There were only a few winter snows this year, not heavy and not thick! It is said that auspicious snow heralds a good year, but this year's autumn drought and scarce winter snow have made the people very worried!

The New Year is over, and after the New Year’s meal, it’s time to plow the fields.

Many people look at the sky every day, expecting dark clouds to cover the sky and heavy rain to pour down!

That night, a loud thunderbolt woke up countless people in their sleep.

The pattering spring rain finally came as people burned incense and worshiped Buddha every day.

Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief. The drought was so severe that even drinking water was a problem, and people fled one after another. That was enough.

The next day, the heavy rain was still falling outside the window, and Shangguan Xuanyi stood in the imperial study room waiting for the emperor's approval.

"Build embankments and beams, clear ditches and rivers, carry out rivers, stabilize water banks, and break blockades at the right time. Even though the years are bad, floods and droughts can be defeated, so that the people can work hard..." The emperor looked at the 10,000 acres of Taiping County handed over by Shangguan Xuanyi. The farmland and water conservancy construction plan whispered.

"This plan is good. Has Mr. Li, Minister of Industry, read it?" After the emperor read it, he raised his head and asked Shangguan Xuanyi.

"No, this is the water conservancy plan that Shengpinghou's family bought in Taiping County. In order not to lose money, they specially designed the water conservancy plan according to local conditions. The son saw that the idea was clever and he could learn from each other's strong points to make up for his shortcomings. It had the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort in farming. Father, take a look."

Xiaoer's water conservancy plan is naturally not just a plan for her family's 600 acres of land, but also a plan for the entire fertile land.

Dishaowei also sent people to buy 300 acres. In the near future, he said that he had bought less and suffered a big loss! If you didn’t get a big advantage, it’s not a loss!

After this water conservancy project is completed, it will not only regulate water and soil, prevent floods and waterlogging, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, but also provide better timely and appropriate irrigation of crops.

In her previous life, Xiaoer had seen such a water conservancy plan in a small town in the south. Every year during spring plowing and transplanting and rice heading, the reservoir will open the gate and release water, supplying water to the flat field through an artificial river more than one meter wide and countless small rivers. The population of that town was very large. Even when the land was divided into households, there were not many people in the family. The children born later had no land. The family of four only had more than one acre of land, but they would not go hungry, and they even had enough food to raise poultry. , which shows how productive that field is!

Now Xiao'er is following a water conservancy plan like that. The project is large and expensive, but the money obtained from the pirate ship is just used in this matter that benefits the country and the people.

This can not only provide a job for the people of Taiping County, but also improve the flood situation of the fields they bought, and can also bring good news to the landowners of this flat field. It really kills three birds with one stone.

"Tomorrow we will show it to the Minister of Industry and learn from it. Then we will see if other counties and towns can adopt such a method and adapt measures to local conditions to bring convenience to the people."

"Yes. My father's term as magistrate of Taiping County has expired. I heard from Lord Fang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and sent Chen Jin, a new scholar from last year, to take over."

After hearing this, the emperor was thinking about who Chen Jin was, and then thought that he was Prime Minister Li's staff. Prime Minister Li's faction was already big enough, and Chen Jin could not go.

"Chen Jin is not suitable, send Shen Zixuan." The emperor thought for a moment and said.

Shen Zixuan was serving in the Hanlin Academy at this time. He would be decentralized for a few years, make some political achievements, and then be recalled and directly join the cabinet! The emperor thought.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded after hearing this. Without this water conservancy plan, Chen Jin would be suitable, but now it is not possible. Originally, he planned to send Li Zhewei there. This was an opportunity to show off his political achievements, but Shen Zixuan was fine too.

He thought of the familiarity he had seen with that girl and Shen Zixuan's love for that girl, and felt a little sad in his heart. This man had watched that girl grow up, and he probably hugged her a lot when he was a child. ! Definitely have to be sent out! Stay far away and come back in a few years. By then, that girl should marry him.

In the morning of the next day, Prime Minister Li indeed brought up the matter of Taiping County Magistrate, saying that sending Chen Jin there was inappropriate.

Taiping County suffers from floods every year, but the fertile farmland is tax-free! Chen Jin is his favorite disciple, and he must not be ruined in that barren land!

The emperor nodded and asked Prime Minister Li who should be sent.

"Back to the emperor, I think it is more appropriate to go to Shen Zhongshushe. He is from a farming family and knows more about teaching and farming. In the imperial examination, he ranked one higher than Chen Jin. It can be seen that his ability is more outstanding and he will definitely be able to do it. Great for the post of magistrate of Taiping County! It will bring good news to the people there. Compared with Shen Zhongshu, Chen Jin is less talented and less knowledgeable, and I think he is not qualified for the job!"

The emperor nodded: "What the Prime Minister said is true, then send Shen Zhongshu!"

The Minister of Personnel, the Minister of Industry, and the Minister of Hubu were stunned when they heard the emperor's words.

Even Prime Minister Li felt that the emperor agreed too readily.

Then the emperor appointed Mr. Li, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, as the Right Prime Minister, and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry was promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. Shen Chengyao not only continued to serve as Nong Zhengqing, but also served as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry!

As soon as the emperor said these words, the whole court was in an uproar!

They have no objection to the Minister of Works being the Prime Minister, and it’s okay for the Minister of Works to be the Minister! But Marquis Shengping becomes the minister of the Ministry of Industry? Did the emperor put too much emphasis on Marquis Shengping?

Shen Chengyao was born in a peasant family, how could he hold two positions!

Those of them with a professional background are not treated like this.

The words of civil and military officials asking the emperor to think twice kept coming one after another!

The emperor had long expected this situation and asked the eunuch to circulate the water conservancy planning map from last night to the ministers.

The ministers were filled with admiration after seeing this water conservancy plan!

The Minister of Industry and Industry is always "wonderful".

Prime Minister Li looked at this water conservancy plan and felt a big regret in his heart!

No wonder the emperor deserved to be so happy just now! Sure enough, there must be a monster when something goes wrong!

"Everyone knows what kind of contribution the Shengpinghou family has made in the construction of the four Huaijiang bridges. It can be said that without Shengpinghou Mansion, there would not be those bridges! The current water conservancy planning map also comes from Shengpinghou Mansion. I have always known how to make good use of people, and I believe that those who are capable work hard. Whoever can make such a water conservancy plan or a better plan will be appointed as the minister of the Ministry of Works. I have absolutely no objection! What do you think, dear ladies?"

"The emperor is wise and the ministers have no objections!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! I feel that Marquis Shengping deserves to be the Minister of the Ministry of Works!"

Shen Chengyao never expected that he would be promoted again! From then on, he also started to go to court early! He felt guilty! You know what you are capable of!

"Can I not be this official?" After receiving the imperial edict and sending away the eunuch, Shen Chengyao asked Xiaoer with a sad face.

"Dad, do you want to resist the decree?" Xiaoer's words made Shen Chengyao faint!

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