The people from the landowner's side ran to the entrance of the village and saw Lan and the others climbing onto the carriage.

"Quick, there!"

"Hurry, coachman, don't let them catch up!" Seeing that those people had discovered them, Lan quickly urged the coachman.

When the carriage driver saw someone chasing these two people, and those people were wearing the same clothes, he knew at a glance that they were servants of a wealthy family. He was afraid that they would get into some kind of trouble, and they could just take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, so he said: "This lady and the young lady , you’d better run on your own, I’m an old horse, I’ve already run for a while, and I haven’t had enough rest yet, so I can’t run anymore!”

"You can run away. If you help me get rid of those people, I will give you a tael of silver." Bah, why can't you run away! This is to raise the price on the spot!

The driver curled his lips, if his horse really ran away, what's the use of a tael of silver!

When Lan saw someone, she quickly caught up with them. She and Shen Yuzhu would definitely not be able to outrun them, and Shen Yuzhu must not be captured! Lan gritted his teeth and said: "Ten taels, get rid of them, you send us to the town, and I will give you ten taels!"

The carriage driver was moved when he heard the twelve taels, twelve taels! How many trips does he usually have to make to earn it.

"Okay, we agreed on ten taels! Not a penny less."

"I know it won't be short. I'll give you five taels first. Hurry!"

"Drive!" The coachman was satisfied and the carriage started to run.

The few people who were about to catch up were quickly pulled away from each other.

But because of this delay, Manager Tian had already arrived on horseback. His horse was a good horse, and he didn't need to pull a cart. He immediately overtook the carriage and stopped it.

The coachman quickly tightened his horse's reins, and the two people in the carriage hit their heads on the wooden board, crying in pain.

"Young madam, if you are sensible, come out on your own, otherwise I will be offended, which will not look good!" Manager Tian's threatening voice sounded.

"I'm not your young lady, get out of the way, a good dog won't block the way." Shen Yuzhu rubbed the painful forehead and said in a pretending manner.

snort! If you don’t drink the toast, you will drink as a penalty!

"Hurry and pull the young lady out of the carriage, don't waste the good time!"


After hearing this, Shen Yuzhu was so scared that she hugged Lan tightly: "Sister-in-law, what should I do?"

Lan held Shen Yuzhu's hand tightly and said calmly: "Let me tell you, Yuzhu is the unmarried wife of the younger brother of Lord Jiu Tan of the Imperial Academy. If you dare to capture her, just give it a try!"

The unmarried wife of Mr. Tan’s biological brother who was worshiped at the Imperial Academy? This is a high branch, so you want to regret the marriage?

It's a pity that the second master of the Tian family also has some connections in the officialdom!

"You have already accepted the gifts from the Tian family, and the young lady's wedding invitations have been enshrined in the ancestral hall. She is our young master's unmarried wife, so how can she be the unmarried wife of Mr. Tan's younger brother? Even if this matter is brought to trial We are also responsible for the government. Even though Mr. Tan is an official, can he still be unreasonable?"

"Everyone, go and ask the young lady to come down. If you delay the auspicious time, who can give the young master a wife?"

After hearing this, the servants no longer hesitated. It was terrible to think about giving the young master a wife.

Seeing those people's hands reaching into the carriage, Shen Yuzhu screamed in fright and kept kicking with her legs.

"Wait a minute, if you come in again I'll scream indecent assault! My daughter is married to the son of Prime Minister Zuo, and the Prime Minister and I are in-laws! You have to think about whether you are going to offend Mr. Tan and the Prime Minister because of this!" Lan's family Showing her proud identity.

After hearing this, Manager Tian raised his hand to stop the servant's movements.

The eldest son of the Shen family is actually married to the Prime Minister? How can they be so virtuous?

Considering that the third house of the Shen family is now the Marquis of Shengping, is it true that the rumor that the Marquis of Shengping and the second house of the eldest family are no longer related and have no contact with each other is false? No, what Er Ye’s people found out is absolutely correct, otherwise they wouldn’t have made the marriage decision in the first place!

Even if Marquis Shengping and their two wives were not divorced, it would be impossible for their daughter to marry the Prime Minister's son! It's wrong to be too close to the right family!

I'm afraid this lady just made up an excuse to scare them! Marrying the Prime Minister's son? Even thinking about it, I think it’s impossible!

After thinking about it, Manager Tian said: "Madam is offended. We are just following orders. We must bring Madam back to the house today."

Lan couldn't believe that she had moved the Prime Minister out, and this man was not afraid. Should I say this person is ignorant or fearless?

Shen Yuzhu saw that this man was still pestering her and wanted her to marry the ghost husband. Shen Yuzhu was angry: "Don't call me young madam, I am not your young madam! My parents disagreed, so this marriage doesn't count! Since it's my second wife, It's my brother's lead. Go and ask Shen Beier to be the young lady. She is my second brother's daughter, so all the gifts should be given to her! I don't care about it!"

Lan's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Yes, yes! It was Lao Er's family who deceived us, otherwise we would have known it was a ghost marriage and wouldn't have agreed to it no matter what! In this case, you go to him to compensate one of your young ladies. ! Just let Shen Beier be your young lady, so that your second young master doesn't have to suffer the injustice of marrying her, a country girl."

Mr. Tian pondered after hearing this. The second young master marrying Shen Bei'er is just a temporary measure. Let Shen Bei'er marry the eldest young master, and the second young master does not have to marry the vulgar Shen Bei'er. It is indeed the most perfect. .

"Where is Shen Beier now?"

"Here! Here!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang pulled Shen Beier out who was crying and screaming.

"I don't want to, I don't want to marry a dead person! Oh, father, mother, come back quickly and save me!"

Mrs. Shen Zhuang slapped her in the face with his backhand; "Shut up, whoever you don't want to marry will marry you! This is a marriage provoked by your parents! If you don't want to marry someone, you can marry someone else!"

She wants to step on her daughter's body and enjoy glory and wealth, but she is not so lucky!

Shen Chengzong and his wife knew that there would be a fuss today, so they hid and did not dare to show up. They also informed their children to stay at their grandma's house and not to go back.

Because Shen Beier knew that someone would come to capture Shen Yuzhu today to make her a ghost wife, thinking that Shen Yuzhu had bullied her for so many years by relying on her identity as sister-in-law, and now she finally got her retribution, she couldn't help but want to secretly take a look at her miserable face. end.

She was so careful that she didn't even dare to risk her hiding in a corner. Unexpectedly, Shen Zhuang's sharp eyes saw her, and now she regrets it to death.

Shen Beier's hair was messy, her face was full of tears, and her face was red and swollen. It was obvious that Mr. Shen Zhuang had beaten her a lot to vent his anger.

Manager Tian frowned when he saw the mother-in-law, who signaled to follow her, and stepped forward to catch Shen Beier on the flower bridge.

Although Shen Beier grew up in a farm family, she usually did all kinds of cheating and cheating in her work. She didn't have much strength. She couldn't even break free from Shen Zhuang's hand, let alone two strong and strong women. , so no matter how hard she struggled, she was still escorted onto the flower bridge.

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