The morning trumpet sounds

Everyone then rode horses and ran into the woods.

Shangguan Xuanyi soon came to Xiaoer's side, and the two of them kept pace.

"Brother Shangguan, you follow me. I'm lucky. If I take you to a place with lots of prey, you will definitely win the first place!"

"Okay." Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and responded.

Although the little swans are still hatching during the day and night, there are many of their shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the space. After raising them for so long, they are somewhat energetic. It is still possible to let them come out to help explore the situation and lead the way.

The horse was running, and the frightened hare hiding in the grass jumped out and jumped into the hole.

Shangguan Xuanyi fired arrows while running, and he shot accurately.

There were two guards following the two men, responsible for picking up the prey.

I don't think it's strange when I see Shangguan Xuanyi's archery skills.

But when I saw what Xiaoer was capable of, I was so scared that I almost dislocated my jaw!

Xiao'er disliked the trouble of archery. Most of the small prey like hares were shot with stones and darts. Naturally, every throw was accurate!

It was the first time for the two young guards to do the job of picking up prey. Although I knew hunting was not that easy, I thought this was a royal hunting ground, or the prey here had been raised, so it was particularly easy to shoot. Otherwise, how could County Lord Ruian hit his prey so easily.

So when they picked up more and more prey, they went from being surprised at first to being calm later, and finally taking everything they hunted for granted!

The two of them walked deeper and deeper into the woods.

Li Yunning followed the two of them, looking at their backs as they talked and laughed, her eyes seemed to be quenched with poison.

Shangguan Xuanyi's skills have been amazing since she was a child. She has known this since she was a child, and in the past two years, she has become even more amazing!

She didn't expect that Shen Xiaoer's hunting skills were as good as Shangguan Xuanyi's, and that the two people's words and deeds were so in harmony with each other on this matter.

To be fair, looking at such a confident, beautiful, neat and dashing Princess Rui'an is indeed very heart-warming. At this moment, she is like an elf in the forest, making people unable to take their eyes away.

But the better Shen Xiaoer is, the more she feels she hates her!

It was her appearance that changed everything! Originally she was supposed to be the sixth prince's concubine! She took what she deserved! You have to marry a good-for-nothing person!

Thinking of Chen Jin and his touch, Li Yuning felt sick in her heart.

Li Yuning watched them go in the direction she wanted, so she turned in a different direction and stopped following them.

That's fine. You don't have to think of ways to lure them there. They will go wherever they go.

Afterwards, no one would doubt him.

Li Yuning has been following them. Both Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi knew it, but neither of them cared.

Xiao'er found that Li Yuning was no longer following, and felt a little strange, so she turned back to look at her.

"Why doesn't she follow us?"

"Let's go to the other side." Shangguan Xuanyi answered the question.

Xiaoer nodded.

After walking for a while, they met the Prime Minister's wife.

The Prime Minister's wife was looking for Li Yunning. When she saw them, she asked, "Has the Sixth Prince seen Ning'er?"

Shangguan Xuanyi pointed in a direction: "I just saw her over there."

After the Prime Minister's wife thanked her, she rode over to find someone.

Chen Jin married into the Li family. After her daughter got married, she was in a state of uncertainty, and she was worried that she would not be able to get over it.

The direction Shangguan Xuanyi pointed was the direction they were going to just now, and Li Yunning was obviously going in another direction.

Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi: "Brother Shangguan thinks that Li Yunning is setting up a plan to harm us?"

"I don't know. I'll know in a moment. Be careful and sail the boat for ten thousand years."

Not long after, as soon as Shangguan Xuanyi finished speaking, a distress signal was sent out in the sky in that direction.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked up at the sky. When he saw that the color of the signal smoke was bright yellow, his originally expressionless face showed a stern look: "Father is in danger!"

Xiaoer's expression changed after hearing this.

The emperor already has personal protection around him, and there are definitely many secret guards. Even so, he still needs to send out a distress signal. This is a very critical situation.

The two people quickly turned around and ran towards the place where the signal was sent.

Snakes, many snakes, all kinds of venomous snakes, more and more snakes are crawling towards the direction of the emperor and the others.

There were so many snakes that it seemed as if snakes from all over the world had gathered here for a family meeting.

The guards and secret guards protected the emperor in the middle, and a few of them bravely chopped down the densely packed snakes on the ground!

Even if the snake's body is cut off, it can still twist around, which makes people get goosebumps just looking at it!

The prime minister's wife came here and saw the snakes crawling everywhere on the ground. She screamed in fright and fainted, falling from her horse.

Her horse panicked and ran away.

Some snakes crawled directly over the Prime Minister's wife and continued to move forward.

Xiaoer and the others were stunned by the battle after they rushed over.

"Why are there so many venomous snakes?" Xiaoer's scalp felt numb. She was really afraid of snakes.

Shangguan Xuanyi naturally heard her fear, "Girl, get out of here quickly!"

Xiao'er swallowed her saliva after hearing this: "No, no need! Just practice your courage!"

"Obey, leave and find someone to bring over some sulfur!"

He was afraid that he would not be able to take care of her and she would be bitten by a snake.

Xiaoer originally refused, but a voice sounded in her mind: "Master, let me take care of these cuties!"

Calling a snake a cutie? ! Don't feel bad about yourself!

Wait, the golden python? ! Great, the golden python finally woke up.

Knowing that the golden python was awake, Xiaoer accepted Shangguan Xuanyi's words and left on horseback.

Then he found a place to release the golden python.

The golden python grew rapidly from a small golden snake to a larger one. Then, while crawling, it made a hissing sound and crawled towards the place where the snakes were, a little excitedly.

Xiaoer hurriedly chased after him on horseback.

Some snakes encountered a golden python on the way and were so frightened that they quickly turned around and ran away.

With the appearance of the golden python, the snakes seemed to have seen a ghost. One or two of them wished they could grow two legs and run away quickly!

The guards and secret guards were so frightened when they saw the giant python that was thicker than their own thighs that they almost abandoned their armor.

But its appearance suddenly caused the hordes of demonic snake elements they had to deal with to disperse!

If the densely packed snakes made their scalps numb, then the big golden snake in front of them made their legs weak.

Is this a snake spirit? How to deal with their martial arts?

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned as he looked at the golden python. Is it because it is here that there are so many snakes!

No, those snakes were obviously afraid of it, and they ran away when it came.

The golden python was satisfied after seeing that all the snakes were scared away by him!

Then he glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi meaningfully before turning around and crawling back.

I was too sleepy just now, now I have corrected the typos

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