Shen Nirui lived like a maid in the Ming Mansion. It should be said that she was not as good as a maid. Most people in other families set rules for their new daughter-in-law, which is just to lay out the dishes at the table when eating.

But not Mrs. Ming. As long as Magistrate Ming is away and no one is stopping her, she can torment Shen Nirui and treat her like a maid.

In the morning, Shen Nirui was asked to personally bring water for her to wash up, which was fine. However, every time she brought a basin of water, she said it was too hot and scolded Shen Nirui for wanting to burn her to death. At other times, she said the water was too cold and wanted to harm her. Got cold! I went back and forth three or four times before letting her go!

For three meals a day, as long as the magistrate Ming is not at home to eat, the food must be cooked by Shen Nirui. No one is allowed to help. If it is not to your liking, it will be cooked again. She had to eat all the leftover food and not waste it! Shen Nirui's stomach ached from the food every meal, which was even worse than being hungry! Later, I secretly ran to the toilet, grabbed my throat, and vomited out some of the food to feel better.

Not only that, Shen Nirui washes the clothes that Mrs. Ming changes out of every day, and she even has to clean the menstrual belt, which is so disgusting that it makes you want to vomit!

In the evening, Shen Nirui had to wait on her to wash her feet. Nine times out of ten, she would deliberately say that the water temperature was wrong and change it. She even got angry and kicked over the basin of foot-washing water, making Shen Nirui's whole body wet and her head and face covered with foot-washing water. When you're done, you have to wipe the water off the floor before you can go back to your room.

take a break.

"If I hadn't seen that girl go back to her parents' house for a long time, so I went to visit her once, I wouldn't even know about her condition! She is so thin that she is out of shape! It makes people heartache just looking at her!"

I saw that the girl's hands were burned by oil and sparks and were covered with blisters. When asked how she did it, she said "Uh-huh!" It’s not like there are no maids in the house, so why would she need a young lady to do such tasks as washing and cooking? ! It's fine in the summer, but that girl's little hands are terribly chapped in the spring! I spent five taels of silver to find out these information from a woman in her house! I asked that silly girl Niri, but she still didn’t tell me! Later, when I saw that I knew a little bit more about it, I told him everything. "When the village chief's wife said these words, she felt angry and painful. She didn't care that Xiao'er, a little girl, was there, and her eyes turned red.

"Did sister Nirui come to the imperial capital with her aunt this time?" Xiaoer thought about Shen Nirui and Liu Jingshu getting married on the same day, but their lives are really very different!

So sometimes when a woman marries, whether she is happy or not, and what kind of people the family members are are also very important.

"No." She came to the Imperial Capital this time to find Mei Zhijie, explain the situation to her, and ask him to go back and pick up Shen Nirui to come to the Imperial Capital.

"Auntie, why didn't you bring sister Niri here? You should bring her here directly!" Can she still survive if she continues to stay in the dire straits of the Ming Mansion?

The maids live with more dignity than she does!

"You girl, don't talk nonsense if you don't know! Niri is someone else's daughter-in-law now! Meijijie is not here, so what's the point of just taking someone away!"

"She is someone else's daughter-in-law, and her aunt is still her own mother! Why can't she take her away? Mrs. Ming didn't give birth to her, she didn't raise her, and she's not her real mother-in-law, so why should she be tortured like this! Why should she go to serve the sick! Sister Niri has to fulfill her filial piety and has too many people to take care of. When will it be her turn! She wants to find someone to serve the sick. Where are her biological children! Where is her biological daughter-in-law? They are waiting in line. It’s not Sister Niri’s turn to do this!”

Mrs. Liu and the village chief's wife were a little dumbfounded after hearing Xiaoer's words. It seemed quite reasonable. Why didn't they think of it?

After hearing what the village chief's wife said, Xiaoer felt angry and continued: "She pretended to be sick to ask Sister Nirui to take care of her. Aunt, can't you pretend? Can't the village chief's uncle pretend, and can't the old village chief and grandpa pretend?" Any excuse can save Sister Nerui from the fire! Isn't it more legitimate to serve your biological father and mother than to serve that half-hearted mother-in-law?"

Xiaoer's mouth went dry as he spoke, and he took a sip of tea and continued: "Furthermore, my brother-in-law works hard for the court and the people, and he needs a wife by his side to take care of his life and family, so that he can serve the court better, right? ?"

Mrs. Liu and the village chief's wife were silent, "But the water thrown by the married daughter is already someone else's family..."

"If you are from someone else's family, you are not your own daughter! Yes or no, it is not a matter of a piece of paper. If the piece of paper says yes, it is yes, if it says no, it is no. Is it more reliable if the piece of paper is connected by blood?"

"Of course a daughter will always be a daughter! I also asked the county magistrate's wife to ask Rui'er to go to the imperial capital to take care of Zhijie, but Mrs. Ming said she had already arranged someone." The village chief's wife had nothing to do at the time. It was not her own home. The final say.

"No matter how good the others are, how can they be more dedicated than the head wife? Anyway, you just need to take sister Niri away. It doesn't matter what excuse you want. Mrs. Ming's biological son and biological daughter-in-law are all in the county, so we don't owe you anything." People are waiting for you! It won’t have any impact on Meijijie!”

"That's the truth. I thought too much and worried too much that I didn't think that I could just take Rui'er away without any care!" The village chief's wife also woke up after Xiao'er spoke to her!

Love your own children, and your own daughters will always be your own daughters! Why are you worried that taking your daughter away directly will make things difficult for the county magistrate and your son-in-law? Why are you worried that things will get out of hand and the Ming Dynasty will lose face, and your daughter will have a hard time being a good person in the future?

My daughter's life is miserable enough now! It can be worse than this! It's not my daughter's fault! When things get loud, they get loud! If you want to be embarrassed, it’s also embarrassing for Mrs. Ming! Why should she save face for someone who hurt her daughter!

"I must have been brain-drained! My mind is full of muddle-headed things!" The village chief's wife slapped her head hard!

"Sister-in-law, why are you beating yourself?" Ms. Liu quickly held her back to prevent her from continuing to abuse herself!

"Serving a sick person is different from abuse. Magistrate Ming is still an official! I should sacrifice my face and start a fight. So I took Mrs. Ming out on the street and asked whose daughter-in-law served a sick person like this. I didn't believe it. She's not afraid yet! I don't believe that filial piety is fulfilled like this! Who's family doesn't have an old man, and whose family doesn't have a daughter-in-law! If they all fulfill their filial piety in this way, no one will dare to marry or become someone else's daughter-in-law!"

"That's not the truth! The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the violent ones, and the violent ones are afraid of life-threatening consequences!" Xiaoer nodded.

There are many simple people in the countryside, but there are also many unreasonable shrews. If the village chief's wife was willing to show off her face and go to the Ming Mansion to cause trouble like the shrews in the village, Mrs. Ming would probably pack Shen Nirui's luggage on the spot. , send her to God!

But many people can't bear this shame.

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