"What's wrong with Mr. Shen Zhuang?" Xiao'er could foresee how miserable the life of her fourth uncle's family would be without their family having to deal with the unreasonable demands and greedy designs of Mr. Shen Zhuang and his second wife.

"Shen Yuzhu accidentally pushed Aunt Wang's grandson, knocked his head on the wellhead, and fell unconscious. Aunt Wang asked Mr. Shen to pay a thousand taels in compensation. If he didn't pay, he would sue the government." Ms. Liu sighed in her heart. He said, "I don't want to live a good life, but I insist on causing one accident after another. Do you think this kind of life is exciting enough?"

Xiaoer was speechless after hearing this. It seemed that even after a meal in prison, she didn't have any memory, but instead became more willful.

Xiaoer absolutely did not believe that Shen Yuzhu pushed the person accidentally, but believed that she accidentally pushed the person with excessive force and was seriously injured.

But for Shen Yuzhu to exert so much effort, Aunt Wang's grandson must have done something great.

Liu's next words confirmed Xiaoer's guess.

"Do you know why Shen Yuzhu pushed him?"

"I don't know. Could it be that Aunt Wang's grandson stole her dowry?" Shen Yuzhu was most nervous about her dowry.

Since Shen Yuzhu was born, Mrs. Shen Zhuang has tried every means to save her dowry in various ways.

"How do you know? Have you heard about it?" Mrs. Liu looked at Xiao'er with surprise on her face.

"How could I have heard of it? There is no news broadcast here. Shen Yuzhu is quite lazy. She was only willing to touch her dowry when it came to it. That's why I guessed it like this." Xiaoer was speechless. She had just returned home. Come please! How could I have heard of it.

"What is Xinwen Lianbo?" The girl said another word that she had never heard before.

"Well, the news broadcast is... it means to publicize the new things that happened." Xiaoer found a fairly appropriate way of saying it and deceived it.

"Do you still remember your mother, ahem... Shen Zhuang once took the pearls you gave Shen Yuzhu as a dowry to the river and buried them?" This happened so long ago that she almost forgot about it unless Mrs. Lu mentioned it. A bead.

"Remember, there was a big fuss when I couldn't find it back later! Now I know it was Aunt Wang's grandson who took it?" If this is true, no wonder Shen Yuzhu was so angry and killed him.

Now Shen Yuzhu has been in prison and her reputation is bad. If she wants to marry well, she will have to rely on a generous dowry if she gets married! Without a dowry and a bad reputation, who would want to marry!

If the pearl is sold, it can buy several acres of fertile land. Even for the sake of those fields, her husband's family will have to provide for her when the time comes. Of course, this assumes that she is willing to marry the mud-legged person she despises.

"It wasn't him who stole it! Aunt Wang and her family saw that the old man and the others were in jail. They thought that Shen Zhuang would never come back, so they took out the beads and sold them. The money they got from selling the beads was used to build a big house. , and bought a few acres of land. Aunt Wang is a no-nonsense person, and the news broadcast everywhere that her grandson made a fortune after picking up a bead! You will naturally find out when you get back, and immediately join Shen Yuzhu He came to the door to make a fuss, but he almost lost his life." If someone else had stolen the beads, they would have stolen them. I must keep this matter in my stomach and never say it out loud for the rest of my life! Aunt Wang is good, and she spreads it everywhere.

"Cough cough cough..." Xiaoer choked on her own saliva again.

News broadcasts everywhere, my mother, you are really learning and selling now!

"Why are you so careless! You can choke on your saliva!" Mrs. Liu hurriedly helped Xiaoer carry it.

Xiaoer: It’s not because you are too strong in learning!

After she regained her breath, she asked, "Then how did the matter end?"

When Mrs. Liu saw that Xiaoer was fine, she continued: "Aunt Wang's grandson broke his head and couldn't wake up for several days. Aunt Wang said that her grandson was a golden grandson! She asked Shen Zhuang and the others to pay compensation of one thousand taels of silver! No! Just report to the officials and let the officials chop off Shen Yuzhu's head and make her pay for her life! The two of them were afraid when they heard that they were going to report to the officials! How dare they refuse to give money! Shen Zhuang is a bully at home, but a coward outside. !”

"Then you really gave me money? Did you ask for the money from your fourth uncle?" Is that why my fourth aunt ran away from home?

Mr. Shen doesn't have so much money, and Mrs. Shen Zhuang will never use Shen Yuzhu's dowry to compensate.

Where does that money come from? We can only ask Shen Chengzu for it. You can't count on a big house or two bedrooms.

"Ms. Shen Zhuang wants to ask your fourth uncle for a thousand taels of silver. He goes to the shop every day to make trouble and can't do business. But your fourth aunt holds the money, and your fourth aunt insists on not giving out a penny. She said that she has already divided it. Now that they have a family, they only have the obligation to support the elderly, not to wipe the sister-in-law’s ass! It’s okay to pay for the big house and the second house at the same time! Otherwise, there’s no way!”

"What happened next?"

This is the truth, but Shen Zhuang and Shen Yuzhu are not unreasonable people.

Shen Yuzhu has her own land, and all of Shen Zhuang's dowry was given to her. In addition, Shen Zhuang has bought her two pieces of jewelry every year for more than ten years. These things add up to a lot! In the past, the monthly alimony paid by my family to the two elders totaled a lot of money, but they never showed up.

"How could the people from the first and second houses agree! The first family came directly to the imperial capital to seek refuge with Shen Baoer, while the second brother went back to Li's parents' house. Mr. Shen Zhuang went to your fourth uncle's place to make trouble every day, so your fourth uncle gave you a bottle to keep. Give them the medicine to the old man. Your fourth aunt was angry with your fourth uncle because of this. Later, when she found out that your aunt was coming to the imperial capital, she followed your aunt to the imperial capital. When Aunt Wang saw that she had no money, she changed her mind and asked our family to build the house for the two elders. A new house! But the old man didn’t agree! He only said that he didn’t have a tael of silver, but he could cure her grandson. However, if her grandson was cured, Aunt Wang would have to return the pearl, otherwise she would go to the government and let the county Let your lord rule. Anyway, they have already been in jail once, and it will be nothing if they go to jail again!"

"Mr. Shen really said that since they have already been in jail once, it would be okay to go to jail again?"

When did Mr. Shen become such a naughty person?

"That's it, he was so troubled that he couldn't do anything about it. Aunt Wang was also afraid of going to see the official, but she didn't agree to compensate for the beads, saying that the beads would be used to replenish her golden grandson! Shen Zhuang has an old man How could he agree to it despite his support? In the end, the village chief came forward and the land obtained from selling the beads belonged to the Shen Zhuang family, and the house was compensated to Aunt Wang’s grandson.”

It's actually cheaper than these two. And contributed her precious pills! Xiaoer thought to herself.

"But the field and the house are gone. Wang Dafu lost both the field deed and the house deed when he was gambling. When Shen Zhuang found out, she refused and went to make trouble again. She asked Mrs. Wang to compensate her for the land, but Mrs. Wang said no. It's none of her family business! Tell her to ask the people at the gambling shop to get it! How dare Shen Zhuang! This matter will just end like this."

Xiaoer: "This is really a response. It's not my money, and it won't go into my pocket!"

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