The fire from the explosion almost burned the stern of the ship. Several people were slightly injured, but they survived safely.

Everyone was sitting on the deck panting, their hands too tired to lift them up anymore.

"I'm so exhausted! It's finally over."

"Those pirates are really crazy! They put so much gunpowder and kerosene on the boat, and if they accidentally ignite it, everyone will be cooked in one pot!"

"It's a pity. That ship is bigger than ours, and there may be a lot of people on board."

Xiaoer looked at the person who said this, amazing! The people's wealth and their anointing are all mentioned.

Fortunately, all the things she borrowed money on the ship were stored in the space, otherwise it would be a real pity.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked up to Xiao'er, ignored everyone's strange looks, picked up Xiao'er and walked to the cabin.

Xiaoer thought to herself: Aren't his hands sore? Her own body was sore, and she was exhausted from rowing just now.

Only then did everyone realize that County Princess Rui'an was seriously injured and she was rowing with them just now. Everyone once again admired her toughness.

No one thought much about the Sixth Prince carrying her back to the cabin. They only thought that the Sixth Prince was worried about her getting injured and carried her back to rest.

Shangguan Xuanyi put Xiaoer on the bed and closed the door.

"Let me see the wound."

"No need, I took the medicine, several pills at once, and applied medicine to the wound. The wound is almost healed."

"Let me take a look." Shangguan Xuanyi repeated it again, but his tone did not allow for rejection.

"Well, although we are engaged, men and women cannot be intimate..."

"Since you also know that we are engaged, sooner or later I will be the one to see it. What does it matter if it is late or early?" Shangguan Xuanyi frowned and thought: If he clicked on this girl's acupuncture point and did it directly, how long would she be angry?

Xiao'er raised her head, looked at the ceiling and rolled her eyes: "It's a big deal!" Now this body only has two small steamed buns that are still growing. No matter how you look at it, it looks ugly... In short, you must not let him see it!

"If you don't agree, I'll do it myself!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer and said seriously.

He, he does it himself? !


Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Xuanyi's overly serious expression. This man was serious and there was no room for negotiation!

Discouraged, she couldn't beat him.

She was defeated and said angrily: "Turn your back!"

Shangguan Xuanyi turned his back obediently.

Fortunately, the injury was to my back, so there was nothing to be pretentious about.

Xiaoer unbuttoned her clothes, pulled the collar back to her waist, bent her legs, put her hands around them, and rested her head on her knees, "Okay."

Shangguan Xuanyi turned around, his eyes only focused on her wound. The wound had already formed a layer of scabs. Maybe the rowing movement was too strong just now, and now there was a little sign of bleeding.

Shangguan Xuanyi's brows furrowed even more tightly, this was so good! The blood is still seeping out, how can this be said to be so good! He tried hard to suppress his raging anger, stretched out his hand in front of Xiaoer, and spoke forcefully:


The medicine Xiaoer gave him has been used up on the island.

Xiaoer placed a small white porcelain bottle on his palm.

"I finally understand why your master gave you so much medicine."

Xiaoer: "..."

"When you run out of this medicine, I probably don't know how you lost your life!"

Shangguan Xuanyi took off the bottle cap and sprinkled some green medicinal powder on the wound.

Xiaoer turned her head to look out the window and fanned her long eyelashes a few times.

Is it going to rain red? ! Brother Shangguan actually knows how to use words to make people angry.

This is probably the first time he has said such a thing! Thinking that she had made a taciturn man so angry that he started to use harsh words, she felt that she was quite capable.

"It won't happen next time." Xiaoer quickly promised that she would never let down her guard like this next time. Whatever you do, you have to look in all directions and listen to all directions. This time she was too careless.

"Really?" Shangguan Xuanyi didn't believe this.

He took out a clean fine cotton cloth, wrapped it around Xiaoer's wound, and handed both ends of the cloth to Xiaoer: "Go around."

Xiaoer took the cotton cloth, walked around it in a circle and handed it to Shangguan Xuanyi behind him.

Shangguan Xuanyi took it and tied a knot on one side.

"I'll come back tomorrow to change your dressing. Now lie down and don't run around!"

Shangguan Xuanyi left these words and went out. During the whole process, his fingertips did not touch her.

Xiaoer quickly put on her clothes.

When someone is angry, how do you calm them down?

I have lived two lifetimes without any experience in this area!

Xiaoer walked out and saw that there was no figure of Shangguan Xuanyi on the deck, so she turned around and went to his room to have a look.

Xiaoer knocked on the door.

"I'm not telling you to stop running around!" Shangguan Xuanyi's cold voice sounded, and then the door opened.

"I feel a little bored. Brother Shangguan, please come and talk to me."

Shangguan Xuanyi turned aside and let her in.

Xiaoer walked in.

Shangguan Xuanyi picked up a book and read it with a dark face, completely ignoring someone.

"Brother Shangguan, let me sing a song for you." Xiaoer searched in her mind for a good song.

Looking at the blue sea outside the window, just sing and listen to the sea!

write me today

what color is the sea

The sea that accompanies you every night

So what's your mood?

Gray doesn’t want to say it

blue is melancholy

And you who are wandering

raging heart

where to park

Shangguan Xuanyi's heart tightened as he listened.

How did she get through the days when he was gone, when he was swept away by the waves, and when he disappeared?

Just like the lyrics say?

Gripping your heart and unable to close your eyes all night? Weep till dawn?

He was heartbroken and angry when he saw her injured. He changed places. If she was taken away by the waves, he shook his head, no! He simply couldn't imagine it...

"It won't happen again. It's all my fault." If it wasn't for herself, why would she have traveled thousands of miles, climbed mountains, waded through rivers, and traveled across oceans to come here?

If it weren't for herself, how could she be in danger?

If he took her with him and took care of her, how could she get hurt?

What right does he have to be angry with her! It’s all your own fault! It was all because he failed to protect her.

Xiaoer was dumbfounded for a moment, what happened? Why is it now his fault again?

Others say that a woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of her heart, but a woman's mood and her child's face can change at a moment's notice!

But why does she think Shangguan Xuanyi is more feminine?

"I will never let you out of my sight when you are in danger in the future. I will never lose news again and make you worried and uncomfortable." Shangguan Xuanyi promised.

Xiaoer thought about the content of the lyrics and coughed. It turned out that someone had misunderstood.

But this is a misunderstanding. A song can smooth someone's hair down and make him reflect on himself. It's so easy!

Later! If something like this happens again, just sing!

If one song doesn't match the Golden Retriever Lion King's Mao Shunping, just sing two songs. If two songs don't work, sing three songs. If three songs don't work... In short, if you keep singing all the way, there will always be one song that resonates with his emotions!

Music has no borders! Music has no time barriers!

Book friend group number: 439773084, interested book friends can join, thank you all for your votes ~ Good night

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