The hundreds of acres of land that Xiaoer bought in Taiping County were left vacant this season, and then Manager Xie and Foreman Liang were asked to find people to repair the water conservancy first, and strive to complete the land after the autumn harvest, so that they could plant winter wheat in the second half of the year.

Shen Zixuan was about to go to Taiping County to take up his post. Before departure, he came to Shengping Marquis Mansion to say goodbye.

When Shangguan Xuanyi arrived, he saw the two of them sitting in the front hall, talking happily.

Xiaoer was talking to Shen Zixuan about water conservancy planning and what should be done if the water level of the Nanhuai River rises too much during the rainy season this year and there is a risk of lacking embankments.

"Don't let the flood break out of the embankment on its own initiative. Should we actively guide part of the flood flow?" Shen Zixuan looked at the place pointed by Xiaoer's finger.

"Yes, if we take the initiative to lack dikes here, we will share the pressure of this large plain being washed away by floods." Xiaoer explained while pointing at the map with her finger.

"The area here is mostly filled with mountains, lakes, and swamps. It can be said that the land is vast and sparsely populated. When it is flooded, it will be flooded! Besides, these lands have the ability to store water! When the time comes, go and resettle the people there. If there is a hole here, the pressure on the dike on the other side of the plain will not be as great, and the flood will not be as ferocious as before. There will always be a hole in the dike anyway, and of course it will be filled in a place with sparsely populated areas and the least damage!"

Shen Zixuan nodded, it sounded like this, but he still needed to conduct an on-site inspection after taking office.

Xiaoer knew that it was enough for him to listen. In the face of disaster, we cannot stop it from coming. We can only deal with it with as little loss and casualties as possible.

"There is a folk saying that after a severe drought there will be floods. There was little rain and snow from May last year to March this year, and the cracks in the cracked land are still there. This year may be another disaster year."

"I don't know, it shouldn't be possible. By the way, after the flood, the carcasses of those animals must be disposed of, so that the people must remember not to eat them, and the water must be boiled before drinking! Otherwise, it is easy to contract the plague."

Shen Zixuan nodded. There are often plagues after floods, and he has heard of them.

Many doctors also discovered that the source of the plague was eating animal corpses, but they did not stop drinking raw water.

He also thinks Xiao'er's words make sense. It is estimated that the plague poison can grow on its own in water. Anyway, it's best to boil it and drink it.

Thinking about it, it should be like eating the leftovers from a summer dinner, reheating them, and then not touching them, then you can stay overnight, and the food will change the taste the next day.

"What are you talking about?" Shangguan Xuanyi stepped in.

Shen Zixuan saw him and stood up to salute. Xiaoer asked happily: "We are discussing the water conservancy construction in Taiping County, why is Brother Shangguan here?"

"Take you out to see a place. Are you not free?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Shen Zixuan after saying this.

How could Shen Zixuan not understand the truth? When the Sixth Prince looked at him with cold eyes, he quickly said wisely: "I have to go back and pack my bags. Xiaoer takes leave."

Xiaoer stood up, smiled and nodded: "Goodbye, brother Zixuan."

Shen Zixuan left in a hurry, wondering where the sixth prince's hostility towards him came from.

After Shen Zixuan walked away in a hurry, Xiaoer looked at someone with an unhappy face in a funny way: "Didn't you say you would take me to see a place? You won't go?"

"Brother Zixuan? Are you familiar with him?" She only called herself brother Shangguan! Surnames and first names, near and far, relatives and friends appear immediately!

"Well, I'm a young girl. If the emperor hadn't given me the marriage, my father would have betrothed me to him." Xiaoer nodded and said seriously.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face turned completely dark after hearing this. He sat down, poured a cup of tea himself, took a sip, and said coldly: "Young plum horse? It seems that Shen Zixuan should not return to the imperial capital in this life!" "

"Pfft! Are you jealous? Brother Zixuan is the elder brother of us brothers and sisters. When we were young, brother Zixuan took great care of us brothers and sisters. Brother Zixuan also saved my life. Besides, brother Zixuan has someone he likes. I heard My fourth aunt said that the village chief’s wife is planning to come to the imperial capital to propose marriage to him! Brother Shangguan, you are so jealous that you can’t understand why.”

Another one is getting married? So envious! Shangguan Xuanyi's face looked better after hearing this, "Even my brother can't be too close, after all he's not a biological brother!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer ignored his words, which was simply unreasonable.

"Didn't you say you would take me to see a place? Where? Let's go!" Xiaoer changed the subject, took his hand and walked out.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't care about her not replying to him. He watched her little hand holding his big hand, and he couldn't help but gradually turn up the corners of his mouth as he followed the little girl.

Shangguan Xuanyi brought Xiaoer to a mansion.

"Brother Shangguan is going to leave the palace and set up a mansion?" Xiaoer asked, looking at the pair of solemn stone lions in front of the door and the thick red lacquer door.


"Do you still need a piece of paiwan for the Sixth Prince's Mansion? Can I write one and give it to you?"

"You're not giving it to me. This is our home, and you have a share in it! Go in and have a look."

Xiaoer: "..."

Isn’t this a matter of ten strokes and not even one stroke?

Xiao Fuzi opened the door of the mansion, and Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer's hand and walked in. This was his and her future home, and he had to hold her hand to go in and look at it together, and discuss together what areas needed to be renovated.

The residences given by the emperor to his sons were all in this area. The imperial capital city was specially expanded and this green land of green mountains was enclosed within the city, specifically for the construction of the residences of the princes.

Shangguan Xuanyi's sixth prince's mansion is not the largest among the seven princes' mansions, but it is definitely the best. During the construction, he specially invited many talented people and strangers to come and make suggestions. Shangguan Xuanhao had repeatedly offered to trade with him on the pretext that his mansion was much larger than his own, and he even proposed the terms of ceding land and paying compensation, but he did not agree.

The residences of the princes are regulated and are built according to the specifications of the residences of the emperor's descendants. The entire sixth prince's residence covers an area of ​​40,000 square meters and is run through by strict axes and composed of multiple courtyards.

The number and form of facades and houses, and the color of roof tiles are all regulated, but the gardens can be arranged at will.

The entire Sixth Prince's Mansion is solemn and majestic, with ingenious layout, ingenious workmanship, and intertwined pavilions, which fully embodies the exquisiteness and majesty of the royal residence. The golden walls are splendid, but it still has the elegance, warmth, convenience and practicality of a home.

After Xiaoer's feet were weak, she had to admit that as far as classical architecture is concerned, it is simply impeccable!

The winding paths lead to secluded places, with flowers and trees in the Zen room, rockeries, flowing water, and clear water. There is also a river-viewing tower surrounded by mountains and rivers.

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