"Dad, didn't you see the son of the landowner with your own eyes that day? Don't tell me that the wind is the rain!" Shen Chengzong was so angry that his father was partial. He also said that Master Tan's younger brother had a problem, why didn't he see his father? believe!

His son knew it himself. The more Mr. Shen thought about it, the more he felt uneasy. He had to find someone to find out.

"Okay, dad knows. Dad and your mother will discuss Yuzhu's marriage. Yuzhu is your sister, and you must choose the best marriage for her. I don't care what little thoughts you have, but you can't harm her. Kill her." Mr. Shen looked at his two sons with burning eyes.

"How could it be possible? If Yuzhu marries into a landowner's family, she will have no worries about food and clothing, and she will have slaves and maidservants." Shen Chengzong assured, patting his chest.

"When Yuzhu marries the Tan family, she will enjoy endless wealth and splendor throughout her life." Shen Chengguang also promised.

"That's good. You all go out and I'll discuss it with your mother."

After leaving the main room, the two brothers didn't like each other, so they both snorted and went back to their own rooms.

"Did the landowner ask someone to investigate?"

"I have asked my father to help find out. There are students from that village in the academy. I will go and ask in the afternoon."

"My wife is so considerate!" Shen Chengguang really felt that with such a wife, there was nothing more a husband could ask for.

In this era, the emphasis is on being a teacher for a day and a father for a lifetime. Therefore, most students respect their master very much. If the master inquires about the situation of his students, he will definitely tell everything he knows.

Early the next morning

Mrs. Lan hurriedly jumped out of the carriage, threw a bunch of money to the driver, and rushed into the main room shouting: "Father, mother, it's not good! The son of the landowner has died a long time ago. Yuzhu's marriage is Dark marriage!"

Lan's voice was loud, and she was deliberately so loud.

At this time, every household was getting ready to go to the fields. Some old people were holding a bowl and sitting on a rock stool at the door of the house to feed their grandchildren breakfast. When they heard Lan's words, some people were so frightened that they dropped their bowls on the ground.

Dark relative? This is big gossip! When the meddling mothers heard this, they all ran out and came to the door of Shen's house, ready to watch the live broadcast.

"It turns out to be a ghost marriage. No wonder there are so many betrothal gifts. This person married into a widow!"

"It's better to be a widow, but I don't know if I have to be buried with you."

"Be buried with me, no way! This is too terrible! It's too damaging to your moral character!"

"Ms. Li is so inhumane, tell your sister-in-law about this marriage!"

"No! Fortunately, she and I are not sisters-in-law. Otherwise, I would have to be on tenterhooks every day, fearing that I would be tricked!"

Mrs. Lu also heard it, dark marriage! The second uncle can do such a thing! terrible! These people are terrible!

Mrs. Lu was so frightened that she felt cold all over! When she was a child, she saw a living example of a ghostly marriage and burial...it was so terrifying!

She also has a daughter now...

no! Can't stay! Mrs. Lu held her daughter in her arms, locked the door, and immediately went to the iron shop to find her husband.

As for what would happen here, she really didn't want to see it and didn't dare to care!

In the house

Mr. Shen had just finished his meal and was smoking on the kang. After hearing what Lan said, he was so angry that he choked on the cigarette and coughed until tears came out!

I couldn't say a word for a long time.

After hearing these two words, Shen Zhuang felt bad!

Dark marriage? So were the people who came that day human? It can't be a ghost, right?

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was so frightened that the needle and thread in her hand dropped back to the sewing basket.

"Old, old...Old man, our family won't be in trouble with those things, right?" Shen Zhuang looked around cautiously when he said this.

"Ah, I don't want to, I don't want to marry a ghost!" Shen Yuzhu also thought that the man was a ghost, and "he" smiled at herself. She was so frightened that she hid behind Shen Zhuang and buried her head, holding Shen Zhuang tightly. His clothes.

Mr. Shen regained his breath and almost died of anger at their words. Do these two people have water in their heads? The sun was bright that day, and the man’s shadow was very obvious! How could they scare themselves?

"What are you talking about! Hey...have you ever seen a ghost standing under the sun in broad daylight?"

After hearing this, the two of them remembered that the sun was really bright the day "he" came to their house.

The courage of the two finally returned to its original position, as long as they are not ghosts!

Thinking of Lan's use of ghost marriage to deceive herself, she was so frightened that she almost broke her nerve just now. Shen Zhuang cursed without thinking about the whole story: "Okay! Lan, you want to scare me to death, and then you..."

"That's enough! Let's hear what the elders have to say first!" Mr. Shen is now almost mad that Mr. Shen Zhuang can never figure out the seriousness of the matter!

When something happens, I just know to ignore it and scold him!

This is how the third family separated from a large family! Otherwise, why would we be like this today!

There is Lao San, Marquis Shengping! What kind of family can Yuzhu want to marry?

"Father, mother, my father has asked someone to inquire about it. The son of the landowner's family passed away due to a sudden illness a few months ago. The Feng Shui master said that if an orphan's grave is buried in the ancestral grave, it will affect the prosperity of the family's descendants! So their family has to give age The son who died so young married into a ghost marriage. Everyone in their village knew about it, but unfortunately no one was willing to marry them no matter how much they gave as betrothal gifts! The landowner gave each family in the village some hush money to keep them from telling anyone. , and then said that whoever can find a daughter-in-law for his son will be given a reward of one hundred taels! So many people in the village helped the landowner find a daughter-in-law."

"But Mr. Tian clearly came to our house that day." Mr. Shen was absolutely sure that it was a living person.

Shen Zhuang and Shen Yuzhu hugged each other and nodded.

"That's the son of the landowner's younger brother! He's the person Belle is going to marry. They are two cousins ​​in name, but in reality they are two brothers. The landowner adopted his younger son to his younger brother who has no issue, so the two of them are indeed older. Very similar.”

"My father's student also said that the second brother does not want the landlord's reward of one hundred taels, but he only hopes that the son of the landlord's younger brother can marry Bei'er!"

"The landlord's younger brother is more business-savvy than the landlord. Now he is doing a lot of business in the county with the ancestral property obtained from the division of the family! And the landlord has no heirs now, and his family's farm property will be the same a hundred years later. He is an adopted son. Dad, we can’t get married like this! The second brother wants to sacrifice Yuzhu’s lifelong happiness to pave a broad road to glory and wealth for his daughter!”

"It's unreasonable! It's simply unreasonable! Where's the second brother? Call him over! I'm going to beat this traitor to death!"

"Ms. Li! You're a charlatan, get out of here, how dare you harm my daughter like this!"

Shen Yuzhu was even more furious! "Okay! Shen Beier, you actually want me to marry a dead man, but you enjoy all the glory and wealth? Aren't you afraid of thunder from heaven?"

Mrs. Lan went back to her parents' house yesterday to inquire about the news. Shen Chengzong and his wife were worried that the matter would be exposed, so they rushed to the landowner's house to report the news.

At this time, trumpets sounded at the end of the village, and a four-person wedding team headed to Shen's house beating gongs and drums.

Happy Mother's Day~

Everyone is happy~

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