"Can it really be built?" Di Shaowei felt his blood boiling.

"It's possible!" Xiao'er didn't finish her sentence.

"Okay, I, Dishaowei, donated one of them to build one!" Dishaowei waved his hand, and the trench became inhumane. Who made him become the richest man in the family in the past two years! He has the ability to spend a lot of money to do good things!

"We will also donate to build one." Shen Chengyao felt that it was worth spending money on such a major event.

After all, once the bridge is built, it will bring convenience to many people. It is simply unimaginable!

"Well, the preliminary estimate is that each bridge will cost one hundred thousand taels of silver to build!" Xiaoer glanced at her extremely heroic father.

He probably thought that ten thousand taels would make it happen!

"What?! So expensive?! Xiao'er, do you have so much money at home?" Shen Chengyao looked at Xiao'er subconsciously. He didn't expect to need so much money. He hadn't looked at the family's account books for a long time. They were all in charge of the Liu family, and he didn't know how much property the family had in total.

Liu and Xiaoer are also responsible for most of the shop accounts.

He only knew that his monthly salary was not enough to meet his family's daily expenses.

And he himself would go out with one hundred taels of silver notes and ten taels of broken silver every day, and return them intact when he returned home.

"Marquis Shengping, you don't even know how much money you have at home? Don't worry! There is a fortune-telling girl in your family, so there is no shortage of money!" Di Shaowei was a little surprised when he heard Shen Chengyao's words, but after thinking about it for a while, he took it for granted.

Every family is headed by the mistress, and his father probably doesn't know how much property the family has.

"Don't worry, dad! We can still donate money to build a bridge." Xiaoer also nodded to Shen Chengyao.

One hundred thousand taels, this was not the only amount she got on the pirate ship.

The four returned to the inn, and Shangguan Xuanyi took out a map to discuss the location of the Huaijiang Bridge with the three.

After a night of discussion, the four of them considered many factors. Finally, it was decided to build four Huaijiang Bridges. After comprehensive consideration, the last four were the most convenient for people.

Shangguan Xuanyi plans to use his private house to build one. It is impossible for the national treasury to fund the construction of two bridges on the Huaihe River. The money from the treasury has too many uses.

Xiaoer saw a large plain in Pingzhou County from the map. If it were a field, it would be thousands of hectares of fertile land!

The Nanhuai River is more than two thousand meters away from this plain.

"This plain is prone to flooding, right?" Xiaoer's tone was 90% certain.

"Well, during the rainy season, the Nanhuai River is more likely to lack embankments. In severe cases, there may even be no harvest." Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the place pointed by Xiaoer's finger.

The imperial court really loved and hated this piece of land! There should be thousands of hectares of fertile land, but there are floods every year.

Xiaoer nodded and secretly decided to find some time to see the actual situation.

See if there are any fields for sale. Such a flat field is close to the water source. It is really the best farmland. I am not afraid to buy it for any amount.

As for flooding, it's not a big problem.

She took the opportunity to see if some water conservancy projects could be built according to local conditions, which would help prevent annual floods.

The next day, after Xiao Fuzi arrived with people from the Ministry of Industry, they went to the Huaihe River in Yangchun County for a field trip.

Looking at the broad river surface, Mr. Li, Minister of Industry, and his subordinates looked at me and I looked at you, but they hesitated to speak.

"If you adults have anything to say, just say it directly." Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head and watched Xiaoer carefully recording some data with a pen. He seemed to have eyes behind him, watching the movements of several officials from the Ministry of Industry. In the eyes.

"Sixth Prince, can such a long bridge really be built?" And four of them at once? What should I do if I realize halfway through my cultivation that I can’t continue? In the end, it won't end up wasting people and money, right?

"I don't know, give it a try." Shangguan Xuanyi seemed to say that the dish didn't taste good and just put it down.

have no idea? ! Give it a try? ! The people from the Ministry of Industry wailed inwardly after hearing this.

When did the Sixth Prince become so unreliable?

Four bridges must be built at the same time. How much money will the national treasury have to spend?

What should you do if you find that it can’t be built halfway through?

The money in the treasury is not brought by strong winds!

After wasting so much money from the national treasury, they are still going to be bombed to death by Yan Guan and Hu Bu's men?

If you want to do something that requires money in the future, you will definitely not be able to do it.

And the Ministry of Finance would never agree to withdraw so much money.

"Sixth Prince, I have the guts to talk too much. These bridges cannot be built!"

"Yes, Sixth Prince, no one has ever built such a long bridge in history. If you build a suspension bridge, you can still consider it, but building a bridge that can be crossed by carriages and horses, how is that possible! Moreover, large ships can pass under the bridge. It does not affect shipping, which has never happened before!”

"Sixth Prince, the bridges that can be crossed by carriages and horses are all stone bridges and wooden bridges. They are all built on some small rivers. The Huaijiang River is so long. I can't wait. There is really no way!"

Shangguan Xuanyi saw the real concern in the eyes of several officials from the Ministry of Industry and said: "Master Di, Marquis Shengping, and I will all donate to build one of them. The national treasury only needs to fund the construction of one bridge."

After hearing this, several officials from the Ministry of Industry had nothing to worry about. After being built, these Huaijiang bridges will not only promote the economic development of the north and south, but also facilitate millions of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. With such a great political achievement, they Even if you don't sleep, you have to keep a close eye on it and try your best to build it!

"I will do my best to build these bridges!"

"Yes, we must finish it before the river level rises!"

In response to their words, Shangguan Xuanyi nodded lightly, "Let's go to the next place!"

During the day, the group conducted on-site inspections. In the evening, Xiaoer, Shangguan Xuanyi and other three people discussed the design of the bridge together in the study.

Of course, Xiaoer is mainly responsible for the design, while the other three people provide her with some information and data.

After working for more than ten days, the entire bridge was finally designed. At this time, the construction materials and staff for the first Yangchun Huaijiang Bridge at the junction of Yangdan County and Huaichun County were all in place, and construction officially began.

Xiaoer also held a ribbon-cutting and foundation-laying ceremony, and Shangguan Xuanyi attended.

The people were very happy when they knew that a bridge was to be built or such a long bridge was to be built. Even if they don't have to work, many people take the initiative to help, even if it's transporting sand and gravel or moving cement!

Xiaoer had also written to Foreman Liang a long time ago asking him to come to the imperial capital to build a bridge.

After these bridges were built, even if a worker was responsible for carrying sand, as long as he said that he had participated in the construction of the Yangchun Huaijiang Bridge, there would be people clamoring to hire him to do the work.

For such a good thing, of course you have to take care of your acquaintances.

Besides, Foreman Liang is both talented and passionate about construction. This is a great opportunity for learning and practice.

I hope that this bridge construction incident can cultivate a few talents. The country is in great need of prosperous industries and is in great need of professional and technical personnel.

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