"Our two families are brothers with broken bones and connected tendons. There was some misunderstanding at the time..."

"Madam, your daughter is about to be born. Do you really plan to continue discussing this issue with me here? If you are in this mood, I don't have the time! If we don't agree with each other, we will not be in conflict with each other in the future. .”

Xiaoer left these words and called Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lu back to the grain and oil store.

Lan thought of her daughter and stamped her foot. Although she was unwilling to do so, she could only give up. She gritted her teeth and hurried to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

There were still some people in the crowd who gathered together and talked about the past with gusto.

But what the truth is is not important at all to these busybodies. Some gossipy women will even make up some plots in their hearts, and tell them so vividly that they are just like the truth. To them, this is It is considered a kind of entertainment in leisure time.

In the end, Shen Baoer failed to give birth to a son as she wished. After the Prime Minister's wife found out that it was a daughter, she turned around and left without even looking at her granddaughter. A concubine was not worthy of her concern now. It depends on what she will look like when she grows up. Hecai Xue.

However, Shen Baoer finally managed to live in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Originally, the Prime Minister's wife wanted to keep her mother and daughter, but the Prime Minister disagreed. Now the entire Imperial City is paying attention to this matter. If he fails, he will lose all official reputation.

Mrs. Zhang was so angry that Shen Baoer managed to live in her that she fainted. Later, she invited the imperial doctor, but she was diagnosed with good news. Now the Prime Minister's wife became happy again.

For the sake of the son she had longed for, Mrs. Zhang decided to ignore Shen Baoer for the time being. Anyway, she was pregnant and wanted to find a wife to serve her husband. Rather than having one or two more people vying for favor, it would be better to just let Shen Baoer take care of her!

The imperial doctor also said that Shen Baoer's health was damaged by giving birth this time, and it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again in the future.

A concubine without a son, no matter how talented she is, can't make a difference!

She also wanted to understand that the concubine who stayed under her nose was not allowed to be rounded and squashed by her! Want to have a good life? Go ahead and dream!

The weather is getting drier and drier, and there have been water leakage accidents in the Imperial City for several days.

The crops in the fields have been harvested and stored in warehouses a long time ago. Compared with the yield of nearly 1,000 jins per mu, the harvest is only nearly 600 jins per mu! But this is enough to make the people cheer! Some diligent ones can get nearly a hundred or dozens more.

After three months of drought, we are still more productive than before when the weather was good. How can we not be happy about this?

Some farmers said that even if a few loads of water were used to irrigate the fields in the past few months, they still felt it was worth it!

Therefore, although the land is dry and cracked, the people's enthusiasm for farming has not diminished. They are busy plowing the ground, planning to plant winter wheat as usual, and then go to the river to fetch water.

However, the water level of the river is also decreasing every day.

Shangguan Xuanyi, Di Shaowei, Xiaoer, and Shen Chengyao all came out to inspect the drought situation.

The situation is still quite serious.

"Wouldn't it be a waste of wheat seeds to plant winter wheat at this time?" Di Shaowei looked at the cracked land and was worried.

Most of those women who are good at childbearing only have two babies every three years. God, things have only gotten better this year and then natural disasters hit after more than a year. Why is this!

"It's not like there is no water at all now. Irrigating enough water before sowing is a key factor in cultivating strong wheat seedlings and affecting high wheat yields. It doesn't rain, so now we can only rely on manpower, which is a lot of hard work."

Xiaoer and her family grow winter wheat in their fields.

Xiao'er doesn't know if it will rain next spring, but throughout the winter, winter wheat will not need too much water.

Just water it well when sowing, and then do another winter irrigation.

"As for how winter wheat should be irrigated in drought years, let's put up a notice tomorrow morning." Xiaoer felt that there was a better chance of planting it than leaving the land empty.

You can’t just stop doing anything just because it’s not raining!

Thinking of this, Xiaoer thought of something important that needed to be done!

This can be considered a great blessing among misfortunes!

"Let's go to the Huaijiang River to check the water level."

"The North Huai River is almost out of water, and the water level of the Huai River should not be optimistic!" Di Shaowei looked at the bright sun in the sky, and really wanted to imitate Hou Yi and shoot the sun.

"Let's go take a look first." Xiaoer didn't express her thoughts in advance.

"Now? I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the city in the evening." Shen Chengyao frowned.

"Go now and send someone to bring a message to mother. If you can't come back tonight, you will spend the night at the inn." Then Xiaoer explained the irrigation method of Xiaofuzi's winter wheat and asked him to arrange for someone to put up a notice tomorrow morning.

Then a few people rushed to the edge of the Huaijiang River.

"Look, the water level has dropped by more than half. In another month, even the Huaijiang River may be dry!"

Xiaoer saw that the water level of the Huaijiang River had dropped by more than half, but she smiled: "This is better and more convenient."

If others heard Xiaoer's words, they might think she was crazy.

But the three people present knew that Xiaoer would not say this for no reason, so they all looked at her.

"Girl, what feats have you accomplished again?" Dishaowei's heart unconsciously filled with anticipation.

This is the emotion that comes from having absolute trust in a person's abilities.

Shangguan Xuanyi guessed it. He looked at this moat with eager eyes.

The Huaijiang River was a large river that divided the Minze Dynasty from the north to the south. The entire territory of the Minze Dynasty was divided into two parts by this river.

The Huaijiang River has two tributaries, one flowing north is called the North Huaijiang River; the other flowing south is called the Nanhuai River.

"This year's labor will start soon, right? I'm going to build a bridge on the Huai River."

Mao Zedong once said: "A bridge flies from north to south, and a natural chasm becomes a thoroughfare."

She also wants to build a bridge like this here!

A bridge of great significance as a milestone in the history of bridges in the world.

It coincided with a severe drought and the water level was extremely low. It was just the right time, location, and people.

"Build a bridge across the Huaijiang River? How is this possible! Girl, do you know how wide the Huaijiang River is!"

"Why is it impossible? Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing to do it! Although it is a little difficult, it is not completely impossible. However, to accomplish this feat, it really requires God to be kind and drought for a while." Xiaoer will not underestimate the wisdom of ancient people. There are many buildings in ancient times that modern times cannot explain how they were built. Building a bridge is not too difficult.

Besides, the Huaijiang River is not as wide as the longest river in modern times.

The water was too deep, and there was nothing she could do about it. The water was much shallower, and would continue to get shallower. It was almost reaching the depth of an ordinary river, so she came up with this idea.

"Xiao'er, a big river like the Huaijiang River doesn't know how deep it is in the middle..."

"Whether the bridge can be built or not, we will know after trying it. There will not be a severe drought every year. Even if there is a severe drought, the water level in the Huaijiang River will not be so low every time. We cannot miss this opportunity!"

"Build! And not just one!" Shangguan Xuanyi made the final decision!

Within the territory of the Minze Dynasty, the Huaijiang River flowed through two major prefectures and several counties.

If time permits, one will be built in every county! Not to be missed!

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