Prime Minister Zuo's expression changed when he heard his daughter's voice. He quickly walked to the door of the first room, opened the door and walked in.

Mrs. Li wanted to stop her, but it was too late.

The other ladies were extremely surprised when they heard what Li Yuning said!

Sixth prince! The person inside is actually the Sixth Prince! The sixth prince who is not flirtatious with other women except the Lord of Rui'an County?

Didn’t the Sixth Prince have an engagement with the Lord of Ruian County? Now something like this happened with Li Yuning again. Why?

All the ladies looked at Liu and Xiaoer in unison.

Some people's eyes are sympathetic and pitiful, and some people's eyes are gloating.

It's a pity that Mrs. Shengpinghou and County Lord Rui'an didn't see such a wonderful scene just now, otherwise their expressions would have been absolutely wonderful!

Ms. Liu was puzzled by their looks. Could it be that they knew she had lied just now? !

Xiaoer knew the reason, so she asked: "Why are everyone looking at us like this?"

Liu Jingshu stepped forward and took Xiaoer's hand, with a worried look on her face: "Xiaoer, the Sixth Prince may have been plotted against."

Mrs. Li also spoke to comfort her: "Yes, but County Lord Rui'an, you were given a marriage by the Emperor to the Sixth Prince, so no matter what happens, it will not affect your status as a royal concubine. I think the Sixth Prince also has feelings for you."

"Just now I saw that the Sixth Prince seemed to be drinking. Men are prone to getting into trouble when they are drunk. Don't worry, Lord Rui'an. There is no one in the entire Imperial City who doesn't know about the Sixth Prince's care for you."

Mrs. Liu was confused when she heard this. What is this? She pulled Liu Jingshu's sleeve and said in a slightly worried tone: "Jingshu, what happened to the Sixth Prince? What happened?"

Just as Liu Jingshu was about to explain, the voices of the ministers behind her saluted:

"I'm here to see the Sixth Prince!"

After hearing this, all the ladies and ladies turned their heads and saw Shangguan Xuanyi just walking in through the arched courtyard door.

The sixth prince is not in that room!

Who is that in that room? !

Why did Li Yuning say that person was the Sixth Prince? !

Li Yuning is too bold! The sixth prince dared to make false accusations!

"Xiaoer meets the Sixth Prince, and the Sixth Prince is blessed." Shangguan Xuanyi walked up to Xiaoer, and Xiaoer saluted with a blessing.

Ms. Liu also quickly saluted.

"No need to be polite." Shangguan Xuan Yixian helped Xiaoer.

The others came to their senses and quickly saluted.

Shangguan Xuanyi only raised his hand and made a gesture of abstaining from others.

Everyone saw: Sure enough, the Sixth Prince treated County Princess Rui'an differently. In addition to saying "no need to be polite", he also personally helped her up.

But for people like them, they don't even bother to say "no courtesy".

"What's wrong? I thought I heard someone mention me just now?" Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head slightly and looked at Xiao'er and asked.

Xiaoer was made to laugh by Shangguan Xuanyi's seriousness. She coughed covertly and shook her head: "I'm not sure either."

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li is in a dilemma, such things are too hard to talk about! What should she say?

At this time, there was another sound in the room.


In the room

"Why are you? Why are you?! Where is the Sixth Prince! Where is the Sixth Prince going?" Li Yuning's almond-shaped eyes widened, trying to see clearly that this person was not Chen Jin, but Shangguan Xuanyi.

Chen Jin quickly put on his clothes.

The Prime Minister's wife also reacted at this time, turned around and asked her daughter: "What sixth prince?"

"He should obviously be the sixth prince! I..." Li Yunning woke up and couldn't continue.

What should I say, that I had set up a trap and wanted to devote myself to the Sixth Prince, but found that I had dedicated myself to the wrong person?

Prime Minister Li walked in. The smell of love in the room made him frown: "What happened? What are you three doing here?"

Never think about it yourself. But although Li Yuning and Chen Jin were dressed, they were not neatly dressed, and their hair was messy. The bed collapsed... Prime Minister Zuo closed his eyes and didn't say anything.

The three people in the room heard Prime Minister Li's voice and were startled when they saw him walking in.

Chen Jin's head was also clear at this time. As a Jinshi, his mind was naturally not bad. He connected the whole thing together, and there was nothing he didn't understand!

The two brothers, Li Yuning, want to set up the Sixth Prince! Unexpectedly, the Sixth Prince found out and was tricked into sending him back.

And he was the most innocent one and became the scapegoat!

There must be something wrong with those two glasses of wine!

Although he guessed it, he didn't know anything about it. He just had to insist that he was drunk and didn't know anything!

And this is true!

He is also a victim, okay!

"Master, you have to make the decision for Ning'er?" The Prime Minister's wife cried when she came to her senses.

When Li Yuning saw her father, her grievances turned into bitter tears and she cried non-stop.

"Chen Jin, tell me!" Prime Minister Zuo looked at Chen Jin more sharply than usual. He hoped in his heart that the truth was not what he thought, but he hoped...

"Sir, here's what happened. The Sixth Prince rewarded Mr. Li with two glasses of wine..." Chen Jin knew that Prime Minister Li could not be fooled casually, so he was not wrong at all, so he told the truth.

"I was very dizzy and confused. I fell asleep as soon as I entered the house. I didn't know that I had made such a mistake. I beg your forgiveness."

After hearing this, what does Prime Minister Zuo not understand? They are harming others and ultimately harming themselves!

Prime Minister Zuo closed his eyes and forced himself to suppress his overwhelming anger!

idiot! What a bunch of idiots! He was a wise man all his life, but why did he give birth to two idiots like this!

He had long said that their little tricks would be invisible in front of the Sixth Prince!

They shattered all their good wishes! His future emperor grandson just disappeared!

His face was completely lost in front of all the officials!

As for Chen Jin, he was involved in this matter by accident. Fortunately, it was him. Otherwise, if the traitor had done such an unethical thing with his daughter... Prime Minister Zuo quickly interrupted his thoughts, not daring to do so. Think about it!

Although Chen Jin's status was low, he was from a poor family. After all, his ancestors were from a scholarly family. Fortunately, he is a talent that can be developed. With his own help, given time, he will definitely become something great.

At this point, for the sake of his daughter's reputation, he can only let his daughter marry him.

"What are your plans for Chen Jin?"

"But it's up to the Prime Minister to make the decision!" Chen Jin knelt in front of Prime Minister Zuo.

What can he do? Chen Jin laughed at himself in his heart. Now he lives dependent on Prime Minister Zuo. So I can only do whatever the Prime Minister wants.

Prime Minister Zuo listened to his words and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then choose an auspicious day and get married as soon as possible."

Chen Jin nodded.

"Dad, I don't want it!" Li Yuning was unwilling after hearing this.

Chen Jin is just a staff member under his father's family, how can he be worthy of him?

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