In the house

Everyone greeted Liu Jingshu first and felt relieved when they saw that she was in good spirits.

"Jingshu's energy is even better than when I gave birth to Zhewei."

"No, let me see, she will be able to give birth to four more great-grandchildren for me next year."

Four great-grandchildren? Quadruplets? Pig! So capable! Xiaoer felt horrified just thinking about it.

"I will work hard to let my grandma and mother have a grandson again next year." Li Zhewei was very happy after hearing this.

After hearing these words, Jing Shu's originally pale face suddenly turned red to the color of pig liver.

This man is shameless in what he says!

After hearing this, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was very good for a while.

"These three children don't look alike! I think other people's twins all look exactly the same." Mrs. Tan carefully compared the three babies and sighed.

"Yes, I think the eldest brother looks like my father, the second child looks like my mother, and the third child looks like... Why do I feel a bit like the Lord of Rui'an County." The old lady squinted her eyes and took a serious look.

"Ahem..." Xiaoer choked on her saliva after hearing this.

It doesn't matter if this little girl looks like me! But don’t say that the mistress looks like you, okay? !

Mistress! She thinks she doesn't have that sentiment.

"The little girl is too thin. She must have been bullied by her two brothers in her belly." Mrs. Li looked at her obviously thin granddaughter and said with some heartache.

"No, this child has lost a little weight. When she grows up, she needs to be replenished. A girl's body and bones must be strong so that she can have children in the future. Don't be afraid, mistress. The two brothers bullied you when you were in the belly. Now You are all born, Grandma Zeng will help you bully her back!" The old lady carefully held the little girl's hand, her face full of love.

"Yes, a brother has to protect his sister. If they bully you again in the future, tell daddy and he will break their legs." Li Zhewei frowned as he looked at his little daughter. The little girl was as thin as his palm. , it makes people feel distressed to see it.

Mrs. Li saw one or two people loving the little girl so much. She had never seen them doting and liking her daughter so much before. She felt unbalanced and couldn't help feeling sour inside. The words she said were merciless. Meet:

"These three children are too thin. Newborn puppies are better than them. Can they be fed by being so thin? I'm looking at you!"

Does she think she can't support herself? !

Are all newborn puppies better than them? !

Is this what people say?

The people present were collectively angry.

Liu Jingshu's face suddenly turned pale with anger.

Mrs. Li was so angry that she was shaking all over. She was speechless for a long time and just pointed at her.

He finally regained his breath and said, "Break it! Break it! No... we can't stay!"

She is the eldest daughter-in-law! In the future, the matron of the entire Li family will be so arrogant, vicious, and petty that she cannot tolerate others. If she continues to be retained, she seems to be able to foresee that the Li family will be fragmented and disintegrated in the future.

Ms. Tan was originally a fierce person, but she endured it again and again, but this person was still unyielding. If he didn't get angry this time, he really looked like someone easy to bully.

Mrs. Liu was very angry after hearing this, but this was the Li Mansion. If they directly taught this person a lesson instead of acting on their behalf, the Li Mansion would be embarrassed and would cause trouble for Liu Jingshu.

Seeing that Mrs. Tan wanted to get angry, Xiaoer gently tugged on her sleeve and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Auntie, I'll do it."

It would be bad if Mrs. Tan went too far in this matter, but she was different. She had many ways to make her suffer without telling her.

"Bang!" Xiaoer stepped forward and slapped Mrs. Li on the face.

Suddenly everyone in the room fell silent.

County Lord Rui'an was too strong and took action directly!

Mrs. Li felt a burning pain on her face. When she realized that she had been beaten by Xiaoer, she immediately made a fuss: "How dare you hit me! You..."

"Young lady, I misunderstood. I didn't hit you! I just helped you fight mosquitoes!" Xiaoer looked innocent, then spread her palms, and there was a squashed mosquito lying on her white and tender palms. With a little blood.

It turns out that this is the case. Others suddenly realized that they thought County Lord Rui'an was so tough.

But even if County Lord Rui'an really beat her, the people in the Li Mansion would have nothing to say. It would be too much to ask Mrs. Li to speak.

Besides, County Lord Rui'an is the future Sixth Imperial Concubine, so they don't dare to say anything!

"Does it take so much force to swat mosquitoes? My face is swollen because of you! You did it on purpose!" Mrs. Li felt that half of her face was numb and painful.

"I don't understand what you are saying, Madam? You and I have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity recently. Why should I hit you on purpose? I am really kind-hearted to help you fight mosquitoes!" Xiaoer's face was full of grievance and innocence.

"Does it take so much force to swat mosquitoes? If you are really kind, if you see a mosquito bite my face, just tell me and I will drive it away. You hit me deliberately just to retaliate for what I just said!" Young Master Li Madam saw Xiaoer's face full of innocence and grievance, as if she had bullied her! I am so angry! Sure enough, just as cousin Yun Ning said, there are many tricks and it is extremely difficult to deal with!

"Retaliation for what you just said? It turns out that you also know that what you just said is vicious! You have cursed Young Master Li Er and Jue Queen over and over again. What are you thinking about?" Xiaoer looked at someone who was not asking for it and sneered. .

"What nonsense are you talking about! When did I curse her to be the head of the family? Why are you so vicious!" Madam Li wanted Li Zhewei to be the queen, so that no one would compete with her husband for the position of head of the family, but she didn't expect Will be seen.

Now that she was talking about it like this, how could the old lady let her go?

Thinking of this, she was filled with rage. Without thinking, she stepped forward, raised her hand and swung it at Xiaoer.

Xiao'er didn't expect that she would hit someone. She wanted to avoid it, but then she thought about it and gave it up.

Xiaoer could deliberately not hide, but Mrs. Liu couldn't just watch her daughter being beaten, so she hurriedly gave Xiaoer a hand, but the slap still fell on Xiaoer.

"Stop!" Madam Li reacted too late! Then she knew something was serious!

The Lord of Rui'an County is the Emperor's royal title to the County Lord, and he personally decrees the marriage of the six future princes and concubines! It can be said that he is half royal!

Hitting the head of Ruian County is equivalent to hitting the royal family, the sixth prince, and the emperor!

Didn’t you see that the sixth prince went to war and the “letter from home” to County Lord Rui’an was sent back together with the battle report?

But the emperor and queen have no objection at all to this!

Seeing this kind of behavior, what else do all the civil and military officials of the dynasty not understand!

After returning home from the next court, he told his wife that when he saw the Lord of Ruian County and the people of Shengpinghou Mansion, he must be more respectful!

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