"Mom, Jie'er is fucking pregnant!"

Shen Chengzu stood up when he noticed that Shen Zhuang was rushing towards Lu, but he only had time to stop Shen Zhuang who wanted to sit on Lu after stepping on her.

"Stop!" Mr. Shen quickly stopped Shen Zhuang after hearing what Shen Chengzu said.

Shen Chengzu was anxious and angry and pulled Shen Zhuang away. Shen Zhuang fell to the ground and started crying and cursing again.

Seeing Lu in this situation, she felt a little scared and guilty, so she cried louder, cursed harder, and held her waist with her hands while shouting:

"Oh, it hurts me to death. My waist is broken. It hurts to death! Fourth child! There is a god in your head. You can even beat me. You are too careful to strike with lightning. You white-eyed wolf, you married a wife. Just forget about mother!... Ouch, it hurts! I’m going to die!”

But with her noisy look and swearing words, she was still full of anger after scolding for a long time, without a pause, who would believe that something was really wrong with her!

Mrs. Lu held her stomach in pain so much that she broke into a cold sweat.

"Jie'er mother, don't be afraid, let's go see the doctor, everything will be fine!" Shen Chengzu picked up Mrs. Lu and walked out, completely unaware of Mrs. Shen Zhuang's words behind him.

How can a person who is really in pain have the strength to curse?

"Second brother, hurry up, go get the bullock cart and take your fourth brother and the others to the hospital." Mrs. Lu was so painful that she broke into a cold sweat, but Mr. Shen was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. For no reason, just because he is the most honest and reliable person. Shen Chengzu was the only son left, and he could not lose this son as well.

If the Lu family had a miscarriage because of the Shen Zhuang family, then the day when the fourth family and the two elders would be separated was just around the corner.

Over the years, Lu has always had a grudge against Sheng Jie due to his childhood illness. If something unfortunate happens again this time...

Mr. Shen felt scared when he thought about it. Alas, this was all caused by Shen Zhuang's nonsense!

"Dad, it's already dark now, and the medical clinics are closed. Where can I go to find a doctor?" Shen Chengzong didn't want to go out in the dark to ask for a doctor.

"You brat! That's a human life! That child will be your nephew after birth! Go and ask for Dr. Luo!"

"Doctor Luo no longer lives in the village, and I don't know where he went! How to invite him?! Mother, since Yuzhu has not married the landowner, do you need to take out the betrothal gift and return it to me?"

He hasn't gotten back the gift for marrying his daughter, so he doesn't have the time to take care of other people's affairs.

After hearing Shen Chengzong’s words, Mr. Shen Zhuang immediately became furious! Then he turned the muzzle of the gun and kept bombarding Shen Chengzong.

A new round of farce has begun again.

Shen Chengzu was going to take Lu to Xiaoer's house in the village and asked the housekeeper to arrange a carriage to take Lu to the hospital.

"Medicine! Xiao'er, the medicine left behind." When Mrs. Lu was in the imperial capital, she heard Mrs. Liu mention that Xiao'er's medicine saved the life of a woman who suffered from postpartum hemorrhage. Later, the woman's family became the owner of their jewelry shop. Craftsman.

"Is this useful?" Shen Chengzu hesitated after hearing this.

"Yes, use it!" Lu felt inexplicably that if they wanted to save the fetus in their belly, they had to take the emergency medicine Xiao'er left for them immediately.

Shen Chengzu quickly took Mrs. Lu back to the house, then took out three medicines and asked Mrs. Lu which one to take.

Shen Jingjie heard the noise and ran over. Seeing his mother's face full of pain, he quickly asked: "Dad, what's wrong with mother?"

How could Shen Chengzu be in the mood to pay attention to him.

Mrs. Lu didn’t know which one to take, but she could never go wrong with the medicine that could cure all diseases, so she weakly said: “It cures diseases.”

After eating, Mrs. Lu felt that there was blood flowing in her lower body, or that she should take something to stop bleeding and heal the injury, so she added, "It's better to take something to stop bleeding!"

Shen Chengzu was a little hesitant: "Will taking this medicine indiscriminately affect the child?"

Impact on children? Mrs. Lu felt sad after hearing this, and couldn't help venting her resentment on Shen Chengzu: "It's a question of whether this child can be kept. What impact can it have?"

After hearing this, Shen Chengzu quickly poured three more pills for her to eat.

After taking both medicines, Lu's stomach felt less painful.

"It doesn't seem to hurt that much anymore."

"I'll go to the third brother's house and ask the housekeeper to help call a doctor. Jier, please take care of your mother first and don't let her go to the ground. Dad will be back soon." Shen Chengzu was still worried after hearing this and decided to call a doctor.

The town was not far from the village, and the doctor came quickly. He was Dr. Lin who had the best medical skills in the town.

Doctor Lin checked the pulse for a while and then said: "There are some signs of miscarriage, but the longer the pulse is felt, the more stable the fetal condition will be. Have you taken any medicine before?"

"Yes, I have taken the medicine, but are you still okay now?" Shen Chengzu nodded and asked nervously.

"I'll take your pulse again in half an hour." Doctor Lin was very surprised. What kind of medicine was so powerful that he could feel his body's recovery even after taking his pulse in such a short time.

Lu's stomach no longer hurts, and the doctor also said that there were signs of a tire slippage rather than a slippage. Fortunately, she had been to the Imperial Capital before and heard about it. Fortunately, Xiaoer left a lot of food for their family. medicine.


Thinking of this, Mrs. Lu said to the doctor: "Doctor, if someone asks you about my situation, can you say that I had a tire slip?"

"Jie'er mother, how could you curse your child like this?" Shen Chengzu looked at Mrs. Lu and didn't understand why she said that.

"I said this for his sake, not to curse him! I can't survive this life if I stay here any longer. If you still want to live with me, don't talk!"

After hearing this, Shen Chengzu did not dare to speak out.

Dr. Lin nodded after hearing this. Every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite. He respects the patient's opinions. "I also have a heartfelt request. Madam, can you show me what medicine you took before?"

Mrs. Lu nodded after hearing this and asked Shen Chengzu to take out two bottles of medicine and show them to Dr. Lin.

They were all made into pills, but she didn't believe that Dr. Lin could read a prescription.

Dr. Lin took it carefully and smelled it, but only smelled a strong fruity aroma. The medicinal aroma was overshadowed by the fruity aroma.

And the other bottle has the smell of mint and grass...

But what cannot be denied is that the smell of both bottles of medicine is shocking.

Is this a pill made from the fruit of some kind of medicinal material? Doctor Lin shook his head. It seemed that he still knew too little about medicines, and he didn't even smell them.

An hour later, Dr. Lin took Lu's pulse again. Sure enough, the fetal condition was stable and almost the same as usual.

"Madam, the fetus is fine, but the first trimester is the most unstable time. Madam, it's better to be careful."

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu finally felt relieved that her child was saved.

With such a good medicine, Dr. Lin originally did not plan to prescribe any more anti-fetal medicine, but now that the fetus was fine, Mrs. Lu was not willing to take this life-saving medicine, so she asked Dr. Lin to prescribe the medicine.

Dr. Lin understood when he saw that she said those medicines were precious and would be gone after taking them, so he was reluctant to take them again.

Life-saving medicine is naturally used in the most critical situations.

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