Two against one, there is no doubt about victory.

Jack was stabbed in the heart by Shangguan Xuanyi with a dagger, and Di Shaowei kicked him away.

Jack's body flew out, fell to a corner of the deck, smashed two jars, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood!

He smelled a hint of kerosene from the strong smell of blood, looked at the kerosene jar he had smashed, and then he laughed!

The set of white teeth in the big blood-red mouth looked so weird!

Jason quickly picked up two jars and threw them at them.

Dishaowei kicked the jars back. One of the jars was kicked into the cabin by Dishaowei. The jar broke and kerosene spilled on the floor.

Shangguan Xuanyi also kicked the jar back and hit it against the door frame. This time, the kerosene spread over a wider area.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei had a bad feeling when they saw Jack's sinister smile.

They smell something strange in the air. Are these things poisonous?

Jack took out the match, struck it gently, and the match lit! He looked at Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei, smiled and threw the match onto the puddle of kerosene. That expression seemed like he was accomplishing something great.

In an instant, the small flames turned into large flames and spread quickly.

Jack's smile became even more evil as he was drowned in the raging flames!

The fire spread quickly because of the kerosene.

"Madman!" Di Shaowei shook his head, unable to understand what there was to be happy about being buried in a sea of ​​fire.

"Let's go!" Shangguan Xuanyi felt uneasy. This was definitely not as simple as setting the ship on fire.

The contents of that jar are more igniting than oil.

Xiaoer went back to the cabin and applied medicine to her wound, changed her clothes, and ate five Wuyou leaves. The wound was finally better.

Zhao Yong and others gave the antidote to the soldiers and sailors. At this time, everyone woke up and threw the pirates on the ship into the sea.

Xiaoer walked onto the deck, heard the movement and looked up, her face changed drastically: Oh my God! This is the rhythm of dying together!

"Come back quickly! That's kerosene, it will explode!" Xiaoer shouted sharply!

And she remembered that she had seen gunpowder in that cabin just now.

If the fire spread to the pile of gunpowder, could their ship be saved?

If there is no boat, swim back together? !

Don't be ridiculous, none of the galaxy's swimming champions are capable of this!

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei's expressions changed slightly after hearing this, and then they jumped back to the boat in unison.

"What a madman!" Di Shaowei couldn't help but cursed again!

The soldiers on the ship were also shocked when they heard Xiaoer's words. Explosion? Is it like a battle with Japanese pirates, where a single bomb explosion can shatter the entire ship into pieces? !

Without having time to ask any more questions, the soldiers quickly ran over and tried to push the pirate ship away to distance the two ships.

"I'll hold the sail, and you use all your strength to push the two ships away! Quick! Push them as far away as possible!" Xiaoer forced herself to calm down and began to command.

After listening to Xiaoer's words, everyone rushed to push the boat.

However, everyone tried their best to push the boat away only a short distance.

"Can't you go up to put out the fire? It's very convenient to carry water!" Zhao Yong said anxiously.

Since there is a fire, just put out the fire quickly! With so many people here and just a few buckets of water per person, the fire has not been extinguished!

"Absolutely not!" Xiaoer replied while adjusting the sails.

She is not in the mood to explain why he can't do it now!

Kerosene and water are incompatible with each other. Kerosene will float on the water. Pouring water into burning oil will not extinguish the fire at all. Instead, it will spread the burning oil and expand the scope of the fire.

What's more, kerosene can explode at any time when exposed to fire! Or someone just climbed onto the opposite boat and became cannon fodder!

"Paddle with an oar!" Shangguan Xuanyi picked up a bamboo pennant placed on the deck and propped one end on the pirate ship. Seeing this, Di Shaowei rushed over to help. The two of them pushed with all their strength and pushed the ship away. some distance.

There are many very long oars on this boat, the purpose is to prevent special situations from happening. This is called being prepared!

Shangguan Xuanyi threw away his pennies, picked up the boat oar beside him, and rowed backwards as fast as he could.

Seeing this, other people picked up their oars and started rowing. Everyone's movements were so fast that it was hard to see, and they seemed to be tired and kept repeating the same movements.

In fact, in the face of life-threatening dangers, everyone's potential can be infinitely developed.

But even if he worked hard like this, the boat could not move as fast as the flames spread.

"Boom!" At this time, a jar containing kerosene exploded.

The hull of the ship shook, and everyone looked over, seeing higher flames and black smoke rising from the ship.

Some pieces of wood even flew over.

"Quick, the gunpowder is in the cabin, and it hasn't burned yet! We still have time! Take the time to drive the ship as far away as possible! The further away, the better!" Xiaoer also turned his head to take a look, and then urged everyone.

The explosion was only small and did not cause any harm to them.

But because of this explosion, everyone was even more anxious and panicked! Everyone tried their best to separate the two ships as soon as possible, as far away as possible!

The sea breeze was not strong at this time, it should be said that there was almost no wind. The speed of the ship was much slower than the speed of the fire. Some people even felt that their heartbeats were moving faster than the ship.

"Boom!" Another explosion sounded, and the pirate ship shook, causing the sea water to shake!

The ship Xiaoer and the others were on also shook, and at the same time more things flew towards them.

"How could the fire spread so fast?!" Zhao Yong didn't know why.

"The hull is stained with paint." Paint is a flammable substance, and the boat is made of wood, and the cabin is also covered with wool carpets. These are the favorites of fire, can you not hurry up!

After Xiaoer and Jiang Tao adjusted the sails, they also picked up the long oars and started to join the rowing team.

"Try to follow the speed of Mr. Di and I, and everyone should move in unison!" Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei stood at the head of each side of the boat.

Everyone moved quickly and tried their best to keep up with the movements of the person in front. They soon found a tacit understanding and their movements became uniform. At least the boat was moving faster.

But Xiaoer knows that this distance is still not enough!

In such a short distance, such a large amount of gunpowder exploded with such force that it could overturn their ship.

"Is it okay?" someone asked.

"Come on, just a little further. Hold on, come on!" Xiaoer encouraged.

Everyone's hand felt like it was about to break, but they didn't dare to slow down, let alone stop.

The gunpowder explosion came faster than Xiaoer imagined.

There was a loud rumbling sound.

Debris and energy waves hit them quickly.

The boat rocked violently.

"Continue, don't look! Don't stop! It's not over yet!" Xiaoer shouted sharply!

Everyone came to their senses and began to paddle bravely again.

The biggest explosion sounded!

"Get down!"

The heat wave hit us, broken wood and debris flew everywhere, and the boat was pushed far away.

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