"Come here, send the young lady back to Zhu's Mansion! Wait until the young master's family comes to write the divorce letter before sending it over! Our Li Mansion can't afford such a young lady!" Mrs. Li originally wanted to teach this granddaughter-in-law a lesson. Now that this happened, she was sent back to her parents' home without saying a word!

"Old madam, my mother is wronged! I have always been outspoken, and you all know the people who speak out! I have no bad intentions! How can you believe an outsider's words and not believe me! She wants to help Her cousin is overcoming the obstacles! The person who really wants to end the Li family is the Liu family! My mother helped me go to the temple to find someone to help me. Originally, the third child I was pregnant with must be a son, but just because she was pregnant with me when I was about to I got married when I was giving birth and robbed me of my blessing, causing my son to become a daughter! We are the eldest grandson of the eldest family member, and my son will be the head of the family in the future! Master said that it was she who robbed my blessing and ruined our relationship. The eldest queen, in that case, her son can inherit the position of head of the family in the future!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer didn't know what to say next? Does she think she has three hundred taels of silver here?

If she wants someone to divorce her, she thinks that others will also harm her! It’s so fantastical!

Steal her blessing and turn her son into a daughter? What is this concept?

Please! Can you be more scientific? ! Who could have the guts to take away her blessing and turn her son into a daughter? She would kneel down to him!

"Nonsense!" The old lady was very happy after hearing this! This Zhu family comes from a scholarly family, so I believe this nonsense!

And after hearing what she said, she really resented the second wife, and even wanted the second wife to divorce her.

"That's nonsense!" Mrs. Li was so angry that she wanted to stuff her mouth with a foot wrap to prevent her from talking nonsense!

This was a naked attempt to provoke conflict between them and the second room.

The second bedroom has never wanted to fight for the position of head of the house! Why is she so stupid that she can't see reality!

"Old madam, mother, don't believe it. I didn't believe it at first, but the fact that Mrs. Liu gave birth to triplets this time, and two of them are sons, is the best proof! My sons all ran to her She had a baby not long after she entered the house, and I gave birth to Yue'er just when she found out she was pregnant! She must have robbed me of the blessing of having a son! Otherwise, how could she be better than me with a mud-legged background? With the golden key in his mouth..."

Mrs. Li stepped forward and slapped her in the face to stop her from continuing: "Shut up!"

"Mother, you actually hit me?!" Mrs. Li's face was full of disbelief!

She promised her mother to treat her like her own daughter!

I wonder which mother would beat her own daughter!

Besides, they all live in the same room and should stand on the same front against the enemy!

If Mrs. Li knew what she was thinking, she would probably slap her again!

"I not only beat you today, I also asked my son to divorce you!" Madam Li's face turned green with anger! The noble, elegant, generous and decent image that he had maintained for decades was destroyed in anger.

"Didn't you hear what I said?! Send Mrs. Zhu back to the Zhu family quickly!" Mrs. Li became angry when she saw that her servants were still refusing to do anything.

She now directly calls her Zhu in front of the servants. She is not worthy of being called the eldest young lady!

"Yes, old lady!" Several maids and women hurriedly stepped forward to hold Madam Li.

"No! I won't go back! I haven't violated the seven-out rule. You can't divorce me! I won't go back..."

After the shouts faded away, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li were busy apologizing to Xiaoer, Mr. Tan and Mr. Liu with shy smiles.

They also let this matter go by the way, because just to make it easier for Jingshu to be a good person, this matter needed to be cleared up.

Besides, the trouble is now that people are sent back to their parents' homes and their wives are divorced. If they still refuse to let go, it means they are ignorant.

When Xiaoer saw Jingshu like this, her face turned even paler.

Li Zhewei also noticed it and hurriedly held her shoulders with both hands, "Jingshu, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

Jingshu couldn't speak. How could she say that she felt a lot of blood flowing from her lower body.

"Cousin, do you feel like you have too much blood?"

Liu Jingshu nodded.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li turned around and was startled when she saw Liu Jingshu's face. She hurriedly shouted, "Someone, please call the doctor quickly."

Mrs. Li also guessed something, and her face suddenly lost color: "The imperial doctor is waiting in the front yard, hurry! Go and see if he is gone."

The imperial doctor hadn't left yet and was quickly invited over.

After he finished checking his pulse, Li Zhewei hurriedly stepped forward and asked nervously: "Imperial physician, is Jingshu okay?"

"It's a sign of heavy bleeding. Take some medicine first, take a good rest, and avoid being irritated again."

Li Zhewei nodded in agreement, and then thought to himself: When Jingshu finishes her confinement, he will move out. From now on, she will never let anyone make her angry again.

"It won't leave any roots of disease, right?" asked Tan.

Postpartum hemorrhage in women usually has sequelae.

Although my daughter now has two children, who doesn’t want to have more children and more happiness?

well! What is this! It's all a mess for nothing! There are a lot of disputes in a big family, and I really regretted marrying my daughter. Thinking that Mrs. Tan turned around and saw Li Zhe sitting next to Jingshu, helping her tuck in the quilt, she felt a little better.

The eldest young lady of the Li Mansion turned red when she heard this. It was her daughter-in-law who was responsible for this! This will leave her with no face to face her second wife in the future!

Xiaoer asked the imperial doctor to help check the health of the triplets. When the imperial doctor said that the three children were healthy, everyone felt relieved.

Liu Jingshu needed to rest, so Xiaoer gave Li Zhewei a bottle of pills and a bottle of biochemical pills and asked her to feed Liu Jingshu on time before leaving.

On the way back to the house, Mrs. Liu and Xiaoer, Mrs. Liu asked Xiaoer: "Xiaoer, do you think Mrs. Zhu will be divorced?"

"It's hard to say that the Zhu family is a scholarly family and will try their best to prevent this, because the Zhu family can't afford to lose this person!" Xiaoer thought for a while and said.

"That's right, even ordinary people will not divorce their wives easily. If the divorce is not possible, then Jingshu will have to meet such a person sooner or later. Will her life be comfortable then?" Mrs. Liu couldn't help but feel sorry for Jingshu when she thought of this. Shu became worried.

The biggest fear is that she will take action against the triplets.

"Mom, you don't have to worry. I guess my cousin-in-law will move out of Li Mansion after my cousin is out of confinement." Their second wife also lived in Shengping County for a long time, wasn't it to avoid suspicion.

Now that Li Zhewei is working in Beijing, he has to go back to live in Li Mansion as a last resort. Now after this incident, he will have an excuse to move out of the house.

"That's a good thing! That kid Zhewei is a capable kid, so he doesn't have to stare at the family property handed down from his ancestors. No matter how rich you are, it's not as good as living a comfortable life. Besides, you still earned your wealth by yourself, so you can use it to straighten your back!"

"What mother said makes sense!" Xiaoer remembered that the fourth aunt also came to the imperial capital and asked: "Why did the fourth aunt also come to the imperial capital? Did the fourth uncle come?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu's face darkened and she sighed: "It's not your mother who is making trouble."

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