After a few days of rest, Mr. Lu directly went to Mr. Shen Zhuang to sever the relationship.

The facts told her again and again that these people were too terrifying, too terrible.

She didn't want anyone to harm her children through blood ties.

Shen Chengzu also felt sorry for his brother in his heart, and he was afraid that if he refused to agree to the Lu family, she would hurt the child in her belly if she refused to let him go. Naturally, she could do whatever she said.

Mr. Shen Zhuang was severely scolded by Mr. Shen last night. Mr. Shen put down his harsh words and said that if she dared to do anything that harmed future generations, he would divorce her!

So now she heard that Mrs. Lu was going to break off the engagement and wanted to make a fuss, but Mr. Shen coughed and she calmed down and just stared at Mrs. Lu fiercely!

Mrs. Lu was also far away from Mrs. Shen Zhuang this time, standing at the door of the upper room so that she could turn around and leave.

Once bitten by a snake, ten years will pass quickly.

"The child in your belly is from the fourth family?"


"Your mother didn't do it on purpose yesterday, she was just careless... It was her fault, but she will never do it again in the future."

"Of course not in the future! Maybe this will be my last child!"

Mr. Shen: "..."

"Dad, not only what happened yesterday, but also what happened with the third brother's family, and Yuzhu and Bei'er also scared me. I'm glad that Xi'er is still young and can't be the replacement, otherwise who would dare I guarantee that it won’t be my Xi’er who is at the landlord’s house now.”

Shen Beier has no hope in this life! They were all harmed by her parents.

Shen Chengzong and his wife wanted to take Shen Beier home a few days ago, but unfortunately they were beaten out.

Shen Chengzong was beaten until he was limping, and his whole face looked like a pig's head. He never dared to make trouble again.

He brought it upon himself! Harming others will ultimately harm yourself!

"No, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future. You and the fourth child can make the decision regarding Jie'er and Xi'er. Your mother and I will never interfere. Not even your eldest and second brothers can do it." Shen The old man quickly promised.

"What guarantee does dad use? There is no basis for what he says! If dad could control them, why would he be like this!"

Mrs. Lu smiled but didn't believe what Mr. Shen said. Before the family was separated, Mr. Shen liked to draw big cakes for them to satisfy their hunger! In short, Mr. Shen’s credit limit is negative!

Mr. Shen is a lazy man who takes care of things at home. He waits until things get out of control before he comes forward. But by then, things are irreversible!

But she also knew that it was definitely not easy for her to break off the relationship.

Mr. Shen fell silent after hearing Lu's words, yes! What guarantee does he use? When his sons grow up, each has his or her own agenda, and he can no longer control them.

But severing ties is absolutely not an option! Cutting off ties with the third family was the biggest mistake he made in his life, and he would never allow the same mistake to be made again!

"It is absolutely impossible to sever ties! Except for severing ties, you can do whatever you want!"

"Then pay me for my child's life!" Mrs. Lu touched her belly.

Mr. Shen: "..."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang thought that Mrs. Lu wanted to take her own life, and couldn't bear it anymore: "Ms. Lu, don't be so shameless! Who do you think you are! Is that your child? That belongs to my old Shen family Child! That child’s surname is Shen, not Lu! You accidentally fell and killed the child, and you wanted to blame me for it. I didn’t let you accompany my grandson. You should be snickering! Do you believe me or not? Let my son divorce you now!"

Shen Chengzu learned his lesson this time. As soon as Shen Zhuang spoke, he stretched out his hand to protect Lu, fearing any accident.

Mrs. Lu was so angry at Shen Zhuang's words that her face turned red.

Mr. Shen also saw that Mrs. Lu was determined to sever the relationship.

Mr. Shen thought for a while, then took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Seeing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang stopped him quickly: "Old man, are you stupid? You can't break off the engagement!"

"Shut up! Stay aside, or I will write a letter of divorce now!" Mr. Shen was very angry! Neither of them listens to themselves!

He is still no longer the head of the family!

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang was too frightened to move. Mr. Shen was full of anger at the moment, and she was also worried that he would actually turn the divorce document into a divorce document.

After Mr. Shen finished writing and pressed his fingerprints, he asked Shen Zhuang to also fingerprints and handed it to Mrs. Lu:

"Don't you want to live in the imperial capital? Go ahead!"

Mr. Shen said frustrated.

Lu didn't know much about writing, so after taking a quick look at it, she thought it was really a divorce document, so she knelt down and kowtowed to Mr. Shen: "Thank you, Dad."

Shen Chengzu also knelt down and kowtowed to the two elders: "I have deposited the monthly pension money in the family separation document with the clan leader, and he will send it to my parents every month."

Mrs. Lu has no objection to this. Her purpose is not to give them a chance to harm her family.

It is understandable that Shen Chengzu should provide money for his retirement. Shen Chengzu was raised by them and he must have a clear conscience.

After hearing this, Mr. Shen's heart stung a bit. He gave the pension money to the clan leader, and then the clan leader gave it to them. The fourth child was guarding against them!

The son is on guard against me, how could their father-son relationship become like this! Mr. Shen suddenly seemed to have aged ten years.

Shen Chengzu and Mrs. Lu returned to their house. Mrs. Lu gave the divorce document to Shen Chengzu and asked him to read it to her.

Shen Chengzu took it and looked at it, then looked at Lu.

Lu suddenly straightened her waist, "What's wrong? Isn't it a divorce document?"

Shen Chengzu was frightened by her quick movements and hurriedly supported her, "Lie down, this is not a divorce document, it is a guarantee letter! Dad promises that he will not interfere in our family's affairs in the future, and he will never interfere in our children's marriage. "

Lu: "..."

She felt that Mr. Shen's writing was too refreshing!

"Pack your bags tomorrow, we will go to the Imperial Capital the day after tomorrow!"

"But our child..." Shen Chengzu said hesitantly, looking at her belly.

"Walk slower, take more rest, don't be afraid."

In the end, the divorce was not successful, and she didn't want to stay any longer.

Besides, she just said that the baby was gone. If she didn't leave now and she was pregnant in another month, she would be pregnant! When the time comes, Mrs. Shen Zhuang will probably have the intention to kill herself!

Must go! If she really couldn't go on, she would rather rent a house in another town and wait until she gave birth to the child before leaving. In short, she didn't want to stay any longer.

Does Mr. Lu have money and willfulness? In the past, when I had a penny and wished I could use two pennies, I dared to say that I could go anywhere, or if I couldn't move, I would rent a house and live there until the child was born.

"Niri has been waiting for us for a long time. Let's hurry up. I heard that the New Year in the imperial capital is very lively."

Shen Chengzu had no choice but to nod.

Try to take the water route as much as possible, walk half a day on land and rest for half a day, you shouldn't be afraid.

Xiaoer's family didn't know what happened in Shengping County in the imperial capital. Xiaoer's brothers and sisters have been busy practicing archery recently.

The autumn hunt spearheaded by the emperor is about to begin. Officials of fourth rank and above can bring their families to participate.

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