On the white background, the four black Polynesia jewelry with shadows in large characters stand out. The contrast between black and white on the entire background is sharp, but not obtrusive. Instead, it gives people a simple and noble feeling.

A tall woman wearing a white floor-length dress with butterfly sleeves walked onto the red carpet paved T stage with confident and elegant steps.

"Dear ladies and ladies: Welcome to the autumn new product launch conference of Baoli Jewelry, which is also the first new product launch conference of Baoli Jewelry."

As the woman's clear voice sounded, the originally lively scene became quiet, and all the ladies and girls present looked at the stage in unison.

As if magic had been cast on the stage, everyone present was brought into a solemn and magnificent atmosphere by the woman's words.

For the first time, they saw a woman walking on stage so confident and dazzling!

In a scene where beauties gather, the woman's appearance can only be said to be inferior to those above, but more than inferior!

But her head held high, her elegant and confident steps, her smile while looking around at everyone's words, seemed to have magic power, attracting the attention of everyone in the audience, and making people unable to take their eyes away!

It turns out that we can live like this, so different! So eye-catching! So radiant!

"The theme of Polaroid Jewelry's new autumn products is rebirth. As we all know, it is impossible to repeat life again, but if you are given a chance to be reborn, what regrets do you have to make up for? And what do you hope you can get if you live again? What kind of dazzling and dazzling life? Below, we have invited our models to show you this season's new products. I hope there will always be one that can satisfy everyone's fantasy of rebirth."

Melodious music with a slightly stronger rhythm sounded, and then the same woman wearing a white evening dress and a white fox fur shawl stepped out on a unique cat.

All of a sudden, everyone was attracted by the crown on her head. Their first impression was: So beautiful! So noble!

Then she took off her cloak, and the strapless design of the dress immediately attracted everyone's attention to the necklace around her neck. It was a simple yet gorgeous diamond necklace, echoing the crown on her head and shining brightly. .

Then the woman on the stage made another elegant move, deliberately but not abruptly showing off the bracelet on her wrist...

The eyes of the people in the audience lit up, they were so beautiful, both their clothes and jewelry were beautiful!

White is obviously supposed to be elegant, but with this look, everyone just feels gorgeous—refinedly gorgeous.

Another woman in purple comes on stage

Soon the woman walked down, and the two passed each other in the middle of the T stage, and then stood still in front of the white background.

The woman in purple clothes walked at the same pace and made different movements, looking at the accessories she wore layer by layer. She was so mature, elegant, mysterious and charming.

Then the women in green clothes, red clothes, yellow clothes... waited for the women to come on stage one by one.

The beauty is overwhelming and dizzying.

This is a beautiful jewelry palace...

In just a quarter of an hour, it showed the world a graceful, luxurious, exquisite, jeweled yet simple and fashionable jewelry feast.

Twelve models lined up elegantly on the stage and gradually left the stage before everyone came back.

With such a bare chest and back, it must be a shocking outfit! The clothes should be worn only by voluptuous and charming girls, and they should obviously be considered immoral! But the ladies and girls here felt so noble and elegant!

"Eternal classics tend to be simple, and life tends to be dull. I hope that these jewelry pieces from Polaroid can bring a little sparkle to each other's ordinary lives, adding a touch of brilliance to the quiet years." The host added. He walked up to the stage and bowed: "The new product launch conference of Baoli Jewelry has ended perfectly. Thank you everyone for participating. There is only one set of the twelve sets of jewelry displayed by the model tonight in the Imperial City, and a total of ten sets are limited to be sold nationwide. Even these ten sets will never be exactly the same, there are some changes. Everyone is welcome to go to the counter to buy. In addition, there are many other new products in the store, and everyone is welcome to appreciate and purchase."

Only one set? Unique? sky! Doesn’t that mean that if you have fast hands, you will have nothing if you have slow hands?

Who wouldn’t want to own all such beautiful jewelry!

Only one set? So inhumane!

No, if you only have one set and bought it for yourself, wouldn’t you be afraid of competing with others every time you attend a banquet?

The people who were still sitting lost their composure after hearing this and hurried to the front desk.

“I want to wear the white outfit with matching jewelry!”

"I want the green one!"

"I want the green one. I came first. Everything has a first-come, first-served basis."

"I want the yellow outfit."

"No need to rush, please queue up, first come first served. If you haven't bought it yet, don't worry. There are many new styles in the shop. We just picked one set to display."

"I want……"

"What's so expensive?"

"Isn't it expensive? I want it if you don't want it!" Such a beautiful and unique thing, isn't it worth it? "

"Who said I don't want it! I just didn't bring so many banknotes. Can I record them first?"

"If you don't have any money, go ahead and don't stop me from buying it!"

"What? The purple one was sold? So fast! Twelve sets of jewelry are gone? What about the clothes? Can I buy that set of clothes?"

"Yes, you can also tailor a set specifically for the girl."

Others listened and said: "What kind of clothes can be ordered? And tailor-made? Then I will buy them too..."

In less than a quarter of an hour, twelve sets of jewelry were sold out.

The people left in front of the counter are all custom-made clothes.

Upstairs, Xiaoer looked at the grand occasion downstairs and smiled with satisfaction.

"Girl Xiao'er, if the market is closed for one year, it will be open for three years! How did you come up with such a method?"

New product launch? I’ve learned a lot today! Before this, he had no idea what a new product launch conference was!

It's a shame she could think of such a method!

"It's not what I thought. Why doesn't the market open for a year? Since the opening of my jewelry store, business has been very good!"

"Who thought that? Where did you find someone with so many evil ideas?"

"What our international friends thought." What the hell? The ideas the foreign devils have are not just ghost ideas.

Who are the international friends? Di Shaowei looked at Xiaoer.

Shangguan Xuanyi also looked at Xiaoer.

"You don't know him."

Seeing that Xiao'er didn't want to say more, the two of them knew what was going on and didn't ask any more questions.

"Girl, you sell all your clothes, do you want to open a clothing store?"

"What I want to do is private high-end customization."

"Private high-end customization?" Di Shaowei was a little clear but also a little unclear.

"It is high-quality clothing and jewelry that are specially designed for someone, unique, and most suitable for them."

After hearing this, Di Shaowei had only one word for Xiaoer: admire!

She can think of such a huge profit method!

This really counts as three years of business after the market opens!

There's one more chapter, it's almost midnight

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