Xiaoer was shocked, who could approach her so silently!

She opened her mouth to bite the man's hand, and at the same time bent her elbow and bumped him back.

"Don't be afraid, it's me!" A low and slightly magnetic voice sounded from behind.

Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the familiar voice.

Shangguan Xuanyi retracted the hand covering Xiaoer's mouth, but the other hand still hugged her and did not let go.

Xiaoer turned around and gave him a look that could kill someone: "Don't you know that scaring people can scare them to death?"

It just so happens that she is doing something not so bright as stalking people, so she has a bit of a guilty conscience.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were so timid." Shangguan Xuanyi smiled softly.

This girl is always bold and dares to take on anything. It would be great if she could learn how to write the word "fear".

Xiaoer rolled her eyes at him: "It's my fault for being timid."

"It's good that you know! Didn't you say that curiosity can kill a cat? I know you have some kung fu skills, but there are still many people in this world who are better at kung fu than you." Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and reminded seriously .

Xiao'er fell silent after hearing this. It was because she was conceited. There was indeed someone else outside.

She nodded and replied, "I understand, I will be more careful in the future."

This time it really reminded her that although she has space and they are there during the day, space is sometimes not omnipotent. They also have their own things to do during the day, and she still has to make herself stronger.

It seems that she also needs to learn some internal skills, Qinggong and so on.

Don't fall behind at critical moments and never become a burden to others!

What she wants is not to be protected under someone's wings, but to fight side by side!

Xiaoer recalled what she had guessed just now and said in surprise: "You are here, so why did Li Yunning go to the guest house? Didn't she come to find you to defeat the dragon or the phoenix?"

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, his face was filled with dark clouds. Even before the tornado came, it was not so scary!

Dian, dragon, upside down, phoenix? Who taught her such messy things!

"Where did you learn such filthy words as overturning dragons and turning phoenixes?" Shangguan Xuanyi's voice was sad and cold.

"This is not the point now, okay? Something is wrong with Li Yuning. Let's go and see what she wants to do." Xiaoer quickly changed the subject when she saw someone acting like a storm was coming.

She wanted to escape from the rockery and follow him, but she was still trapped by someone. Only then did Xiaoer realize that they were so close. Her face turned red unconsciously, and she didn't know it.

"Don't try to change the subject! Where did you learn it?" This is the point.

"Brother Shangguan, let me go first." The most important thing now is that he let go of himself first.

"Where did you learn it?" Shangguan Xuanyi was unmoved and stubbornly wanted to get the answer.

""The Golden Lotus", Chapter 13. Haven't you seen it? I'll lend it to you when I go back! I don't even know this!" Xiaoer was defeated. Well, being held by a handsome guy is also a kind of enjoyment. You should cherish the blessing. , let him go.

However, it is still necessary to anger someone with words!

Shangguan Xuanyi fell down in anger! I dare to read any messy books! Also lend it to yourself! So brave!

"Have you finished reading it all? Huh?"

"Of course!" Xiao'er said in a rage. "Let's go quickly and see what conspiracy Li Yunning has."

"Don't read these types of books again!" Shangguan Xuanyi flexed his fingers, tapped her head lightly, and warned.

"Ah!" Xiao'er jumped up, not in pain, but out of fear!

Fortunately, Shangguan Xuanyi held her tightly, otherwise she would have hit her head on the top of the stone.

It was the first time in my two lives that I was beaten!

"Brother Shangguan, how can you hit me!"

"Who asked you to peek at the messy books? Let's see if you dare to do it again!" If you don't fight, you won't have a long memory!

Besides, does this count as a fight? He couldn't bear to use any force!

"I won't watch it again!" Xiaoer vowed,

"Now can we go and see what Li Yunning is doing?" She has a photographic memory. She has seen everything she has, and of course she won't look at it again. It's not like she has nothing to do!

Xiaoer was anxious and had a gut feeling that there was something going on in Li Yuning!

But Shangguan Xuanyi was not on the same channel as him at this time. I really wanted to tune in!

Shangguan Xuanyi heard her answer and then said: "No hurry, just wait a moment."

"What are you waiting for? Do you know what Li Yunning wants to do? Did she really plot against you, but you found out, and then you plotted against you?"

"Well, let's wait until the rice is cooked." Shangguan Xuanyi was mainly reluctant to let Xiaoer leave his arms, and secondly, he didn't want this girl to see anything she shouldn't see.

Xiaoer is even more looking forward to the fun in a while.

"Someone is coming." Shangguan Xuanyi pulled Xiaoer into the cave of the rockery.

"What's the matter with Xiao'er calling me over?"

"Go back to Madam, I don't know. Lord Rui'an didn't say anything."

"Then hurry up! Xiao'er is afraid of waiting in a hurry!" Mrs. Liu couldn't think of anything that Xiaoer would do if she went to the hut and people would come to see her.

Could it be that... at Xiaoer's age, it's time for menarche. It must be that I found blood on my pants when I was convenient, and I didn’t know what to do.

Thinking of this, Ms. Liu walked faster as if there was wind under her feet.

After the two of them walked away, Shangguan Xuanyi pulled Xiaoer out.

Xiaoer wanted to go out and call Mrs. Liu just now, but Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head at her.

"Let's go and see!"

Xiaoer thought that the maid was looking for Mr. Liu to catch someone raping her, and Shangguan Xuanyi thought the same way.

After all, Li Yunning was plotting against her, so she didn't dare to make it known to everyone, but the people in Shengpinghou Mansion must know!

The two came to the guest house, but found that there was no scene of Mr. Liu catching the girl in bed.

The door to every room is closed.

"Oops! My mother has been plotted against!" Xiaoer was really panicking now! I'm afraid Mrs. Liu will be taken advantage of!

The mastermind is probably on his way to bring people over now.

Time is running out, no matter whether Ms. Liu is taken advantage of or not, as long as she is seen in the same room with other men, it will be impossible to escape even if she jumps into the Pacific Ocean!

A group of chirping women's voices came closer and closer.

We need to find someone as soon as possible!

Xiaoer walked to the nearest room to see if Mr. Liu was in it.

"Not this one." Shangguan Xuanyi began to close his eyes, trying to hear any movement.

Xiaoer quickly walked to the second room and opened the door. No one was there!

The third room is empty!

The fourth room is empty!

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of light at the door of the middle room.

At the same time, Shangguan Xuanyi also spoke: "The middle!"

The footsteps of a group of people have arrived at the courtyard gate.

The two ran over at the same time, and Shangguan Xuanyi kicked the door open.

The two of them quickly ran in, and Shangguan Xuanyi closed the door smoothly.

At the same time, a group of people also turned into the guest house.

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