After thinking of the solution, the village chief's wife couldn't sit still! She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, so she could rush back!

"What should I do now? I can't go back for a while. If I go back in a month or two, Rui'er might still be alive!" When there is no way, we can only wait with heartache. When there is a way, we won't think about it for a moment. No more waiting.

Mrs. Liu also became anxious: "Yes, what should we do?!"

Xiaoer thought for a while and said: "The fourth uncle and the fourth aunt are going to move to the imperial capital. They have bought a house. The fourth aunt is preparing to move back this time. Why don't you repair the book and send it back, and ask the fourth aunt to take it by the way?" Sister Niri, please take it."

"That's good. The fourth brother and sister have been back for a while. Flying pigeons can pass the letter much faster than people returning home. By the time the letter reaches the hands of the fourth brother and sister, it is estimated that their affairs will be almost settled, and it will be just in time to pick up Ni. Rui will set off." After hearing Xiaoer's words, Mrs. Liu felt that there was no better way besides this.

"Okay, I will also ask Zixuan to write a letter back. If that person dares not to let Rui'er leave, I will ask my natal sister-in-law to make a big fuss! No face will be lost! But that letter must be given to your family The servants will help you send it there." The village chief's wife's maiden sister-in-law is a shrew who is famous in eight villages ten miles away. No one dares to mess with her, otherwise she will scold you from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and from the east county to the west county. People - in a word, they are very energetic!

"What does this have to do with it? Sending a letter is too trivial." Mrs. Liu agreed.

The house in the village still has stewards and former servants who are responsible for taking care of the house and fields. Because of the loyalty powder, Xiaoer is not only worried about their loyalty.

Moreover, there are many industries in their town, county, and prefecture, and they also rely on flying pigeons to deliver letters or deliver news when transporting goods.

Their family has never lost contact with Shengping County.

With his own affairs settled, the village chief's wife also started talking about other things, "Do you know about Yuzhu?"

"What's the matter?" Ms. Liu shook her head.

Although they maintain contact with Shengping County, they are all about their own family affairs. As long as their family is not involved, there is no need to report the affairs of the old house. If you listen to them, you will bring trouble to yourself.

"Shen Yuzhu is getting married. It was Li who helped find her. I heard that he is the son of a big landowner in her natal family. The family owns hundreds of acres of land and there are several shops in the county. I went out that day and happened to see him. I married that boy. He was good-looking, delicate and handsome, dressed like a scholar. I heard that he was going to take the scholar examination next year. Although Shen Zhuang was not very satisfied, he couldn't find anyone better, and he also promised to give three Ten acres of land, a shop and fifty taels of silver as a gift."

Is pie in the sky about to fall? Will Li help Shen Yuzhu find such a good family? Li's own daughter Shen Beier has also reached the marriageable age! Wouldn't such a good family keep it for her daughter? With those 30 acres of land and a shop, Mr. Li would be able to have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life without having to work? Li didn't leave such a good thing to her daughter, she didn't believe it! Back then, she bought the original owner to the Hu Mansion to be her maid for fifty taels! People who don’t get up early for no benefit don’t know what they are planning!

"Sounds good. Shen Zhuang and Yuzhu have high standards. If they can nod their heads, it means it's pretty good." After hearing this, Mrs. Liu really thought it was good. Shen Yuzhu was old enough to choose another one. It's been delayed since I went down. It's already very rare for Shen Zhuang to lower his requirements unless he comes from an official family and won't marry.

"Li helped Shen Yuzhu find such a good husband, but what about Shen Beier? Have you found someone yet?" Xiaoer always felt that things were not so superficial.

"Mr. Li can arrange such a good match for her sister-in-law. Naturally, her daughter will not be left behind. Shen Beier has also made a decision. He is the son of a landlord's younger brother. I heard that the man looks like she is engaged to Shen Yuzhu. It's very similar, I didn't see anyone coming that day. The two families discussed it, and for the sake of convenience and happiness, we might as well get married on the same day."

"Ms. Li said that if they get married on the same day, then the bride's family will treat her to a banquet, and her family will pay for the banquet. In this way, the parents can save a sum of money for the banquet."

Getting married on the same day? The niece and the sister-in-law got married on the same day, so the guests who came to the banquet were the same. Mrs. Li provided money to host the banquet, and Mrs. Shen Zhuang saved the money for the banquet. Mrs. Shen Zhuang must be very happy after hearing this, and agreed immediately. .

However, since Mrs. Li was so kind, Xiaoer felt even more weird. There was definitely something fishy in this matter!

"Are they really getting married on the same day?" Mrs. Liu felt that Mr. Shen Zhuang would definitely do this in order to save money for a banquet.

"It's the same day. The date seems to be set two months later. I forgot about that day!"

"That's quite urgent." Mrs. Liu sighed.

The Xiaoer family learned that Shen Yuzhu and Shen Beier were getting married. The eldest family also received a letter from the old man, asking them to go home as soon as possible. Shen Yuzhu was getting married.

Shen Baoer happened to leave the Prime Minister's Mansion because of Shen Yuzhu's incident and came to the courtyard where she lived when she was a concubine.

As soon as she heard that Shen Yuzhu was going to get married in two months, she became anxious: "Father, mother, you hurry back and stop me. You can't let my sister-in-law get married! Didn't you want Yunhua to bribe the examiner and let the eldest brother do it?" Can I successfully pass the imperial examination one year and be admitted as a scholar, and then donate to become an official?"

"Yes, but what does this have to do with your sister-in-law's marriage?" Shen Chengguang didn't know why.

Lan Shi guessed something.

"Dad, you don't think you can get such a big favor without paying anything, right?" Shen Baoer found it difficult to talk to his father! He is far less transparent than his mother

"That's not what I meant. Don't you have a son-in-law?" Shen Chengguang really wanted to get a job for his son without having to pay anything! After all, who is the father of the son-in-law? Prime Minister! As long as he opens his mouth, who dares not to betray him!

Shen Baoer's face darkened after hearing this. His father was used to taking advantage of his brothers and parents, and now he wanted to take advantage of himself?

He also didn't want to think that he was just a concubine in the prime minister's house! Who would give a concubine face! She tried her best to help Shen Jingwen.

His father was the one who worked hard to support his education in the Shen family, but he didn't think he could live up to his expectations by passing the imperial examination, becoming a Jinshi, or becoming a high official so that he could marry well.

Look at Uncle San, he became a Marquis even though he was farming! Then he became the Nong Zhengqing, and now he even serves as the Minister of Industry!

Not to mention that he became a high official!

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