Time is running like water, the drought is becoming more and more serious, the weather is cooling and there is still no rain or snow. Such days are really exciting and worrying. The good news is that several bridges on the Huaijiang River can be completed smoothly, but the bad news is that winter will soon turn to spring, and if the earth is still dry, there will really be no harvest.

Thousands of people are working day and night on the Huaijiang River. The Jingning-Ningbo Huaijiang Bridge, which took several months to complete, is the first of several bridges to be completed and can be used today.

The emperor said that he would go to the Jingning-Ninghuai River Bridge this morning! Look at how much of a shock this bridge, which has epoch-making significance in terms of economy, politics, and history, can bring to people!

The emperor and the officials of the Manchu Dynasty attended the passage ceremony on this day in person. There were people standing at both ends of the bridge. It was like a sea of ​​people. Everyone wanted to take a walk on the bridge and try out how strong the bridge is, which is said to be able to stand for a hundred years!

The bridge at this time looks like an extraordinary crouching dragon from a distance, spanning the water of the Huaijiang River, shuttling in the morning fog and sunshine. The majestic and proud figure of the long dragon is particularly impressive on the sparkling Huaijiang River. Spectacular and mysterious! It’s like a dream, like a road to heaven!

Xiao'er took into account that in this era, most vehicles were pulled by manpower or horse power rather than motorized vehicles. There were approach bridges more than 100 meters long on each side of the north and south banks. The bridge approaches at both ends were slightly longer, so the whole bridge looked longer and more colorful. momentum.

This bridge, which in modern times is definitely not ranked among the best in terms of length, has been regarded as a miracle and an unachievable feat by everyone in this era!

In fact, with the progress of mankind, all records set by predecessors are meant to be broken, so Xiaoer believes that this will not be the longest bridge in the world, this is just the beginning! This is just a good beginning for the history of bridge development in this world! There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. She believes that in the near future, someone will be able to step on this shoulder and build a longer and better bridge.

Seeing the Jingning-Ninghuai River Bridge proudly crossing the entire Huaijiang River, the momentum was like a rainbow and the majesty was extraordinary. The emperor was filled with pride. With great excitement, he solemnly took the first step, as if to complete the project. What a solemn and serious thing.

The emperor was so solemn that the officials and people who had been responsible for repairing the bridge behind him could not help but blush.

The emperor's move is the highest recognition of their hard work and the deepest respect for the crystallization of their wisdom!

The emperor walked very slowly every step, and even reached out to touch the bridge railings as if he were touching a rare treasure - carefully and unable to put it down! None of the officials following the emperor felt that the emperor was walking slowly. Even the people waiting on both sides of the river, hoping to cross the bridge quickly, all felt that the emperor was walking like this!

Such an impossible achievement, such a great project, such a crystallization of the blood, sweat and wisdom of so many people day and night, should be worthy of being valued, treated, cherished and respected by the world!

Before the emperor crossed the bridge, all the civil and military officials, as well as the densely packed people on both sides of the strait, all praised the bridge. The scene was full of noise! But at this moment, the whole place was silent. No one made a sound. They all waited quietly and devoutly for the emperor to cross this longest bridge in history and the greatest in their hearts.

The emperor walked very slowly. The sea breeze on the river was strong, cold and bone-cutting, but he felt that the blood in his body was boiling!

Under the dynasty he ruled, every village and every impossible thing happened!

He was not just crossing the bridge at the moment! Every step he takes leads to a higher and better place! He is walking on the bridge to prosperity, a rich country and a strong military!

The emperor looked at the many auspicious patterns and fables carved on the bridge railings on the sidewalk, such as the golden rooster crowing, the winter plum blossoms proud of the snow, the wall being cut to steal the light, the sky rising higher and higher, the magpies climbing the branches, the fish leaping over the dragon gate, the flowers blooming and wealth, etc., Wei Wei Nodding, everything is thriving!

A bridge connects the north and the south, turning the natural chasm into a thoroughfare!

Finally, the emperor led hundreds of officials across the bridge. The people on both sides cheered in unison, and then surged up like a flood. Suddenly, the bridge was filled with densely packed people. Many people stood on both sides of the bridge and looked at the Huaijiang River. The scenery was amazing. If the people behind them hadn't rushed them, those who had taken a good seat would have even wanted to sleep here.

Sleeping on the longest bridge in the world is a glorious experience.

The completion of such a bridge is of great significance. Economically speaking, it will bring infinite convenience to north-south freight; politically speaking, it will make Yum support and love the imperial court even more; historically speaking, such a bridge , unprecedented in history, and will last forever!

"There are so many people standing on the bridge, and the bridge is not broken. Look, how strong the bridge we built is!" Di Zhaowei looked at the bridge as proudly as he looked at his own son.

After hearing this, Xiaoer rolled her eyes at him! If it breaks so easily, the bridge should not have been built in the first place. Not only is it a waste of manpower and material resources, it is also embarrassing and harmful to people's lives.

"You're so good at it? Now you're satisfied with it! Don't worry! This bridge will outlive you! How can it be broken so easily!" How many reinforced concrete and steel pipe piles were used in the whole bridge, and how many times it was carried out She had forgotten to intercept the flow and even dig embankments to divert the flow so that the piles could be driven well and the foundations of these bridge piers could be laid firmly! It’s so unreasonable that such a bridge can be broken so easily!

"In less than half a month, the remaining three bridges will be completed. At that time, a monument will be built at the head of the bridge, and the names of the people who built each bridge and those who contributed to these bridges will be engraved on the monument. , Let generations of people know: whose blood and sweat, and whose selfless dedication allowed them to pass through this natural chasm so safely and conveniently!" The emperor said while looking at the cheerful people on the bridge.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry nodded, feeling extremely happy. Now he would not be able to remain famous for eternity!

When Prime Minister Li and some officials heard this, the smiles on their faces froze. If they had known that there was talk of building a monument, they would have donated some money so that their names could be engraved on it and be remembered forever!

Even if they did a lot of good things for Yum when they were officials, who among the people would still remember them a hundred years later, but the monument on this bridge is different. The names engraved on it are really lasting, as long as the monument remains. Now, generations of people can see the names above!

I never thought such a bridge could actually be built! Many officials felt sad looking at the bridge! They missed an opportunity to be famous in history!

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