The golden python turned back to look for Xiaoer, "Master, I want to wander around in this forest."

Xiaoer nodded, then thought about his guess and asked a few questions, and then explained a few more words before letting the golden python leave.

Looking at the golden python that was slowly getting smaller, Xiaoer touched her heart that was beating a little faster and breathed a sigh of relief. Note that this was not because of her heartbeat, which caused her heart to beat faster. This is because the instinctive fear and nervousness hidden deep in her heart almost made her poor little heart lose control!

Fortunately, the golden python is shiny, just think of it as gold! Definitely not a snake! It looks like a gold bracelet when it sleeps! It's a gold bracelet!

The snakes dispersed, leaving only some half-cut snake tails circling around on the ground. Just like that, Xiaoer returned here and looked at the things here, and every hair stood on end.

Although the snake's head has been chopped off, it is impossible to bite anyone.

But Xiaoer still held a dart in her hand tightly, ready to fly over if there was any wind and snake movement.

The emperor was not bitten by the poisonous snake, but the guards and secret guards were not so lucky.

Because of their luck, they accelerated the spread of snake venom, so these people's hands looked purple, and some of their faces turned a little black. Now I rely on extraordinary perseverance to keep myself from falling.

"These are antidote pills. Each of you should take one quickly."

Xiaoer threw a bottle of pills at the fourth-grade sword-wielding guard in front of the imperial court. She absolutely refused to admit that she looked at the pile of things on the ground and did not dare to step forward for fear that her legs would become weak.

At the same time, other officials and family members gradually arrived.

Some female relatives were so frightened that they covered their eyes and screamed when they saw all kinds of broken snakes lying on the ground.

There was a woman who was so frightened that she hung on her own mother.

Even those who consider themselves to be a manly man feel a little weak in their feet after seeing this spectacular scene. They have never wished so much that they don’t have to keep their feet on the ground!

Xiao'er felt a lot better when she saw everyone's performance. At least compared to them, she was brave enough to face this horrific scene.

Even though everyone was frightened by this scene, they still did not forget to salute and care about the emperor's condition immediately.

The emperor waved his hands to reassure everyone, then stepped on the snake bodies as if nothing had happened and walked to everyone.

Xiao'er looked at the emperor's calm face, as if he was walking in the Golden Palace, and admired him for the first time!

The Prime Minister on the right saw his wife lying on the ground, her hands and lips were black, and hurriedly ran over

"Madam! Madam! Wake up!"

The guards took antidote pills, and the toxins on their bodies receded quickly. The secret guards hid before the officials arrived.

"Give the Prime Minister's wife an antidote pill." The emperor said upon seeing this.

The fourth-grade imperial guard with a sword had just taken the last pill into his stomach. After listening to the emperor's words, he turned the bottle mouth downward and said awkwardly: "Go back to the emperor, there are no more pills."

The emperor looked at Xiaoer.

Xiaoer was blessed: "When I returned to the emperor, I only brought one bottle with me and took it all out."

"Mother!" Li Yuning rushed over at this time. She didn't expect to see her mother falling to the ground. This was different from what she expected!

"Mother, wake up! Your Majesty, please save my mother!"

"Imperial physician! Quickly detoxify the Prime Minister's wife!" The emperor ordered the accompanying imperial physician to quickly save the person.

The imperial doctor hurriedly ran over to detoxify the Prime Minister's wife.

When hunting in the mountains, the imperial doctor will naturally prepare detoxification pills, but the Prime Minister's wife has more than one kind of poison, which makes it a little troublesome to detoxify.

"Just now, the Prime Minister's wife came here and saw us in danger. She was frightened and fainted. The number of snakes at that time was shocking. We were focused on protecting the Emperor, so we didn't have time to save the Prime Minister's wife. Please forgive me, Prime Minister." The fourth-grade sword-wielding guard took the initiative to explain.

"Master Huang is joking! Even if I were here, I would take the lead in protecting the emperor with my life. No need to forgive me." If the Prime Minister can sit in this position, he will naturally not be a stupid person. Even if he has resentment in his heart, he will not express it. He came out and became loyal after hearing this.

Not to mention that they are the emperor's bodyguards and secret guards, naturally the priority is to ensure that the emperor is unscathed!

Even if he is at the scene, the emperor's safety must come first! The safety of his wife and children comes second, otherwise it is considered unfaithful. This is the difference between monarch and minister!

"Does the Prime Minister know these snakes?" Shangguan Xuanyi suddenly asked an incomprehensible question.

Know a snake? What is the problem? Did the Sixth Prince make a mistake? Baiguan thought.

Prime Minister Zuo also thought that Shangguan Xuanyi wanted to ask him if he knew what kind of snakes these were.

Looking at the things here that made people get goosebumps, Prime Minister Zuo shook his head: "I don't have much research on snakes. I only know cobras and green bamboo snakes."

"Really?" Shangguan Xuanyi didn't seem to want his answer, so he replied lightly.

The Prime Minister was a little confused about the meaning of his question.

Shangguan Xuanhao and Shangguan Xuanyi grew up together. Shangguan Xuanyi suddenly said this, so naturally he would not be unreasonable. When he saw Li Yunning's face, he thought about how her previous calculation failed and reaped the consequences. He vaguely guessed something, so he endured He couldn't help but said: "It's great to know one or two kinds, but I don't know any! I heard that the Prime Minister always likes to eat snake soup. I believe you are more familiar with them. This season is not the time for snakes to be active. The Royal Hunting Ground has never seen such a gathering of snakes. The sudden appearance of so many snakes must not be accidental. I leave it to Prime Minister Zuo to find out what the reason is. I hope you can give a satisfactory answer as soon as possible. answer."

The words of the second prince always sounded like a pun. After Zuo Cheng responded, he secretly guessed the measure. Then he glanced at his daughter subtly and found that her face was pale and unwilling, and his heart skipped a beat!

Although Prime Minister Zuo was panicking, he didn't show it on his face: "I will definitely live up to the Second Prince's fate!"

Shangguan Xuanhao nodded: "Since the Prime Minister likes to eat snake soup, and these snakes are still fresh, do you want to take them back to your home and cook them to eat? I think you are very bold to dare to bite the emperor's snakes. I saw Miss Li was so scared. Her face has turned pale. Medical skills emphasize that the shape complements the shape. The Prime Minister might as well ask someone to pick some up and bring them back to her. You are too timid to do bad things! Oh, I was wrong. It is a big thing, not a bad thing."

Being ridiculed by Shangguan Xuanhao, Li Yunning felt guilty. She thought Shangguan Xuanhao knew something, and she turned even paler with fear.

No, even she didn't know that there would be so many venomous snakes in the actual situation. The person only told herself that as long as she took people in that direction, she could get what she wanted. She didn't need to know other things.

There is one more chapter, it will be a little later

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