The Prime Minister's wife was full of disbelief when she heard this: "My husband, that would be too unfair to Ning'er? This Chen Jin framed Ning'er like this and asked Ning'er to marry her. Isn't it too easy for him? My husband, you should arrest him." Go to the Criminal Department and behead him!"

"Shut up! If you don't know anything, don't talk nonsense! Who is framed doesn't know yet! Yun Ning is already his, do you want Yun Ning to die, or do you want her to marry Chen Jin! Help her choose!" If you are stupid, don't talk nonsense!

Prime Minister Zuo originally suspected whether she was involved in this matter, but after hearing this, he realized that she was also kept in the dark by her own child.

How did she act as a mother when she didn’t even know what her own children had done?

The Prime Minister's wife couldn't help but cry after hearing this. How could her poor daughter encounter such a thing? Chen Jin, a white-eyed wolf, had lured the wolf into their house!

Chen Jin felt that he should say something at this time. The Prime Minister knew that he was innocent, which made him feel better: "Miss Li, I know that I am not worthy of you, but I will treat you wholeheartedly. Please, Prime Minister Your Excellency and Madam will make peace with each other and marry Miss Li to me!"

The Prime Minister's wife became furious when she heard Chen Jin speak: "Are you dreaming! Is this a compromise? This is a huge compromise. How do you tell us to make it happen?"

Prime Minister Zuo felt a headache when he saw his wife who only vented her instincts when things happened, "Okay, let's talk about this after we go home!"

Remembering that there were many people standing outside the house just now, he had lost all his face today! The Prime Minister has a terrible headache.

However, the matter was not over yet, an urgent voice sounded outside the house.

"Master, someone came outside the gate just now to report that Mr. Li Yunhua was seriously injured and was found in the back alley!"

The person who made the announcement spoke loudly and urgently, so all four people in the room heard it. Prime Minister Zuo couldn't care less and quickly opened the door and walked out, "Where is the person?"

Mr. Li also had a headache after hearing this. Why was the banquet going up again and again today? When he came to attend the banquet in his house, something happened to Mr. Prime Minister's children. This time, Mr. Prime Minister was completely offended. He angrily scolded the concierge: "Why? Please lead the way!"

The prime minister's wife didn't care to cry when she heard it, and hurried out.

Li Yunning was no longer in the mood to take care of her eldest brother. She waited until everyone in the courtyard was gone before going out, and then went directly back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Chen Jin was worried that she would not be able to think clearly alone, so he followed her.

In the back alley of Heli Mansion, Li Yunhua fell to the ground with a bloodless face, and his lower body was covered in blood!

"Hua'er!" When Prime Minister Zuo saw his son like this, he almost fainted. He staggered over and ran over, hugging his son. With trembling hands, he reached to the end of his nose and found that there was still a trace of breath. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Call the doctor quickly! Send the young master back to the house quickly!"

The people who were following them all made way for a passage.

Let the people from the Prime Minister's Mansion carry Li Yunhua onto the carriage.

The ladies and young ladies who came out behind, some of the timid ones, were already screaming in fear and covering their eyes!

I thought someone was killed!

Has he become a eunuch? After so much blood, is there still salvation?

Prime Minister Zuo, today is a bad year. Something happened to both the children.

There were various speculations and sighs in everyone's mind.

The imperial doctor arrived when Li Yunhua was sent back to the mansion. In short, his life was saved, but he would really become a eunuch in the future. If Mrs. Zhang is pregnant with a daughter, then the Prime Minister will be childless.

After Li Yunhua woke up, he forgot everything. But after he learned that he had become a eunuch, he went crazy and threw and smashed things when he saw them!

Prime Minister Zuo originally wanted to ask something from his son, but he didn't know anything about it!

"Dad! You must help me take revenge! I will cut that man into pieces with a thousand knives! I want him to die without a burial place, and I want him to have no children or grandchildren!" Li Yunhua said viciously.

"Don't worry! Dad will never let go of anyone who harms you." He will never let go of anyone who harms his Li family! Prime Minister Li swore secretly.

He couldn't remember what happened to Li Yunhua that day. Prime Minister Li had no choice but to find someone to find out the truth of the matter. He learned from Li Yuning's mouth, as well as the mouths of several maids and servants:

It turns out that Li Yuning planned to plot against Shangguan Xuanyi and did so after listening to Shen Baoer's words. Shen Baoer did not directly tell Li Yuning to do this, but just made up a story and then led Li Yuning in that direction.

Prime Minister Zuo didn't believe that Shen Baoer was unintentional. This little trick was not considered a trick in front of him!

According to Chen Jin, Li Yunhua left after giving him the two glasses of wine given to him by the Sixth Prince.

He asked Li Yunhua's boy, who murmured for a long time before he revealed that Li Yunhua had set up Mrs. Shengping Hou that day.

Prime Minister Zuo was so angry that he wanted to kill him himself! This cowardly traitor!

Mrs. Shengpinghou was indeed beautiful that day, but even when he saw it, he couldn't help but lose consciousness. He didn't know what kind of virtue his son was!

But no matter how bad a son is, he is still a son. He can beat and scold him, but others cannot say anything wrong, let alone the great hatred that will end his descendants!

Prime Minister Zuo did not think that this matter would be related to Shen Baoer, because his son was her man, and he felt that no woman would let her man find another woman!

They just want their man to be only them.

Prime Minister Li determined that Li Yunhua's transformation into an eunuch was closely related to the Shengping Hou Mansion and the Sixth Prince!

The servant also confessed a maid from Li Mansion, but the maid was kicked out of Li Mansion on the day of the incident. After returning home, she committed suicide by taking poison.

Anyway, no matter how much I check, I can’t find them! But just because of this, Prime Minister Zuo was even more certain that Shangguan Xuanyi did it.


Shengpinghou Mansion

When Mrs. Liu returned to the house, she was still in shock. She almost became infamous and was criticized by thousands of people!

"Don't be afraid, mother, this is all my fault." If she had gone out and called out to Mr. Liu at that time, this matter would not have happened.

"It's not your fault, it's my mother who was careless! That's why I fell into the wrong hands of others. Fortunately, you and the Sixth Prince arrived, otherwise I wouldn't dare to think about it..." Thinking of her mouth being covered by someone at that time, how did she react? She couldn't break free even though she struggled, so she couldn't help but shudder.

"He's worse than a beast! He's so daring! It's an advantage for him to have no descendants!" Shen Chengyao is so angry! He didn't know that at the time, otherwise he would have kicked his wounds ten or twenty times!

However, Xiaoer didn't think it was just because of his cowardice. She wouldn't believe it if Shen Baoer didn't interfere with it!

Why had Li Yunning never thought of having sex with the Sixth Prince before, and Li Yunhua had never done anything like this to attack a married woman?

And after Shen Baoer entered the Prime Minister's Mansion, both of them did this kind of thing? What a coincidence!

Whether it was a guess or not, she didn't say it.

Li Yunhua became an eunuch, and his mentality must be abnormal. Shen Baoer will have a lot of troubles in the future! Shen Baoer is not a good man or woman, so let them torture each other!

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