In the court

Prime Minister Li only found out last night that the Ministry of Industry was going to build four bridges on the Huaijiang River at the same time!

Build four bridges over the Huaijiang River! What a big deal!

And as the only prime minister in this dynasty, he can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. He actually didn't know about this until the construction of the first bridge started!

This is simply unreasonable!

The people in the Ministry of Industry did not take the Prime Minister seriously!

Such a big thing! Forget it, I didn’t even ask him for his opinion! Construction has already started without telling him! He was not even invited to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony!

Where is his face?

snort! Construction of the bridge started without the consent and consultation of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty! How can this be done!

"Your Majesty, most sections of the Huaijiang River are less than one mile wide, and some are even more than one mile wide! Everyone calls it a moat, a trench! Building a bridge on the Huaijiang River is simply more difficult than climbing into the sky! I think we should get off immediately The purpose is to order the Ministry of Industry to stop work, so as not to waste people and money!" Prime Minister Li said clearly.

As soon as Prime Minister Li finished speaking, all the civil and military officials agreed!

joke! All the money in the treasury has been spent by the Ministry of Industry! They have achieved such great political achievements, so what money do they use to earn political achievements?

"Your Majesty, is it possible to climb Qingtian? No! Therefore, it is impossible to build the bridge over the Huaijiang River! Your Majesty, while it has just begun, you must stop it quickly! The loss will not be too serious! This is absolutely impossible. ! How much manpower and material resources will be wasted every day if we continue! Not only can the national treasury not be able to bear it, but we also need to prevent people from complaining!"

"Your Majesty, God is not kind. It has not rained for a long time. After a severe drought, there will be floods. This is the troubled autumn of the country. Every penny of the treasury must be used wisely. Building a bridge on the Huaijiang River is useless. It’s different from throwing money directly into the river and never getting it back! After a natural disaster, if the people know that most of the money is spent on repairing bridges, resulting in insufficient money to fight the disaster, how can we, as parents and officials, face the people? Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"Your Majesty, I feel that building a bridge across the Huaijiang River is of great economic, political and historical significance. This is a major event that will benefit the present and will benefit the future! If it can be built, such a great achievement will go down in the annals of history. Paint the bridge with strong colors! Of course such a big thing should be done, but Wei Chen believes that doing big things also needs to be done within one's ability, so it is enough to build only one bridge. Building four bridges at the same time is really a great achievement!" This minister also said Individual talents know how to promote first and then suppress.


"Okay! The ministers think that building a bridge across the Huaijiang River is impossible, a waste of manpower and material resources, and a waste of money and people, right?" The emperor quickly stopped them from talking. Your Majesty, his head hurt from their noise.

"I think this is an unwise move. The money from the national treasury bears the heavy responsibility of the people of our dynasty and the stability and peace of Minze country. We really can't just consider one place. The sage said: Those who have a country and a family will not worry about being widowed. We are not worried about poverty but worry about insecurity. We have many blessings in the imperial court, and the emperor cannot favor one over the other! I sincerely ask the emperor to take back his life!" Prime Minister Li said with great righteousness, as if he was concerned about the country and the country.

"This behavior of the Ministry of Industry is really suspected of deceiving the world and stealing the reputation. I beg the Emperor to take a clear look."

"I understand, but you don't have to worry. I only helped the Ministry of Industry to pay for a bridge. Moreover, Li Shangshu and the Sixth Prince have always been reliable in their work, so the bridge should be able to be built." The emperor said.

"The treasury only allocated money for one bridge? What about the other three bridges?" Prime Minister Li was stunned.

Where did those people from the Ministry of Works find so much money to build the bridge?

To build three bridges, it would cost hundreds of thousands taels no matter what!

Even the Sixth Prince wouldn't be able to come up with hundreds of thousands of taels at once!

etc! If all four bridges are successfully built, it will be a great achievement, and the vacancy of the right prime minister may no longer be empty.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry has always been at odds with him. If he were to be on an equal footing with him, he would be extremely frustrated in the future.

Prime Minister Li secretly glanced at the emperor on the dragon throne: Are the remaining three bridges the emperor's money from his own treasury?

Have you been too ahead of yourself lately? Did the emperor feel afraid of him?

So he took this opportunity to promote the Minister of Industry to restrain himself?

He thought about the emperor's behavior towards him in the recent period, and found that except for the fact that his son had a wife as a concubine, and he blamed himself, there was nothing wrong with him.

However, your heart is unpredictable, and accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. You must be more careful in the future.

"The other three bridges were donated by the Sixth Prince, Di Shaowei, and Marquis Shengping respectively." After the emperor said this, he began to admire the expressions of the officials.

Sure enough, they all blushed!

The emperor then spoke: "The treasury is only responsible for the cost of the Jingning-Ninghuai River Bridge. After the bridge is completed, you will need to collect tolls to cross the bridge. You can rest assured that if you throw your money on the Huaijiang River, you will never look back! Once the bridge is built, you will never look back. After the construction is completed, all the ministers must not forget to pay or give a reward when they cross the bridge, so that the money paid by the treasury can be recovered within a few years."

After hearing this, Prime Minister Li not only blushed, but also felt a little ashamed.

No wonder he didn't know anything about such a big thing beforehand.

Didn't the Sixth Prince deliberately embarrass himself?

All the civil and military officials said in embarrassment that they would never cross the bridge without paying money.

But what does the emperor mean by this? Could it be that someone in the mansion was taking the official route and not paying road and bridge tolls, and the emperor found out? You have to do some hard work when you go back. You must not let yourself be associated with the term corrupt officials just because of these few pennies.

When you hear Jingning Huaijiang Bridge, you will know that this bridge is built on the Huaijiang River flowing through Jingning County!

Jingning County and the Imperial City face each other across the river. After the Jingning-Huaijiang Bridge is repaired, people from the two cities will have to pass through the Jing-Ning-Huaijiang Bridge when going south or north unless they choose to take a boat.

Of the four bridges on the Huaijiang River, the Jingning-Nanjing Huaijiang Bridge definitely has the largest passenger flow. Even though the road and bridge tolls are only one or two cents, it is like a pagoda with tens of thousands of people crossing the river every day. Are you still worried about not being able to earn back the money from this bridge? !

Anyway, every businessman who operates passenger ships on the Huaijiang River is extremely rich.

Facts have also proved that don't underestimate these road and bridge tolls. Ever since the Sixth Prince proposed to use cement to build official roads and collect tolls, people from the Ministry of Revenue were surprised when they summed up this amount of money at the end of last year.

After the official roads across the country are repaired, the income will be even more considerable.

The civil and military officials began to change their tune again, praising the benefits of these bridges after they were completed, and praising the Sixth Prince and others for how they care about the country and love the people like sons.

He also said that he was from a small family and had a lot of money, so he could not afford so much money, but after the bridge was repaired, he would definitely walk on the bridge more times, pay more tolls, and add bricks and tiles to the Jingning-Ninghuai River Bridge!

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