Lan: Sure enough, there will be no such thing as a pie in the sky!

Shen Chengguang: No wonder I can’t get married! But it doesn’t matter if you are a fool, as long as you can have food and clothing for the rest of your life, have slaves and maidservants, and enjoy wealth and glory, that’s enough! No matter if he is stupid or not, maybe a fool is easier to deceive. Then he can do whatever he is asked to do. How convenient that would be!

"You have to hide this from your grandparents, otherwise Yuzhu won't be able to marry! But he can't hide it when the groom goes to pick up the bride. What will happen if Yuzhu refuses to marry?" Lan's eyes rolled as she thought of a solution.

"Master Tan and his younger brother, because they were stupid, ran up the back hill to play by themselves. They encountered some poison and was bitten by the poison on their left leg. He didn't know how to call for help. The servants found it a little late. At that time, the leg The poisoning was so deep that if we wanted to save his life, we had to amputate it, so he only had one leg. I heard that since he couldn't walk, he had a bad temper and would often hit people." Shen Baoer could do nothing in front of his parents. She told the person's situation without reservation, because she knew that no matter what happened to that person, they would not care and would definitely find a way to hide it better.

And she told them that she had her own selfish motives. If this matter broke out and Shen Zhuang asked someone to settle the score, she could shirk the responsibility when she was involved.

Although Shen Zhuang didn't dare to come to the imperial capital again, it was better to take precautions. If she did things now, she would leave a way out for herself.

Shen Chengguang: "."

What a fool! Still a fool with only one leg! ! And he is a fool who beats people and breaks his legs! ! !

Lan coughed, "It doesn't matter if he has one leg. Since he is stupid, it would be more worry-free if he doesn't have to worry about him running around with one leg, right? He definitely can't run with one leg. Just avoid him when he hits someone." Right!"

Shen Chengguang: "."

Even if he is stupid, his legs are broken, and he hits someone. If his parents know that they are marrying Yuzhu to such a person, will they break his legs?


Fifty thousand taels! Just by running a grocery store at home, you will never be able to save fifty thousand taels in your lifetime!

When Wen'er becomes an official, the people in Tan Mansion should not dare to let that fool bully Yu Zhu...

Shen Baoer looked at Shen Chengguang and waited for him to speak.

"Ahem, Master Tan, does he have a younger brother or a son? Your sister-in-law is quite good-looking."

"Dad, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? If Mr. Tan's brother is normal, will Mr. Tan like his sister-in-law? There is no shortage of beautiful women in the imperial capital! Am I not prettier than my sister-in-law? I am just a concubine!" Shen Baoer Can't help but laugh at myself.

"Bao'er, don't talk about yourself like that, my mother feels heartbroken when she hears this." Lan's wife regretted not stopping Bao'er in the first place! She also didn't expect that Li Yunhua had already married at a young age.

Shen Baoer curled his lips, now his heart hurts, why did he go there earlier! If Xi'er had not been thrown out of the carriage on the way to the imperial capital, she would not be like this now!

Shen Chengguang thought that after Shen Jingwen became an official, he would live a life of silver house and gold bed. Alas, he should compensate this sister more in the future. Shen Chengguang said: "Your mother is right. She is stupid and has a broken leg." Good, it’s easier to take care of and won’t cause trouble!”

"In this case, you should go back quickly to stop my sister-in-law from getting married! Otherwise, it will be too late!" Shen Yuzhu knew that this would be the case and urged them directly.

"Yes, yes, yes, but this matter must be done together, together, otherwise your grandma will not agree." Lan nodded?

So the three of them sat together and discussed how to sell Shen Yuzhu secretly!

After discussing, Shen Chengguang and Lan hurried to Shengping County.

The eldest family is full of bad things and has started to move again. The second family has its own plans. The Shen family in Shengping County is going to be lively again, but Xiaoer's family doesn't know about this.


Li Zhewei moved out of the main house and into a new house. The day came for the big banquet for guests.

Xiao'er prepared three sets of clothes and a piece of jewelry for Ms. Liu, putting on one set each morning, noon and evening.

This is because she is planning to hold a new product launch conference for her jewelry store, and today she asked Ms. Liu to bring her own products to serve as a starting point for the launch conference!

In this era, there was no press conference. She dressed Liu in a noble and refined manner without making people feel too gorgeous and stealing the spotlight from the owner.

The purpose of dressing up like this is to attract the attention of other ladies and ladies, and by the way, send out invitations to the press conference.

This banquet was prepared by Liu Jingshu.

Mrs. Li handed over all the housekeeping rights to Liu Jingshu, while she focused on raising her three golden grandchildren.

Li Zhewei also handed over all the properties and shops he had purchased over the years to Liu Jingshu.

Although Liu Jingshu was hosting a banquet for the first time, she was not panicked. If she didn't understand, she asked Mrs. Li and Xiao'er if she had any good ideas.

Xiaoer thought that the bakery opened by Liu Jingshu would also open on the same day, so she suggested that the banquet should be in the form of a buffet. In addition to Chinese dishes, she would also prepare some Western snacks, so as to introduce the new products of Time Allure Bakery to everyone, and start the game. The first shot of opening.

Liu Jingshu wanted to open her own shop because when she was sorting out the property that Li Zhewei handed over to her, she saw that there was a shop in a good location and the lease was about to expire, so she planned to take it back and open a shop of her own.

But she was not familiar with these, so she went to Xiaoer for advice.

When Liu Jingshu was studying housekeeping at their home, Xiaoer discovered that she was very talented in baking.

What Xiaoer taught her, she sometimes made even more delicious than what Xiaoer made.

Xiaoer then suggested that she open a bakery.

During this time, apart from housekeeping and taking care of the children, she spent almost all of her time baking.

It took more than half a year of preparation to develop new products and train bakers and cake chefs.

Today is not only a housewarming celebration for their family, but also the opening of Time Allure Bakery. Xiaoer's proposal just achieves the goal of a win-win situation!

Xiaoer's family came to Li Zhewei's new home early in the morning and burned the bottom of the pot for them.

Mrs. Liu and Xiaoer arrived so early to see if Liu Jingshu had anything to help with.

But Liu Jingshu was well prepared. After marrying into the Li Mansion, she also attended several banquets, so even though she had never eaten pork, she had also seen pigs running away! Besides, Xiaoer came and helped a lot a few days ago.

Li Mansion's Dafang and Xiaoer's family arrived almost at the same time, and the two families met in front of the gate.

Mrs. Li's eyes widened when she saw the clothes of Mrs. Liu and Xiaoer.

"Mrs. Shen, where did you buy this set of jewelry? It's so beautiful!"

Xiaoer: You are really outspoken! They didn't even say hello to each other, so they just asked.

Mrs. Li's face turned dark when she heard this. She had learned all the rules in the Zhu family during this time! He glared at her, and then apologized to Mrs. Liu and the others, saying that she was ignorant and outspoken.

Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. We are all relatives, so we don't have to pay too much attention."

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