Several people stood up after hearing this.

"Giving birth? I'm going back now!" Tan ran out like a gust of wind.

"I haven't had a baby for so many days, but I gave birth as soon as I came out. This baby is really real!"

"Xiao'er, take a rest at home, and mother will go and take a look. Fourth sister-in-law, please stay at home too, otherwise Xi'er won't be able to find mother when she wakes up." Mrs. Liu reminded her that Xiao'er had just come home.

Giving birth to a child is a big event, and as an aunt, Mrs. Liu must rush there.

Mrs. Lu nodded. Xi'er had just arrived in a strange environment and was very clingy.

"Mother, you go over first. I'll change my clothes before I go over." Xiao'er hadn't seen Jingshu for a long time and just came back. It couldn't be justified not to go and take a look.

"That's fine." Mrs. Liu didn't have time to say anything more and hurriedly chased after him.

Xiaoer returned to her yard. Although she had been away from home for nearly three months, every plant, tree, mountain and stone was in perfect order. Obviously someone takes care of it every day.

Xiaoer nodded secretly and decided to go back and give more processing money to the people in her courtyard.

Xiaoer returned to the house, closed the door, entered the space, took a comfortable bath in the space, then picked out a pink dress to put on, and cooked something to eat in the space kitchen, and then I went to the processing workshop, followed the prescription in the space study, and used the medicinal materials grown in the space to process a bottle of biochemical honey pills. Then I picked up some food that can help stimulate lactation, packed it, and put it in the basket before leaving the space. .

loei province

The courtyard outside the house where Liu Jingshu gave birth was full of people.

Mrs. Li looked at her little grandson walking around in front of her and said, "Zhewei! Stop walking around, I'm so dazzled by you!"

"Grandma, why is there no sound inside? This is too worrying!" Li Zhewei forced himself to stop, but his feet always wanted to walk around uncontrollably.

He remembered that when his sister-in-law gave birth to her little niece, the screams were so pitiful that he could hear them in the yard next door.

"So what if there is no sound? If it doesn't hurt, don't scream! Doesn't that mean your wife can suffer less? You don't have to be so nervous!" She only screamed once or twice when she gave birth to her child.

When a woman gives birth to her first child, it is very difficult for most women, and many of them suffer for a whole day and a night. It has only been active for an hour now, so it may not be that painful.

"Is this like this?" Li Zhewei was skeptical after hearing this, but he was also relieved.

But he also remembered that when he helped Liu Jingshu into the house, she was so painful that she broke into a cold sweat, and she gritted her teeth at that time.

Then he lost his composure.

How could it not hurt like that? I just endured it! That silly girl wouldn't have bitten her lower jaw!

Another half hour passed, but no one heard a sound, and then everyone became a little uneasy.

Mrs. Li remembered that when she gave birth to Li Zhewei and Li Ruoqing, she was so painful that she wanted to die, and the scream was so loud that everyone in the house could hear it! Her husband-in-law said that every time she screamed, he would be so frightened that his legs would shake!

There is no movement at all now, why does she feel even scarier!

"Why is there no movement at all? This is too worrying."

"Isn't that kid Jingshu holding back from shouting? This is too bearable." The old lady guessed.

"It's so painful to give birth. It's really abnormal not to cry out. No one knows whether she is alive or dead inside. If she screams once or twice, we can at least know whether she is alive or not!" Mr. Li The madam has been standing here for a long time, and she has long been dissatisfied. She is also outspoken, and the words come out of her mouth without thinking.

"Shut up! You think everyone is like you. When a baby is born, the people in the entire imperial capital can hear the cry! It's not embarrassing!" Mrs. Li glared at her daughter-in-law fiercely, with no expression at all. No, I gave birth to three girls in a row!

Although Zhewei's daughter-in-law came from a peasant family, she was much more generous and decent than this daughter-in-law who came from a wealthy family.

No wonder the old lady loves her more.

Giving birth to a child is always a journey through the gates of hell. Didn't you see that everyone is so worried now? How dare she say such depressing words and ask what is life or death? ! Isn’t this causing hatred?

Besides, the in-laws' wife is here, Mrs. Shengpinghou is here, and Jingshu's family is here. What do they think?

The old lady took one look at the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law, she was so petty! Can't get on the stage!

"I'm telling the truth, who doesn't scream when they give birth! It's so unreasonable to not make any noise! ​​This is not what happened! And she is carrying more than just one child. Didn't the imperial doctor say, It's even more difficult when you're pregnant with twins. If you can't handle one of them..." The young lady couldn't help but retort with a look of grievance on her face.

"Sister-in-law! You..." Li Zhewei couldn't help shouting to stop this outspoken sister-in-law from talking anymore! Jingshu is still inside expecting to give birth! What should I do if Jingshu is angry when she says these words?

The most unstimulating thing is during childbirth!

"Shut up! You have nothing to do here! Go back to your courtyard!" The old lady and Li Zhewei spoke at the same time.

"My heart is so biased, I'll come back as soon as I come back. Do you really think I'm standing here for nothing?" Madam Li replied, not afraid of hot water, and left with a puff of sleeves.

Mrs. Li: "..."

"I made you two laugh. That child spoke so unpleasantly. I will apologize to her..." Mrs. Li curtsied to Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Tan, and said with an embarrassed smile.

"No, no, the eldest lady said something serious. The eldest lady is just being outspoken. We can understand." Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Liu hurriedly stepped forward to stop Mrs. Li's gift.

"It's okay, madam, if you don't take offense. That child Jingshu fell in love with me and saved my life. I really treat her as a granddaughter. You two don't have to worry about Jingshu being bullied in this house. Zi Qian's child The child is quick to talk, but his heart is not bad." The old lady also explained.

"Don't worry, old lady, we have no misunderstanding and we are not surprised. We all see whether Jingshu is having a good life after marrying her. My sister-in-law even told me today that Jingshu has fallen into a lucky nest and the whole family will treat her badly." She loves you like pearls and treasures, she is not so considerate as a mother!" Mrs. Liu hurriedly replied.

"Old madam, the young lady is just outspoken. She has no bad intentions, and her words are not unreasonable. Besides, Jingshu gave birth so quietly that it made me panic. I am also an outspoken person."

"Mom, how about I go in and take a look?" Mrs. Li was worried, thinking that going in would make her feel more at ease.

"Okay, let's see if it makes you feel at ease!!" Mrs. Li kept turning the beads in her hand and nodded.

"I'll go too!" Mrs. Tan was also uneasy.

She had never seen anyone give birth so quietly.

When Xiaoer arrived, Mrs. Li had already left.

Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Li scrambled to get in.

"Mom, what's wrong? Is the child born?" Xiaoer walked to Mrs. Liu and asked.

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