"Mom, my fourth aunt is much tougher than you." Xiaoer said with a smile.

"No, your fourth aunt is planning to buy a house in the imperial capital, and then the whole family will move to the imperial capital. Your fourth aunt said that she is afraid of Jie'er's breasts."

"This is good. We all take care of each other." However, Si Fang's family is different from mine. Now the fourth uncle is the only son of the Shen Zhuang family who is confident that he can handle it. It may not be easy to escape from the clutches of the Shen Zhuang family.

In short, imagination is beautiful, but reality is a bit difficult.

Mrs. Lu had thought about it. She would buy a small courtyard in the imperial capital and open an iron shop in the imperial capital. She spent all the money she brought before going back to pick up the two father and son!

She couldn't afford to offend Mr. Shen Zhuang, but she could afford to hide!

The Shen Zhuang family has returned to the village. The second wife of the eldest family must not care about the two elders. Their family will never be able to withstand the full-scale bombing of the Shen Zhuang family. Her husband is a soft-hearted person. She feels that her family's money will be lost sooner or later. , her good life will be ruined sooner or later, so it is best to avoid Shen Zhuang's firepower.

However, some pension money must be left with the clan leader every year, so that the clan leader can send it to the two elders regularly.

She knew that after the last time she was in prison, Shen Zhuang would never dare to come to the Imperial Capital again, to the point where her expression changed when she mentioned the Imperial Capital.

Xiaoer and Mrs. Liu took Mrs. Lu to see the house and shop. It was already September and the weather was still very hot and muggy.

I just bought a courtyard with two entrances and spent nearly two thousand taels. The price of goods in the imperial capital made Lu family lie.

"The weather is really hot! I heard from your mother that it has not rained in the imperial capital for more than three months. This year's food production will definitely be reduced. It seems that we need to save some food at home and buy more. We have enough food, but we don’t know what the coming year will be like.”

Xiao'er glanced at the bright sun above her head and nodded: "It's better to save more. I guess the price of food will rise soon."

There was little rain in the Imperial Capital in autumn, but now she knew from Bai Tian that the rain lasted until winter, and when the first snow fell, there was no trace.

There has been no rain for nearly half a year, which is a typical severe drought.

Lu is a person who does what comes to his mind: "No, in this year of disaster, the price of food keeps changing day by day. Now that the new food is coming soon, everyone is probably waiting for it. I will buy some food first. Anyway, the house is full." Once you buy it, you’ll have a place to put it.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu asked Xiaoer: "How about we prepare more old grains at home? We also need them in the supermarket at home!"

"Mom, don't worry. The manager has already prepared the old grain in the supermarket. The new grain has also been signed with some farmers. When the new grain comes out, we will buy it at the prevailing market price. But it will definitely be more expensive then. It’s a lot! But most of the people who go to the supermarket to buy food have some financial resources, so it’s not good to accumulate too much old food. Fourth Aunt, I’ll ask the manager of the supermarket to leave some for you, so you don’t have to make a trip."

"No, no, it's all out. I can just buy it myself. Besides, I plan to buy more. If you share the food in the supermarket with me, it will disrupt the supermarket's original budget. But listening to what you said, this supermarket manager You are quite careful in your work." Mrs. Lu praised after hearing this.

"That's not bad!" Mrs. Liu smiled and nodded.

The three of them came to the grain and oil store and saw that the shop was full of people. It seems that many people came to buy in advance because they were worried about the rise in grain prices.

As soon as the three of them walked in, Lu discovered that the food in the imperial capital was much better than that in their town.

There are still a lot of high-quality broken rice in the town, but there is very little here, but the price is also more than five cents a pound.

"This rice is too expensive!" Mrs. Lu couldn't help but be speechless when she saw the price of rice.

"Madam, the rice in our shop is already the cheapest in the entire imperial capital! This year's rice production will definitely decrease, and the rice prices in other shops have increased. Only our shop's rice prices have remained unchanged, but starting from tomorrow, the rice prices in our shop will also increase! The supply is limited now." The waiter next to him hurriedly explained after hearing what Lu said.

A woman also knew the market and said directly to the waiter: "Waiter, I want two hundred catties of broken rice, five hundred catties of cornmeal, five hundred catties of black flour, and one hundred catties of white flour."

Mrs. Lu saw that this woman bought so much without saying a word, and judging from the woman's clothes, her family background should be average. Such a woman needs to live a careful life, so she bought so much at once, which proves that the clerk's words are not true. Incorrect.

Mrs. Lu quickly said: "Then I want three hundred catties of medium rice, two hundred catties of fine rice, two hundred catties of corn flour, and three hundred catties of white flour."

Lan and Shen Bao'er were at the other end of the shop and turned their heads when they heard a familiar voice.

When Lan saw the three of them, she lost her voice and said, "Fourth brother and sister, why are you here in the imperial capital?"

And he bought so much rice in the imperial capital. What's the fuss about?

Lan's voice was so loud that everyone in the shop looked over.

Lu replied angrily: "What's wrong with me coming to the imperial capital? Aren't you coming too?"

"What will your parents do when you come to the Imperial Capital? Are you planning to live in the Imperial Capital forever when you buy so much food? Then who will take care of your parents in the future?" Lan's face was filled with the expression "Why are you so unfilial?"

"Sister-in-law, the parents are not just the parents of our fourth room. You, the eldest daughter-in-law, can come to the imperial capital. Why can't I come? I also want to ask you, what will your parents do when you come to the imperial capital? I am a separate person. The parents of a daughter-in-law who comes from home live with you. Who do you think should take care of your parents?" Madam Lu bluntly contradicted her!

After hearing what Lu said, the others looked at Lan with strange eyes.

This person is so shameless. The eldest daughter-in-law is responsible for supporting her parents. At the same time, her parents will leave the ancestral home and the eldest son's field to the eldest son a hundred years later.

"I didn't come to the imperial capital to do anything. Why are you so unreasonable and careless? Why don't you help me serve my parents at home for a while." Seeing that there were more people coming over, Lan felt a little regretful that she was so surprised to see Lu just now. The words came out of my mouth without thinking.

"I'm here to do something too. It's not just your family that has something to do."

"Fourth Aunt, then you should wait until my mother comes home to do it! It's not like my mother won't go back and only leaves two old people at home. How can that be possible? As the saying goes, my parents are not far away. My mother is because I knew you were at home." Shen Baoer saw that everyone was looking at Lan Shi wrongly, and hurriedly helped Lu Shi.

"Okay, I haven't gone to school, so I don't understand why my parents are not traveling far away. I only know that as the eldest grandson of the eldest family member, after the separation, my parents nominally lived with you, but in fact they were all us all year round. I'm taking care of you! You guys are working as slaves in the town, while we and my parents are eating rice bran in the village! Forget it! Sister-in-law, now that you know that I have come out, why don't you go back quickly?"

When the people in the shop heard this, they started to point fingers at Lan and Shen Baoer.

Happy Labor Day, dear readers.

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