It is the beautiful time of the year when flowers and trees are growing everywhere in the garden, and lotuses are showing their sharp corners in the scenery of lakes and mountains.

"I can make this garden more prosperous and full of vitality all year round!" Xiaoer is very satisfied with this big garden!

"Okay, not just the garden, but the entire mansion, you can decorate it however you like." Shangguan Xuanyi had a doting smile on his face.

The garden of Shengpinghou Mansion is very well decorated.

In the days that followed, Xiaoer spent time every now and then on decorating this garden.

Every flower, plant, and tree was carefully thought out by her, and she would take the florist to give her personal guidance, or plant it herself.

Moreover, these flowers, plants and trees were all transplanted by Xiaoer from the space. They were either rare medicinal materials, valuable flowers and trees, or even exotic flowers and trees.

This led to the fact that the most precious thing for the Sixth Prince in the whole mansion was the flowers, plants and trees in the garden.

There is a saying among the nobles in the imperial capital: You can break all the valuable ornaments on the ancient bookshelf in the Sixth Prince's Mansion, but you must not step on a grass in the garden, otherwise you will never step into the Sixth Prince's Mansion again. One step away.

That day Xiaoer wanted to decorate the garden again. Just as she was about to go out, the concierge came to report that Miss Li and Mrs. Li were visiting.

Xiaoer felt strange that Mrs. Li came to see her for something.

When Xiaoer saw who Mrs. Li walked in, her face turned dark. What kind of Mrs. Li is this! She also has the nerve to call herself Mrs. Li?

Sure enough, people are shameless and invincible in the world!

When Xiaoer saw the maid bringing the two people in, she didn't stand up to greet them. She just sat there with an upright attitude and accepted their courtesy to express her displeasure with them.

Xiaoer's attitude made both of them secretly hateful, but they had to grit their teeth and salute secretly:

"Fu'an, Lord of Ruian County!"

"You two are very polite. I happen to be out on business. I wonder what the purpose of coming here is?" Xiao'er was not polite and seemed to be expelling the guests as soon as she opened her mouth.

Politeness also depends on the person.

Li Yuning: "..."

Shen Baoer walked all the way and saw the elegance and prosperity of the entire Shengpinghou Mansion, and his heart was filled with jealousy!

Every scene, every thing, every corridor, every pavilion, every flower and tree here may not be the most precious, but it is definitely hard to find in the world! Looking at it all the way, she had only one feeling in her heart - exquisite to the extreme, low-key and luxurious just right!

If we say that the wealth and splendor of the Prime Minister's Mansion is the splendor that can be seen everywhere!

So the wealth and glory of Shengpinghou Mansion is definitely low-key and unobtrusive, noble and elegant.

She secretly looked at the furnishings in the room. There were not many expensive furnishings. Most of them were bonsais and flowers for decoration. However, she just felt that even the flowers in the entire garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion combined were not as good as a random pot here. !

Look again, all the clothes and accessories you have are not as good as the ring on this stinky girl’s hand!

If Xiaoer heard what she was thinking at this moment, she would definitely praise her for being discerning and picking things to torture herself!

Shen Baoer glanced at Xiaoer with poisonous eyes, then quickly restrained himself, shouting in his heart: Why! Why are people from the same ancestor and from the same place treated so differently from Shen Xiaoer, a loser!

I have been reading and literate since I was a child. I worked hard, accumulated all my efforts, and put in all my efforts before I could become a concubine!

And what was Shen Xiaoer doing when she was a child! It's just a lowly job of cooking, feeding pigs and chickens!

She got what she had never dreamed of without making any effort!

He has a father who is a high-ranking official, and a husband who is enough to make him live a high life!

If her father was the third uncle, then she today would be the sixth princess in the future!

Shen Xiaoer, a wild girl, doesn't deserve all this!

Li Yunning couldn't help but get angry when she saw that Shen Baoer stood here for a long time without saying anything except saying a word when saluting:

"I heard Bao'er say that she and County Lord Rui'an are full sisters from the same clan. She said she hasn't talked to you for a long time, and I haven't gotten together with County Lord Rui'an for a long time, so I came here with her. Just talk, she happens to ask you for help."

Li Yunning glanced at Shen Bao'er and indicated that she would say the next words for help.

Shen Baoer also came to her senses at this time. She put away all her thoughts, her voice was sweet, and she said softly: "Sister, I miss you so much!"

Xiaoer couldn't help but shudder. She couldn't have spoken to herself in the same voice as Li Yunhua! Stop making yourself sick!

Xiaoer quickly stopped her and said, "Don't! I'm not your sister, and I don't dare to be your sister! Our two families have broken off their relationship a long time ago! There is no longer any relationship! I reiterated it in front of the people in front of the grain and oil store that day! "

After Xiaoer said this, she said to Li Yuning: "I didn't expect that the Prime Minister's Mansion is so well-regulated. Is a concubine worthy of being called Mrs. Li?"

Li Yunning's face turned a little dark when she heard Xiao'er say that she had nothing to do with Shen Bao'er. Now that Xiao'er ridiculed their house for having no rules, her face turned red again!

Just now she thought that Shen Baoer was the cousin of County Lord Rui'an after all. Reporting to Mrs. Li would make the people of Shengpinghou Mansion look better.

Who knew that Shen Baoer would lie to herself and say that she and County Lord Ruian have a good relationship!

It's also because she walked so fast that day and didn't see what happened next. The prime minister's wife forgot to mention this to her after she returned!

However, the Prime Minister’s wife felt extremely embarrassed and wished she would never have to mention it again!

Shen Baoer also knew that if he came alone, he would definitely be rejected, so he picked up Li Yuning and came with him.

"Xiao'er, blood and family ties are destined by fate, so how can we break them off at any time? You had some misunderstandings about us before..."

"Okay! If you came here to talk about this, then I'm sorry, I don't have time to listen! You two, please come back, I have to go out for something!" This man still didn't regret it, and still insisted that it was a misunderstanding! Simply stubborn! Listening to her continue is a waste of your life!

"No, Xiao'er, I came here today to ask you for some medicine." Seeing that Xiao'er was really planning to leave him and go out, Shen Bao'er hurriedly stopped her.

"No! Let go!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't have it. I just need a prescription. I can get the medicine myself!"

"I'm not a doctor, where can I get the prescription?"

"You must have it in your family. Didn't the fourth aunt's stomach heal after taking the medicine given by the third aunt?"

"That medicine was given to Fourth Aunt. There is no more medicine." I won't give it to you if you have it.

"How can you be so cruel, how can you refuse to save someone? After all, we are still sisters from the same grandma, how can you be so cruel!" Shen Baoer saw a figure coming over, and Lihua accused Xiaoer with tears in her eyes.

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