The days are about to enter September, and the remaining power of the autumn tiger will erupt in the afternoon.

In the carriage, Xiaoer rested her head on Shangguan Xuanyi's lap and slept soundly.

Shangguan Xuanyi held a fan in one hand to drive away the heat wave for her, and read a book in the other.

The carriage gradually slowed down, and Xiaoer was awakened by the faint sound of people outside. She rubbed her eyes and sat up: "Brother Shangguan, are you here yet?"

"Well, we've arrived at the city gate." Shangguan Xuanyi put down the book and fan and helped her smooth the hair on the back of her head that was messed up by sleep.

Looking at Xiaoer's slightly red face as she slept, Shangguan Xuanyi felt a trace of reluctance in his heart. The two of them got along day and night these days. Although they spent most of the time in the carriage, reading or doing their own things, he felt Unprecedented contentment and tranquility.

Xiaoer didn't know what Shangguan Xuanyi was thinking. She was almost falling apart in the carriage, and she was worried about the shop. I have been looking forward to getting home soon.

She lifted the curtain and looked outside, and the tall and majestic gate of the Imperial City appeared in front of her.

Xiao'er didn't expect that she would feel so friendly when she saw this city gate. She couldn't help but sigh: "It's so good to be home. Even the city gate feels very friendly."

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled after hearing this but did not reply. He also hoped that the journey could be longer and that the two of them could spend more time alone.

The carriage passed the inspection smoothly and entered the city.

"Send the girl back home first!" Shangguan Xuanyi said to Zhao Yong.

Xiaoer thought of the secret guards and said, "Since Brother Shangguan has returned to the imperial capital, those secret guards can be taken back."

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that she didn't like it, so he nodded: "Just keep the bayberry and willow. She knows martial arts, so you can use them for your convenience."

Xiao'er didn't refuse this time. It's not easy to train maids with strong martial arts skills. The mansion just lacked such maids.

"Keep Zhao Yong, too. It just so happens that his two children are also with you." Shangguan Xuanyi thought for a while and then said.

Zhao Yong has great martial arts skills, so Xiaoer feels more at ease when he drives the carriage when he goes out.

Xiaoer nodded again, Zhao Yong is very useful.

Besides, the brother and sister she first went to Beijing to rescue were Zhao Yong's children. The two children are now arranged in the flower field, and Zhao Yong has turned from darkness to light with Shangguan Xuanyi. It is also a good thing to reunite the father and son.

Shangguan Xuanyi sent Xiaoer back to Shengpinghou Mansion and immediately returned to the palace.

When Xiaoer returned home, the concierge at home was so happy that he ran all the way in to report.

The madam sends someone to tell her every day that when the girl returns home, she must inform her as soon as possible.

When Mrs. Liu received the news, she was so happy that she ignored the rules and hurriedly went out to greet him.

At the same time, the aunt Tan and the fourth aunt Lu were also welcomed out.

It was natural for a few people to greet each other when they met.

Ms. Liu held the hand of her daughter, who had grown a lot after three months, and refused to let go.

"You girl are finally back, but you worry me to death!"

"My daughter is unfilial and makes my mother worried." Xiaoer responded obediently.

"It's okay if you know it's unfilial. Don't do this next time. Otherwise, I'll break your legs!" Mrs. Liu couldn't help but lightly hit the back of Xiaoer's hand.

Xiaoer smiled, and if she didn't answer her words, she would definitely not stay at home and not go out. She had things she wanted to do. So she quickly changed the subject: "When did my aunt and fourth aunt come to the imperial capital?"

"As soon as you left, I received a letter saying that the two families were planning to come to the Imperial Capital together. They have been here for a month."

"Isn't your cousin Jingshu about to give birth? I'm worried, so I came to take a look."

"I knew my sister-in-law was coming, so I followed her."

Xiao'er didn't believe what Lu said, and she would have to find out what happened soon.

Xiaoer remembered that Liu Jingshu found out she was pregnant in the first month of the year. It was almost September now, so she thought the due date would be within these days.

"Cousin Jingshu is going to give birth? Did the doctor say when?"

"It's only been a day or two. She should have given birth a long time ago, but she said she doesn't feel much yet. I guess it will be a few days later." Mrs. Tan mentioned her daughter with a smile on her face.

My daughter is marrying well! Not only was her family rich and glorious, but most importantly, her son-in-law pampered her like jewels, and she was also loved by the elders in the family.

This time when she came to the imperial capital, she saw her daughter in front of her and behind her, a group of maids and guards serving her respectfully. Her whole face was rosy, and her face was always filled with a happy smile. Her worried heart was finally relieved.

"I heard that the date is not fixed. Some pregnant women will delay it a few days, and some pregnant women will move it a few days earlier. As long as the child is healthy, there is no need to worry."

"The imperial doctor said the same thing, but her belly is very big, and now it is difficult to move around, and she can't sleep well at night. She keeps asking the baby to come out quickly and stop torturing her. I heard that it was annoying, so I came to complain to your mother. , it’s a coincidence that I met you back. I haven’t seen you for more than a year, and Xiaoer has become more and more beautiful, and her figure has improved a lot, and my aunt can hardly recognize her anymore.”

"It's said that if a girl changes her condition, my mother should go to the imperial doctor." Xiaoer joked.

Xiaoer knew that Ms. Tan was smiling all over her face, and that she dared to come over to chat with Mr. Liu at this time. She thought that Liu Jingshu must be well taken care of at home, otherwise she would not be at ease.

"You kid dare to say anything! Please ask a doctor!"

"I heard people say that when you were pregnant with the child, you wanted to give birth to the child quickly, and after the child was born, you wanted to stuff him back into your belly!" Xiaoer remembered the words of a close friend in her previous life and said it.

The three Lius were stunned when they heard this, and then they couldn't help but laugh.

"What do you know, kid? You're just talking nonsense! Can the kid be stuffed back?" Mrs. Liu was angry.

"Xiao'er is right. Your cousin is so naughty now, and I always want to stuff her back into my belly! It's so annoying." Mrs. Lu had a headache when she thought of her daughter.

"Xiao Xi'er? Can you talk? Why didn't you see her?" Xiaoer asked as she thought of her cousin.

When they left Shengping County, the girl was still in her infancy.

"After playing around all day, I got tired and went to sleep in the house. Now I just go to bed at this hour, and I don't want to sleep at night! This girl is much more naughty than Jie'er." Mrs. Lu couldn't help but complain, how good her son used to be Take it! Eat and sleep! When he wakes up, he will follow him obediently. When he is busy with work, he will play by himself.

"Children are cuter when they are naughty." Xiaoer laughed after hearing this.

In the past, under the rule of the Shen Zhuang family, which child of the Shen family dared to be naughty!

Children who can be naughty and willful also need the capital to be naughty and willful.

Now among the brothers and sisters, except Xi'er who has a little more innocence, they are all precocious.

At this time, the porter hurriedly came in with a maid. The maid bowed and said hurriedly: "Mrs. Tan, the young lady has made a move. My wife asked me to inform you, please go back to the house quickly!"

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