Xiaoer also smiled and said: "We are happy when someone praises our jewelry for being beautiful. This can prove that we have discernment and we are not rude at all, right?"

Mrs. Li Mansion laughed when she heard it and also praised it a few words. She also really liked it: "But this set of jewelry of yours is really dazzling, especially in the sun."

Li Zhewei also came out personally to welcome them in at this time.

By the way, Mrs. Li did not get married after all. The Zhu family kept a low attitude, apologized and apologized, and said they would teach her well before letting her return to Li Mansion. The most important thing is that Mrs. Li The young lady is pregnant again, and the Zhu family's attitude is sincere, so the matter can only be left alone.

The buffet was held in the outdoor garden. Fortunately, it was cloudy today, the autumn breeze was refreshing, and the temperature was pleasant.

Coupled with the colorful decoration and warm and festive atmosphere, the guests were in a good mood, all smiling and chatting and laughing.

Because it is a buffet, a long table with food separates the men's and women's areas.

With fragrant clothes and shadows on their temples, people were drinking and drinking, and the latest and most popular plays in the imperial capital were being sung on the stage.

Several servants and maids shuttled among the guests with trays of cocktails in each hand, serving those in need.

Li Yunhua stood up and asked the servant. He brought two glasses of wine and came to the sixth prince: "Sixth prince, I want to toast you. Thank you for your tolerance to Yun Ning and Bao'er last time."

Shangguan Xuanyi sat there motionless, without even raising his eyelids, as if no one was talking to him.

Li Yunhua didn't mind either. Except for a few people around him, this man looked indifferent to everyone else.

"Just now, I saw County Master Rui'an also take a glass of this wine. He also said that the wine tasted very good, and asked the slave to bring a glass to the sixth prince. I just took it from the slave and personally brought it to the sixth prince to borrow. Thank you for the opportunity, why don’t you, Sixth Prince, give it a try?”

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the glass of wine in his hand, then looked at him directly, took it, raised his right hand, covered it with his sleeve, drank it in one gulp, and then put down an empty glass.


Li Yunhua knew that as long as he named the Lord of Ruian County, he would drink.

The goal had been achieved, and Li Yunhua didn't like the aura of supremacy and arrogance that Shangguan Xuanyi exuded, so he excused himself and returned to his seat.

As soon as Li Yunhua sat down, a servant brought him two glasses of wine, saying that the Sixth Prince had given them to him.

Li Yunhua glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi's table and found that Shangguan Xuanyi didn't even look over.

When the other officials at the table saw him, they asked, "Master Li, why did the Sixth Prince reward you with wine?"

"Master Li, how did you get on the Sixth Prince's ship? And he even rewarded you with wine. What big thing did you do for the Sixth Prince?"

"Master Li, remember to take us with you next time you have something like this!"

Li Yunhua's face turned dark after hearing what they said. What kind of ability does Shangguan Xuanyi have? It's just that his father is better than his own! He didn't even bother to get on his boat!

"This is the first time that the Sixth Prince gives wine to someone. I wonder how the wine tastes like?" Chen Jin also admired Shangguan Xuanyi.

It's a pity that that person is too difficult to get close to and ignores me.

Li Yunhua didn't like Shangguan Xuanyi, and he didn't want to drink these two glasses of wine. After hearing Chen Jin's words, he said, "If you want to know, I'll give it to you!"

Li Yunhua placed two glasses of wine in front of him.

After hearing this, Chen Jin did not refuse, thanked him and started drinking.

Li Yunhua watched Huoda! This man is still his father's staff! What does it mean to act like you worship Shangguan Xuanyi now!

He said he didn't look at it, stood up and walked away.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Chen Jin felt a little anxious, so he stood up and went to find the latrine.

After I finished urinating, I felt dizzy and hot. I thought it was because the two glasses of wine were too strong and I was a little drunk! He was not a good drinker to begin with. I happened to see a servant coming towards me, so I asked him to take me to the guest room to have a rest. So that you don't get too drunk and do something inappropriate later.

Li Yuning was sitting at the table, absentmindedly playing with a piece of cake on the plate with her hairpin.

"Ning'er, don't you like that snack? How about changing it to another one?" Mrs. Prime Minister asked when she saw that her daughter was only focusing on cutting the cake on the plate without eating it.

Li Yuning didn't hear it.

"Ning'er..." Mrs. Prime Minister called again.

Li Yuning then raised her head and looked at the Prime Minister's wife, her eyes full of confusion.

The Prime Minister’s wife was just about to ask her what was wrong.

At this time, a maid came over, put a glass of watermelon juice in front of her, and said to her: "Miss Li, this is the watermelon juice you want."

Li Yuning stood up immediately when she saw the glass of watermelon juice: "Are you ready?"

Then he realized that he was too rude, so he quickly sat down and pretended to be calm:

"let it go."

"You girl, it's just a glass of watermelon juice. Why are you so excited?" The Prime Minister's wife frowned and asked.

Why does my daughter look so restless? What happened?

"I'm a little thirsty. I've been waiting for this watermelon juice for too long. I'm a little excited when I finally get it." Li Yuning pretended to be calm and suppressed her anxiety and excitement.

alright! Success! Didn't expect it to be so easy!

"You girl, since you're thirsty, you can drink something else first!" The prime minister's wife didn't think much about it, feeling helpless at her daughter's childishness.

Li Yuning smiled, and her hands trembled slightly when she picked up the watermelon juice because of excitement.

Trying to control her nervousness and excitement, she drank the glass of watermelon juice in a hurry, threw down the glass, and said, "Mom, ladies, please excuse me, I need to go to the toilet."

The Prime Minister's wife nodded: "Go! How rash!"

"No way, I was too impatient." After hearing this, Li Yuning forced herself to calm down so that no one would notice anything strange.

"Then go! This is intolerable!" the other ladies said after hearing this.

Li Yuning nodded and left slowly.

The table where Xiaoer was sitting was not far from Li Yuning's table. She naturally saw Li Yuning's abnormality.

She thought for a while and stood up: "Mom, I'm going to relieve myself."

Mrs. Liu was talking to the wife of the former minister of the Ministry of Industry when she saw the wife of the right prime minister talking. After listening, she nodded.

After Xiaoer left her seat, she followed Li Yuning carefully.

really! Li Yunning was not heading towards the toilet at all, but heading towards the guest house of Li Mansion.

Xiao'er hid behind the rockery, looking at Li Yunning's back, thinking: Why did this person go to the guest house? Or someone you want to meet?

She thought of the peach intrigues in many ancient time-travel novels in modern novels, and then her eyes widened!

The only one Li Yuning really wants to plot is Shangguan Xuanyi!

OK: This is the rhythm of wanting to cuckold yourself! What a good plan!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but want to follow him secretly!

At this moment, a big hand quickly stretched out from behind her and covered her mouth.

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