As for the status of the concubine, if he is raised by his legitimate wife, then the problem will be solved!

The Prime Minister’s wife felt that it was really amazing that she could think of this way to get the best of both worlds!

Reputation saved! I have a grandson! very nice!

After hearing this, the people present sympathized with Shen Baoer, but others also supported Zhang.

In short, my status as a concubine is not very popular with the main wife.

So even though some people think she is pitiful, they don't sympathize with her because she was forced to degenerate into being a concubine.

When Mrs. Lan saw that the Prime Minister's wife was helping her daughter, she also knew that she was doing it for the sake of the grandson in her daughter's belly. Her daughter really got the right thing this time! When you enter the prime minister's house in the future, your mother will be more valuable than her son, so you won't be able to securely control the real wife! After a long time, I will think of a way to replace it, and then Bao'er will be the serious young lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion! The future is a destiny!

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said to the Prime Minister's wife: "Madam, please save Bao'er, she is pregnant with your golden grandson! She must have fetal force now! Madam, please call the doctor quickly! Otherwise you My grandson is gone.”

"What Jin Sun! A bastard is a bastard!" Zhang struggled hard, but was still held tightly by Lan.

You can't hold on until you die, it's a matter of future wealth and glory!

"That's enough! Shut up! This is my concubine who helped Warner, and she is pregnant with my grandson!" The Prime Minister's wife was dissatisfied when she saw Zhang open her mouth and called her grandson a bastard.

At this time, she saw that the servant had already arrived pushing the cart, and hurriedly asked everyone to get out of the way, and asked people to carry Shen Baoer onto the cart, and quickly sent her back to the house.

At this time, Shen Baoer was in so much pain that he couldn't even listen to other people's words.

"Mom, you can't help this bitch. I won't agree to this vixen's entry! Is a concubine still a concubine without the consent of my wife? I haven't seen her bond of sale. What kind of concubine is this! She is obviously a concubine. A vixen who has sex without a matchmaker! She might be a prostitute from some brothel. For someone like this to enter our Li Mansion is an embarrassment to our Prime Minister's Mansion." She would never allow this bitch to enter the manor to give birth to the child! Born in the mansion, he is the eldest grandson of the Prime Minister's mansion! That would be too cheap for her! That's too much praise for that bastard! Absolutely not!

"Young madam, please don't spit on others! My Bao'er comes from a scholarly family after all, and Bao'er is also the eldest niece of Marquis Shengping! She is the cousin of the Lord of Rui'an County! With my identity, Bao'er, marry She was wronged by being a concubine in the prime minister's house!" When Lan heard that Zhang had slandered Shen Baoer in public, she immediately wrapped Shen Baoer in a gorgeous package.

As soon as Lan's words came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

Everyone looked at Shen Baoer who had just been placed on the trolley with different eyes!

Who is Shengpinghou? Who is the Lord of Ruian County?

He was the first person to breed super rice and super wheat! He is the ancestor of planting two crops of food a year! He is the lifesaver of hundreds of thousands of people in Qinghe County.

This is because the people in the imperial capital only know this! It would be even more incredible if they knew that the water wheel, the high-rotating drum car, and the threshing machine were all invented by Xiaoer.

The people's opinions have changed:

"The niece of Marquis Shengping marries the prime minister's son as a concubine. That's a very good thing!"

"It's just a concubine! I've wronged the cousin of County Lord Rui'an! It's so unreasonable to not let her go back to have a baby now!"

"That's right! Marquis Shengping and Lord Ruian are the pride and role models of our people. How can such a kind person be inferior to his niece? What is Zhang's intention in not letting such a kind person enter the house!"

"Everyone, please get out of the way and let Marquis Shengping's niece return home to give birth to her child! If we delay any longer, we might end up killing two people!"

Everyone gave way.

Lan didn't expect that revealing the identities of Shen Chengyao and Shen Xiaoer would have such a good effect. The people of the Third Family have a high reputation in the hearts of the people of the imperial capital! It seems that I need to establish a good relationship with them again in the future and make good use of them.

Mrs. Lan saw Mrs. Zhang's expression as if she had eaten a fly, and her face was full of pride: Now she wants to see who dares to look down on and bully the two of them!

Mrs. Zhang never imagined that that bitch had such an identity!

Xiaoer was dumbfounded after hearing what the people onlookers said to each other!

When did their family gain such a high reputation among the people?

When did the people of the imperial capital know so clearly?

No! Don’t they know about the master’s great achievements?

But now is not the time to worry about that!

Xiaoer looked at Lan with a look of dismay on her face, and could guess her thoughts with her toes!

We must not let this person use our family to achieve their selfish goals again!

Ruin their family’s reputation!

The cousin of the Lord of Rui'an County is going to be the concubine for the Prime Minister's son? Don't be disgusted with her.

Fortunately, these people cut off their own options and their families early on! Otherwise, given their family's financial situation at the time, it would have been absolutely impossible for them to take the initiative to divorce!

Xiaoer's sweet and calm voice sounded: "I think there is one thing I need to clarify. My family has nothing to do with the pregnant woman or this lady. If they use the reputation of Shengpinghou Mansion to do anything in the future, everyone will Do not believe."

Mrs. Zhang's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Look, everyone, a bitch is a bitch, and she wanted to raise her status by making friends with her, but she was exposed on the spot!"

When the people heard Xiaoer's words, they all looked over and their first thought was: Is this the Lord of Rui'an County? very beautiful! It's like a fairy descending to earth.

The second thing I thought about was what Xiaoer said, it doesn’t matter! These two are too bad!

"I just said, how could a family like Shengpinghou, who is a farmer and a scholar, have a niece who has been a concubine since the Sui Dynasty?"

"Forgetting being a concubine, you still want to pretend to be someone else's niece. How shameless!"

"No, no wonder the young lady of the Prime Minister's residence refuses to admit that she is a concubine. She is really worse than a concubine!"

"Such a woman is a disgrace to women! She should be dragged into a pig pen!"

Shen Baoer has been brought back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to give birth to a son by the servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The Prime Minister's wife had a confused look on her face after hearing these words. She originally wanted to praise this foreign minister, but she unexpectedly pretended to be the niece of the Shengping Hou family. It's better for such idiots to forget it!

She didn't care about the things here anymore and walked away. She still had to watch her eldest grandson be born!

Zhang also took the opportunity to break free from Lan's hand and chased after her.

Lan didn't expect that Xiaoer's words would be so heartless: "Third brothers and sisters, Xiaoer, there were some misunderstandings between our two families in the past, but we are from the same roots, so there is no need to worry about each other!"

"Madam, you are wrong. There is no misunderstanding between us. Our family has broken off the relationship with the person in the second room of the first house. This has been registered in the Yindu District of Shuntian Prefecture. From now on, we should not marry each other anymore. So, we really can’t afford to offend your family.”

After listening to Xiaoer's words, some people also remembered the incident last year when the Shengping Hou family first came to the imperial capital and caused trouble with the government!

So people who knew about the lawsuit told people who didn't know about it. What he said was full of emotion and indignation! Then everyone felt unfair to Shengpinghou's family.

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