The villagers were dumbfounded when they heard this festive sound. Who is getting married or getting married? I haven't heard about it!

The wedding team is getting closer and closer, and those with sharp eyes can even see the man on the horse holding a rooster...

Rooster! this?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and then all look at the Shen family.

It seems like it’s really a ghost marriage!

But isn’t the wedding day in a month? Why is it so early?

When the old man heard this voice in the room, he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

The second couple went out yesterday afternoon, and they haven't come home yet.

"Yuzhu! Quick! Hide quickly!" Mr. Shen pushed Shen Yuzhu to get off the kang.

The dick is amazing! This is to force Yuzhu to death! Force them both to death!

"Old man, what's wrong? Why is Yuzhu hiding?" Mrs. Shen Zhuang looked at Mr. Shen's anxious look, confused.

"I guess the Tian family is here to welcome the bride. Hurry! Otherwise it will be too late!"

"What! Ouch! The second brother, the one who killed a thousand swords! This is cutting out my flesh and sucking my blood!" After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang sat on the kang and beat her thighs!

Shen Yuzhu was so frightened that she wanted to marry him? Are you going to marry yourself back?

The ghost husband has come to welcome the bride? No, she doesn’t want it, and she doesn’t dare to marry!

Everything he encountered was unreliable. Mr. Shen was so anxious that he said, "Old man, hurry up! Take Yuzhu and hide!"

"Okay!" Lan quickly pulled Shen Yuzhu who was standing still and ran out!

After leaving the main room, Lan looked around, hiding? Hide there?

The wedding team is getting closer...



"It's really someone from the landowner's family who came to welcome the bride!"

"Rooster! It's a rooster! Oh my god! It's really a ghost marriage!"

Shen Yuzhu was so frightened when she heard this that she didn't want to marry a ghost or have sex with a rooster!

After listening to the people outside, Lan knew that he couldn't escape outside the gate, otherwise he would definitely catch him!

Shen Yuzhu must not be snatched away by the Tian family! She has to marry Lord Tan’s brother!

what to do? Where to hide?

At this time, Mr. Shen brought out a ladder, "Quick! Quick! Climb up the ladder to the wall and jump to the yard of Dalin's house next door!"

Lan quickly pushed Shen Yuzhu up the bamboo ladder: "Yuzhu! Hurry! Otherwise you will have to marry a dead man."

After hearing this, Shen Yuzhu finally recovered from her fear. She quickly climbed the ladder to the wall, with Lan following closely behind her.

"Yuzhu, jump! Jump down quickly!"

"I, I don't dare!" Shen Yuzhu looked at the ground far away from her, her legs trembling.

"You don't dare, you have to jump even if you don't dare, otherwise you will be caught by the Tian family and worshiped with a rooster!" Lan was almost furious with her! He just pushed her down but was afraid of breaking it, so Mr. Tan didn't want it anymore.

After hearing this, Shen Yuzhu glanced at the ground covered with chicken excrement and became timid again.

At this time, Dalin's wife in the next courtyard moved a ladder out and leaned it against the wall.

"Quick! Climb down quickly! Don't be afraid, I'll help you hold the ladder!" She waved to Shen Yuzhu.

Shen Yuzhu quickly climbed down the ladder.

"Old man, if you find a chance to escape from the village, take Yuzhu to the imperial capital now and marry Mr. Tan's brother. I'll leave Yuzhu's marriage to you!" Mr. Shen handed Lan a money bag.

Lan took it, nodded and quickly climbed over the wall: "Don't worry, Dad, I will take good care of Yuzhu!"

As soon as Lan climbed down, before Mr. Shen had time to put away the ladder, the Tian family's bride-to-be came in.

"Mr. Shen, my young master can't wait any longer. He has to marry Miss Shen back today." The housekeeper bowed to Mr. Shen and said.

Mr. Shen calmed himself down and said calmly: "The marriage between our two families doesn't count! I didn't know beforehand that it was a ghost marriage! So this marriage doesn't count! I will never let my daughter get married. A widower!"

"It doesn't count? The betrothal gifts have been collected and the wedding invitations have been exchanged. It's not up to you! Whether you are willing to marry or not, I will definitely marry my young master a wife today! Come on! Come in for me. Miss Shen, tie up the sedan chair!" The housekeeper's face was not respectful after hearing this.

"Wait a minute, the betrothal gift can be returned to you, but this marriage must not count!" Mr. Shen hurriedly stopped him.

"Search! We must bring the young lady back to the house!" The housekeeper will not listen to Mr. Shen.

After hearing this, several stout women rushed in more quickly, and Mr. Shen couldn't stop them!

But after searching several houses, no one was found.

Butler Tian thought that when he came in, he happened to see Mr. Shen put away the ladder and said: "The yard next door! He must have climbed the wall and hid in the yard next door!"

"No! How can you disturb the neighbors!" Mr. Shen was frightened when he saw what he was doing and hurried to stop him.

But Mr. Shen had been in prison and his body was not as good as before. How could he stop a few strong women who were as strong as cattle? He was suddenly pushed away!

The landowners came here prepared today, just to rob someone, so they specially called a few strong women to welcome the bride.

Several people ran to Dalin's wife's house again. Dalin's wife put her hands on her hips and stopped outside the courtyard gate: "What's wrong! If you dare to break into a private house, I will call the police to arrest you!"

"Sister-in-law, I saw my young lady climbing up the wall and hiding in your house! I advise you to hand her over! Otherwise, I will be the one to report you!" Reporting to the official? Are you bluffing yourself like you are bluffing those ignorant country women?

"I don't know your young lady, how could you allow a stranger to hide in my house! I'm not a dog that catches mice, and I won't mind my own business!"

"My young lady is the fifth daughter of the Shen family! Auntie, if you don't get out of the way, we will be rude!"

"Why didn't I know that Yuzhu was married? When did Yuzhu become your young lady?"

"Today I am marrying my young master..."

Wait, the housekeeper looked at Dalin's wife who was pretending to be calm. This person was talking to him here, and he was obviously stalling for time!

Why delay? Shen Yuzhu must have escaped, and she was buying more time for her to escape!

I have to say that as the housekeeper of a landlord's family, his brain is quite useful.

"Quick, go to the official road and take a look! The young lady has run away!"

After hearing this, some servants hurriedly ran to the official road.

"Others also split up to look for it!"

Lan took Shen Yuzhu and ran away from the back door of Dalin's wife's house, and was now running along the village path towards the town.

As long as they run to the town and rent a carriage from the God's Capital, they will be safe.

The coachman who just sent Lan back to the village left now because he went to the hut and ate the dry food he brought with him.

As soon as Lan saw this carriage, he felt like he was seeing a savior, "Coachman, hurry up, send us away quickly."

Happy Mother's Day~

Happy children, happy mothers~

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