Baoli Jewelry's new product launch conference set off a storm in the jewelry industry in the imperial capital, and several jewelry stores followed suit. This storm even swept across all continents and counties in Minze, and later businesses in neighboring countries also followed suit.

Some ready-to-wear stores also got some inspiration and held new product launch conferences, but they were quite imitative.

Yun'er loved embroidery and clothing design and was very talented. After discussing with her family, Xiaoer decided to open a ready-made clothing store to sell clothes designed by Yun'er.

From now on, this garment shop will be part of Yun'er's dowry.

So in the near future, the Yunner fashion conference will teach the clothing industry of this era a big lesson on standard fashion shows!

Yunner Fashion has stepped into the high-end position of the industry in one step.

Xiaoer's family lives like a fish in water in the Imperial City, and their days are even more prosperous.

The Shen family in Shengping County was also very lively.

As soon as Shen Chengguang and Lan returned to the village, they talked to Mr. Shen:

"Father! Mother! Yuzhu cannot marry the son of that landlord's family. He is not worthy of our Yuzhu! Bao'er found a good match for Jingshu in the imperial capital! He is the younger brother of Lord Jiu Tan of the Imperial Academy. Now He and Mr. Tan have not separated yet, so Yuzhu can be regarded as an official wife after marrying him!"

When Shen Zhuang heard this, her eyes lit up. Yuzhu was indeed blessed. She could finally fulfill her long-cherished wish of marrying into an official family and becoming an official wife. Shen Zhuang couldn't wait to ask, "How much betrothal gift will Mr. Tan give? "

"Shut up! Yushu is already engaged to Landlord Yang's son, and the wedding ceremony will be next month. The betrothal gift has also been accepted! This is not a child's play, how can you say that you will marry without getting married! And I'm afraid Mr. Tan's brother will also You are not young anymore, and you have not married yet, so you may have some tolerance problems." Mr. Shen shook his head. It is not suitable for Yuzhu's temperament to marry into an official family. It is better to marry the son of a landlord's family and have enough food and clothing.

He is not stupid, how could such a good thing happen to their family! Maybe there is something that even my son doesn’t know.

"Dad, Mr. Tan's younger brother has been mourning for his father for three years, and six months later he has been mourning for his mother for three years. This has delayed the best age to get married. The young ladies from the wealthy families in the imperial capital naturally look down upon his age. The older one, dragging on year after year, has reached the age of more than 20 years. Mr. Tan is also anxious, and wants to find a young and beautiful younger brother, and for the sake of the Prime Minister's face, otherwise there will be no jade beads. What's up!"

"But it's too late..." Twenty-something years old is indeed not too old. Older men are more loving and will let their wives and children go. Yuzhu has a more willful temperament and needs a husband-in-law who knows how to let her go. .

"It's not too late, she's not married yet! Mr. Tan has promised to donate an official post to Wen'er when Wen'er becomes a scholar, and this will cost fifty thousand taels. If Yuzhu marries her, our two families will be Relative, isn't it appropriate for Mr. Tan to promote Wen'er? He is too embarrassed to ask for money."

After hearing this, Mr. Shen's already fragile eggshell began to crack when facing his eldest son.

Fifty thousand taels, where can he find 50,000 taels to donate to his grandson?

"Dad, the master of the imperial capital said that because Wen'er did not receive enlightenment in a good college when he was a child, he was deprived of good qualifications and could only stop being a scholar. If Wen'er can't donate to the official position, then after so many years of studying, he will have no choice but to become a scholar. It’s a waste of time!” Lan said specifically looking for the old man’s weakness.

Mr. Shen was shocked after hearing this. Is there any delay in qualifications? If this is the case, isn't his hope of honoring his ancestors gone? But fifty thousand taels is really too much! He has to think about:

"What kind of person is Mr. Tan's younger brother?"

After hearing this, I knew there was something going on. Shen Chengguang and Lan beautified Tan's younger brother with every word.

As expected, the old man still puts honoring his ancestors first. They knew Dad agreed.

"I will marry Mr. Tan's brother, not the landlord's son!" Shen Zhuang made the decision after hearing this.

The next day, Shen Chengzong's family immediately started making trouble when they found out about this!

Mrs. Li sat on the ground regardless: "Oh my God, why don't you strike down those heartless people with a thunderbolt? For my sister-in-law's sake, I worked so hard and talked so much that I told my sister-in-law about this good marriage. Now if I say I won’t marry, I won’t marry, and the servants of the landlord’s family won’t be able to hack me to death with a big knife!”

"You black-hearted person, how can a son of a landlord be considered a good match? Yuzhu is destined to be an official's wife! You just introduced a son of a landlord to her because you were unscrupulous, and you want to harm her for the rest of her life?"

"Bah! What kind of official wife! I am still the second sister-in-law of Shengpinghou! So what! Besides, there is no separation of families now, which does not mean that there will be no separation of families in the future. What kind of person is Mr. Tan's brother? They are the eldest brother and the couple. Yes, no one knows whether it is true or not! Maybe Mr. Tan is a fool! But my parents and Yuzhu have seen the appearance of Landlord Yang’s son. They were satisfied at the time! What’s the point of refuting it now! Go and ask Ask the whole village if anyone thinks that marrying the landlord's son has harmed her!" Ms. Li almost hated Shen Chengguang to death! They were about to get married in a month, but he wanted his good deeds to come to naught!

Absolutely not allowed!

He came out of thin air to intervene. If there was nothing fishy in it, who would believe it? The whole family is selfish and will not get up early if there is no profit! It's just that the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, so they can't verify it!

"Our family has taken over thirty acres of paddy fields, a shop, and fifty taels of silver! They have sent invitations to relatives and friends, and now they say they are not getting married, where can they put their face! Farmers like us If we can't afford other big landowners, wouldn't it be as easy as ants to trample us to death?"

"If those betrothal gifts are returned, then Yuzhu will marry into an official family. I'm afraid they won't dare to cause trouble!"

Mr. Shen Zhuang is really loud!

"Second brother, I advise you to get married and retreat immediately. Is the landlord's son really as good as you say? I don't believe it no matter what! I will send someone to find out what the truth is."

The second room knows the eldest family and the eldest family, so why should the eldest family not know the second room! They are all the same!

"I don't know what you're talking about, so don't spit on anyone! I haven't said there's anything wrong with Mr. Tan's son! If you really want to marry a young and beautiful woman, I believe there is no shortage of good women in the poor families of the imperial capital!" A flash of panic flashed in Shen Chengzong's eyes.

"Chengguang, what do you mean by this? Is there something wrong with the landlord's son?" Mr. Shen became less calm after hearing this.

Mother's Day will be here in half an hour. I wish all the mothers of book lovers a happy Mother's Day. I also wish all book friends who are already mothers: Happy Holidays. I have something to do today. I got up around five o'clock to code the first chapter. I just finished coding the second chapter. I dozed off and finished coding. I'm so sleepy. Good night everyone.

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