These days have been too comfortable, and I haven’t been injured for a long time. Suddenly someone stabbed me in the back. Xiaoer felt that it really hurt her to death!

Xiaoer took out a poisonous silver needle from the space and prepared to quietly stab the man behind her.

Xiaoer tried to move her hand, and the man noticed it. He grabbed Xiaoer's hand with one hand, and stabbed the dagger into Xiaoer's body with the other hand!

"Hiss!" This pervert! It almost hurt her heart!

Oh my god! Are you a human? Why is her feeling so sharp? She just wanted to take action! Why was it discovered!

Tian Bai, why are you hatching eggs at this time?

A few days ago, Tian Bai said that her little baby was about to be born, and that she needed to be in seclusion to incubate the eggs. She would naturally stay with her wife during the day, so she, who was accustomed to relying on the day, had a tragic day when her vigilance was seriously reduced!

Now it is really impossible to respond to calls every day, and calls to goose do not work!

Jack grabbed her hands, pushed her to the deck, and ordered to their ship: "Stop!"

The people in the fight heard the sound, looked at the source of the sound, and then all stopped.

"Girl Xiaoer, why did you get on that boat!" Di Shaowei was so angry when he saw Xiaoer being pressed by someone!

Xiaoer smiled at Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei with a smile that was uglier than crying: "Sorry! I've caused you trouble!"

She didn't expect that she would be the one holding back! I really learned a lesson this time!

She has always been a bit arrogant in this dynasty because she has space and modern fighting skills, thinking that no one can hurt her, but now she has really hit the wall.

"Put down your weapons and capture him without mercy!" Jack looked at Shangguan Xuanyi and said word by word in Chinese.

"Throw it away!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the blood behind Xiaoer's snow-white clothes, threw away the soft sword in his hand, closed his eyes slightly, endured the pain and panic in his heart, and turned his head to Di Shaowei and the others behind him. .

"Tie them all up!" Jack began to order again.

After hearing this, the pirates quickly picked up the rope and prepared to tie up the six people.

"Use chains!"

"Let her go, and I'll give you whatever you want!" Shangguan Xuanyi frowned as he looked at Xiaoer's face gradually losing color.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me!" Jack looked at Shangguan Xuanyi and said contemptuously.

The things on their boat were originally his, and now he just needs to get back the things that the little girl took away!

This girl is so amazing, he has to take her back and study her!

You can actually change items out of thin air!

"Take out the things, and I will spare their lives!" Jack cut the dagger downwards like meat!

Xiaoer cursed in her heart, is this person a lunatic?

Shang Gong Xuanyi's heart twitched: "Stop! What do you want?"

"I didn't take it, I just destroyed it!" It was absolutely impossible for Xiaoer to take things out in front of so many people.

"Throw him into the sea!" Jack looked at Shangguan Xuanyi and ordered his subordinates.

"Yes, brother!" A strong man walked up to Shangguan Xuanyi and grabbed the iron rope on his body.

"You dare! If you dare to touch a hair of his, I will cut you into pieces!" Xiaoer's eyes were like swords, glaring at the pirate who was holding Shangguan Xuanyi and said fiercely.

"Haha..." After hearing this, Jack laughed as if he had heard the joke of the century. His body vibrated with laughter, causing the dagger to move!

"Little beauty, tell me, how did you cut him into pieces?"

This pervert wants to torture her to death! It’s true that I am a fish and a man is a knife. No matter what, this wound cannot be shallow. In this case, she doesn’t care. Anyway, the wound is now bloody and bloody by this pervert, so why not make it more thorough!

Xiao'er turned around and touched the wound and dagger behind her as if nothing was wrong. She looked straight into his eyes and said in a charming voice: "Do you really want to know?"

At this time, Jack was distracted for half a second under Xiaoer's direct gaze!

These eyes are so beautiful! It's so beautiful! It seems like it can hook a person's soul into it.

Being distracted for half a second means nothing to other people, but for Xiaoer, it is an opportunity!

Xiaoer seized the opportunity and quickly kicked his lower body.

Shangguan Xuanyi had been paying attention to the situation of the two of them. The moment Xiaoer raised her foot, he quickly took out the dagger from the space ring and used ten stamina to cut off the iron chain without caring about hurting his own hand. Then fly up.

Jack came back to his senses and ignored the pain in his lower body, and quickly reached out to grab Xiao'er who took the opportunity to escape.

Xiao'er: Damn, I can bear this, but I'm really not a human being! According to what was shown on TV, shouldn't it be someone covering their hands and jumping around? !

Shangguan Xuanyi arrived in time and kicked his hand away.

Then the two quickly started fighting!

After Xiaoer stabilized her body, she flew silver needles towards the pirates below before they could react. Soon, three of the remaining four pirates who were killed by Shangguan Xuanyi and others were hit by the needles and fell down.

The remaining one, Jim, who was the most skilled, pulled the willow tree as a target and avoided it!

Seeing that he was the only one left, Xiaoer was not anxious and gave him a bright smile. Then she raised the silver needle in her hand and flew towards Jack, who was evenly matched with Shangguan Xuanyi.

When Jim saw this, his expression changed as expected, and he quickly jumped onto the ship and ran towards Xiao'er, while dodging Xiao'er's flying needles.

damn it! Why can’t I use up that silver needle? It was almost like rain.

Shangguan Xuanyi holds a dagger in his hand, making deadly moves with no mercy at all!

Jack's arm was cut open by the boat, but a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face, and his moves became more and more fierce.

The moment Jim jumped up and landed on his belly, Xiaoer changed the silver needle in his hand into a long whip and swung it. Jim never imagined that this would be the case, why the silver needle turned into a long whip! Finally he fell down with a look of shock on his face.

After Xiaoer ensured that all the other pirates fell down, she fell to the ground in exhaustion. She took out the bottle and took two pills. She lost too much blood and was dizzy!

Xiao'er looked at the two people who were fighting inseparably. Her speed was too fast, and she was so dizzy now that she couldn't even see it with her ability! So in addition to preventing himself from being held hostage again, he let them fight on their own.

She looked at Shangguan Xuanyi who already had a slight advantage.

Xiaoer calmed down for a while, then climbed down and untied the iron rope for Di Shaowei.

Di Shaowei immediately supported Xiaoer, "Girl, are you okay?"

After all this fuss, Xiaoer's face turned a little whiter.

"It's okay, let's untie them first." Xiaoer said weakly.

She brought it upon herself, she had brought them all down.

After Di Shaowei untied several people, he told them, "Protect Lord Rui'an!"

Then he flew over to help Shangguan Xuanyi!

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes. Because my updates were not good enough, I was embarrassed to ask for votes later, so thank you everyone for still voting for me and giving me rewards.

Also, the application for group creation failed. Let’s see if the application can be approved early tomorrow.

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