Yun'er was already good at clothing matching and design. She quickly picked out her dress. It was a bit long, so she just needed to add a few stitches in it.

Then she picked up the remaining light yellow silk that Xiaoer had cut out, and without Xiaoer saying anything, she started making rose flowers.

Xiao'er taught her how to braid these roses before. The method is very simple. Yun'er has become more skillful with her hands. She can braid three or four roses in one minute.

Originally, Xiaoer planned to use the remaining fabric to make a fungus edge and sew it on for decoration. Now that Yun'er helps to weave rose flowers, it will be even more perfect.

The other girls woke up after seeing their actions!

They also know how to do needlework. If the clothes don't fit, they can just fix them themselves.

The clothes didn't fit, and it was too late to make major changes. Small modifications were still possible, so the girls got busy.

Xiao'er sewed the rose flowers that Yun'er helped to knit on the seams of her clothes, so that after sewing on the small half of the light yellow skirt corners, the skirt would not look out of place.

"Okay, I can do the rest myself. Yun'er, go change your makeup!" Xiao'er said hurriedly after Yun'er finished braiding the roses.

Yun'er nodded. Others were still changing their clothes. Yun'er quickly went in and changed her clothes. After coming out, she sat in front of the dressing table and redressed herself skillfully.

Occasionally, Xiao'er would teach Yun'er some modern hairstyles when she had time at home. Yun'er took what Xiao'er taught and slightly modified her hair into a beautiful classical bun.

It took Xiaoer ten minutes to make the dress, but the stitching of the dress made in such a hurry cannot withstand a closer look, but at least the flaws are not hidden, and you can never find any flaws from a distance!

"There's still half a cup of tea left!" Aunt Gui reminded everyone at the right time.

With five minutes left, Xiaoer hurried into the dressing room, then hid in the space to mend her skirt again, just in case, and changed her clothes in the space before walking out.

Aunt Gui was slightly surprised when she saw that Xiaoer could change her clothes so quickly by herself.

Xiaoer didn't care what she thought. Anyway, she never guessed that she took advantage of the time difference in space!

She came to the dressing table, took off all the light makeup on her face, took off the accessories on her head and put them away, scattered her bun, made a double bun again, and found a light yellow ribbon to tie it behind. , the movement is fast and not chaotic.

Xiaoer put on a little eyeliner and didn't even put on lipstick. She had no choice but to attend a funeral. Her lips were already red enough. If she added lipstick, the flaming red lips would still be considered solemn!

Yun'er had already done it, and now she helped a girl who didn't know how to do her hair to do it.

When Yun'er saw that Xiao'er was well, the two sisters looked at each other and smiled.

"Time's up! Girls, please follow me here." Aunt Gui's rigid voice sounded.

As soon as Aunt Gui finished speaking, many people couldn't help but complain.

Aunt Gui glanced at Xiao'er who was standing in front of her, but she was full of praise in her heart.

It is said that the Lord of Ruian County is wise and intelligent, which seems to be true.

The Queen Mother deliberately made things difficult and asked Rui'an County Lord some regretful questions. Among the several racks of clothes, there was no one that really suited him. No matter what he chose, he would always be wrong.

But in just a cup of tea, County Lord Rui'an solved the clothing problem. This was not only cleverness, but also ingenuity.

"Girls, please follow me here." Aunt Gui took another look at the three or five people who were still busy and making a desperate struggle. The gap was really too big.

She turned around expressionlessly and led them to the main hall.

As soon as the two teams of girls appeared, the Queen Mother went to pay attention to Xiaoer's clothes.

So elegant? !

The Queen Mother looked at Nanny Lin behind her.

Nanny Lin whispered knowingly: "The Queen Mother, this dress is not among the clothes prepared by the slaves!"

Who gave her the dress? The Queen Mother looked at the Queen.

When the Queen Mother saw the Queen Mother looking at her, she quickly asked, "What are the Queen Mother's orders?"

"Did you ask someone to prepare County Lord Rui'an's skirt?"

The queen glanced at Xiaoer's clothes and shook her head: "How could I prepare such simple and elegant clothes for the Lord of Ruian County?"

How could that girl choose such a dress? It’s too plain!

Only then did the Queen Mother remember that she had asked Nanny Lin to write out the note from Ruian County Lord not long ago and add it to it. The Queen Mother could not have known that there was such an extra note.

The notes in the hands of the twenty-four girls were all taken back by the palace maids and presented to the emperor, the queen mother, the empress and others.

As the emperor, the queen saw the words on Xiaoer's note and understood why she was dressed so plainly.

After all the waiting women voted, the results of this round of competition came out.

First place: Chuan Ranhui, second place: Shen Yuner, third place: Gu Qiqi, fourth place: Lin Yunzhi, fifth place: Shen Xiaoer...

"If you really dress up as written on the note, I think County Lord Rui'an's dress is quite appropriate." The emperor raised an objection after seeing Xiaoer's ranking.

Lin Yunzhi's skirt was a little looser on her body, and it was ranked second to County Master Rui'an. These people had gone too far.

"County Princess Rui'an doesn't deserve to be ranked fifth. She cheated." The Queen Mother snorted coldly.

"Why did the Queen Mother say this?" Shangguan Xuanyi was unhappy when he heard that the Queen Mother was slandering Xiao'er.

"The dress on County Master Ruian was not chosen from the clothes prepared by Granny Lin and the others. County Master Ruian, please explain yourself, where did your dress come from?"

"Yes, the Queen Mother. This dress is made from one of the dresses prepared by the palace. It's not surprising that the Queen Mother didn't recognize it." Xiao'er was blessed and spoke slowly, one word at a time. One sentence explains clearly.

"Changed it? How to change it in such a short period of time? County Lord Rui'an is so capable! Why can the Queen Mother recognize the clothes of other girls, but only County Lord Rui'an does not recognize her?" Mrs. Zuo Prime Minister After hearing this, I couldn't help but make sarcastic remarks.

Today's game was not his daughter's fault, it was all caused by this fox. Now that she had the opportunity to step on her, how could the Prime Minister's wife let it go?

"The hem of the skirt my daughter is wearing has been embroidered with red plums. The note in my hand says it is for a funeral. It is definitely inappropriate to wear it directly, so I can only find a way to change it myself. Girls present We can all witness it!”

"Ran Hui, is this what County Lord Rui'an said?" The emperor looked at his niece.

"Back to the Emperor, yes, County Lord Rui'an altered the skirt in front of everyone, and Miss Shen Er helped to knit a few flowers." What Fu Ranhui said was not biased at all.

"Since someone else is helping, it is considered cheating. The person who helps is also violating the rules of the game!" The Prime Minister's wife bit Xiaoer tightly.

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