a hill.

There are two large boxes of jewelry, so full that the lids cannot be closed.

There are also several boxes of paintings, calligraphy and porcelain.

Other miscellaneous things were also piled all over the floor.

How many ships did these people robbed to get so much stuff?

Xiaoer put boxes of gold, silver, jewelry, jade and jade stones into the space, and then touched the calligraphy and paintings with her hands. She found that there was a hard object blocking her heart behind her back.

It’s over! So carried away! I don’t even know someone is coming! Sure enough, people die for money and birds die for food!

No matter that he was discovered anyway, Xiaoer still put the calligraphy and painting in the box directly into the space.

"Who are you? Where did everything go?" A man's deep voice sounded from behind.

Xiaoer just pretended that she didn't understand what he said and didn't reply. She was quickly calculating in her mind how to subdue this man.

This man was obviously more capable than her, otherwise she wouldn't have appeared silently behind her without even knowing it.

There is such a powerful person on this pirate ship, no wonder there are so many trophies.

"Say!" The man behind him was obviously impatient.

"I don't know what you said!" Xiaoer replied in Chinese.

The knife on the back stabbed in a knuckle deep.

Blood immediately flowed out.

NND stabbed him whenever he disagreed.

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