"Didn't you say you heard someone calling for help? Which room?" The Prime Minister's wife was worried. Yun Ning went to the toilet for a while but no one came back. Could it be that something happened to her?

"I was too impatient and scared just now, so I didn't hear clearly. I seemed to hear it in this room, but also in that room." The maid said timidly.

"Idiot!" The Prime Minister's wife became angry after hearing this! I can't even tell which room the sound is coming from! The maids in Li Mansion are too bad!

If something happens to Yun Ning in Li Mansion, she will never give up!

"Then let's search separately. Don't let anything happen." Mrs. Li looked unhappy. She didn't want a fatal accident to happen in her new home. It would be too unlucky.

Without saying a word, the wife of the Prime Minister's Mansion stepped forward and opened the door of the first guest room, walked in directly, walked around the screen, and the other ladies followed.



The scene inside made people couldn't help but exclaim, and then they all covered their mouths to prevent the exclamations from being too loud.

The curtains on the windows of the room were all closed, making it very dark, but because the door was open, although the screen blocked part of the light, a little light still came in, and everyone could see clearly.

There were two intertwined bodies lying on the bed inside the gauze tent. Even if a group of people came in, they would not notice it. The floor was covered with messy clothes.

Some ladies quickly took their unmarried daughters and ran out to avoid staining their eyes.

Mrs. Gu Shi, the Prime Minister on the right, has sharp eyes, "Isn't this Miss Li Yunning's dress?"

"Ah! I'm going to kill you, the murderer of a thousand cuts!" The prime minister's wife also recognized her daughter's clothes. She was so angry that she lost her mind. She rushed forward and pulled open the gauze curtain.

But everyone else walked out one after another, because the Master said: Don't look at anything inappropriate.

Although everyone is extremely curious!

At this time, both people on the bed woke up, turned their heads together, and looked over with lustful eyes.

After the Prime Minister's wife saw that it was really her daughter and Chen Jin, she was so angry that she punched Chen Jin with her fists.

Chen Jin also woke up at this time, quickly got off Li Yuning's body, and instinctively held his head to dodge.

"Mother, stop fighting!" Li Yuning picked up the quilt and covered her body, shouting to stop her mother who was going crazy.

The Prime Minister’s wife didn’t listen at all! She was going to beat this man to death, he was going to kill her daughter!

"Mom, stop fighting!"

"I will beat him to death for daring to take advantage of you! He has done great harm to you, don't you know!" The prime minister's wife was so angry when she saw her daughter defending this adulterer that she struck even harder.

Seeing that the Prime Minister's wife didn't listen at all, Li Yunning endured the pain in her body, got out of bed, picked up her clothes, put them on, and then stepped forward to pull her mother, "Mother, stop fighting, he It’s the Sixth Prince!”

The Prime Minister's wife's raised fist stopped in mid-air: Sixth Prince? Could it be that he saw it wrong? The person he saw just now was clearly Chen Jin. How could he be the sixth prince?

After hearing this, Chen Jin stopped hiding and took his hands away to look at Li Yuning.

Only then did Li Yuning see his face clearly: "Ah~~~~"

Two flowers bloom, one on each side

The people outside the house shook their heads when they heard what was going on inside. Unexpectedly, Li Yunning was still defending that man. It seemed that the two of them were Lang You's lover!

But even so, you can’t do such a thing in someone else’s new home! .

Liu Jingshu didn't see Mrs. Liu and Xiaoer and was a little anxious: "Has any of you seen the Lord Ruian and Mrs. Shengpinghou?"

Only then did everyone realize, yes, where are the Lord Ruian and Mrs. Shengpinghou?

"County Lord Rui'an just sent someone to see Mrs. Shengpinghou to tell her that he had something to do with her. Could it be that the maid heard County Lord Rui'an calling for help? She couldn't be in another room, right?"

Could it be that the person calling for help was the head of Ruian County? Gu Shi, the wife of the right prime minister, became a little worried when she thought of this, and hurriedly ran to another room, and everyone else followed her. After what happened just now, some people couldn't help but think in a bad direction.

When they arrived at the door of another room, Mrs. Right Prime Minister Gu Shi was too embarrassed to open the door. After all, this was not her residence.

Mrs. Li walked directly to the door and was about to open the door of the room. Xiaoer and Mrs. Liu just opened the door from the inside, both of them smiling.

Seeing so many people waiting at the door, Xiaoer was filled with astonishment: "Why are all the ladies and ladies standing here?"

The door opened, and everyone's heads couldn't help but poke forward to see if there was anyone else inside. Mrs. Chu even went in, bypassing Mrs. Li and Mrs. Liu, looked at the entire room, and then walked out with a disappointed look on her face.

"Just now a maid said that someone was calling for help here. We were worried about what happened, so we came to take a look." Mrs. Li was relieved to see that the two of them were fine and explained with a smile.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu had a look of guilt on her face, "It's all my fault. The child is older, and I didn't think of reminding her as soon as possible. No, menarche has come, and I don't know what it is. I call for help when I see blood." Yes! It scared everyone."

Just now Xiao'er had taught her to adapt to what they said. If she didn't know how to say it, let her speak. Just when she was deceived, she thought Xiaoer was having her period. After hearing what they said, Mrs. Liu opened her mouth not to panic.

Xiao'er didn't expect that Mrs. Liu would actually think of this excuse. It was really brilliant.

The ladies and girls present all laughed after hearing this. It turned out to be their first menstrual period. No wonder!

Xiaoer also said shyly: "I'm really sorry for making everyone worry. I didn't know it would be like this, but when I saw blood on my pants, I got scared and thought I had some internal injuries."

After hearing this, the ladies laughed again, "Don't be afraid, this is a good thing, Lord Rui'an has grown up too."

"Yes, when I came here for the first time, I was even more scared. I cried because I thought I was going to die."

Every lady present who had not experienced such a thing for the first time all talked about their ignorance and ignorance as a girl.

At this time, the male guests also came over.

Mr. Li took the lead and asked: "I heard that someone called for help? What happened?"

"No, the maid heard it wrong." Mrs. Li winked at Mr. Li and told her not to ask further.

With so many men here, it’s hard to say that this girl is having her period for the first time. I don’t know, she was so frightened that she called for help!

"As long as everything is fine, let's all go back and watch the show!" This is the ladies' guest house. They came here because they were worried about something happening, so it's really not suitable to stay longer.

Mrs. Li nodded. There was still a room full of confusion in the other room. It was not good to have too many people present.

At this time, Li Yunning's voice came from the first room again: "Mother, stop fighting! He is the sixth prince!"

Then there was another scream of "Ah~~".

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