Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 327 (Additional update)

"Your Majesty, you didn't say you couldn't help each other before the competition. Moreover, I believe that since this is a competition of etiquette, the first thing is not to be rude! It doesn't matter what proper method is used to avoid being rude. And only those who are polite can How can it be rude to be willing to help others and help those in need?" Xiaoer reasoned and said calmly.

"To impress people, to be smart! There must be a lot of clothes prepared for you, why do you have to change them? Can't you just pick a suitable one?"

After hearing this, the Queen Mother looked a little ugly. If County Lord Rui'an said that all those clothes were suitable for festive occasions, wouldn't everyone know that they meant to embarrass her!

"In terms of etiquette, proper clothing and makeup are the most basic etiquette, so there is this question. And the clothes prepared for us were all messed up, and most of them were too big and did not fit. I thought this They purposely tested us and asked us to figure out our own solutions! There happened to be many sewing baskets placed next to them, so I thought this meant that we were allowed to modify our clothes ourselves so that they would fit better and suit the occasion better, so that they wouldn’t be too tight behind our backs when we put them on. That’s rude. Isn’t that right, Queen Mother? Or did I understand it wrongly?”

"Of course, yes." The Queen Mother nodded after hearing this. Since County Lord Rui'an didn't tell the truth, she naturally wouldn't shoot herself in the foot.

"County Master Ruian is right, polite people will be willing to help others. Since this is a deliberate test, I believe that the only way to win this level is to change the clothes to be more fitting and more suitable for the occasion on the note!" Shangguan Xuanyi said.

The note given to that girl actually said funeral! Bullying her is equivalent to bullying yourself!

"That's right! That ranking is unreasonable and needs to be re-selected!" Shangguan Xuanhao also nodded in agreement.

"It's time for a re-selection! Whoever changes the clothes the best will be ranked first!" Shangguan Xuanjun also said.

Whoever changes the clothes the best will be the first? What nonsense! An etiquette competition turned into such a mess!

The Queen Mother felt a little headache when she saw her grandsons. If she had known better, she would not have asked them to come and see her! These people all support County Lord Ruian!

After re-selection, the first place was still Fu Ranhui. Her note was written about a palace banquet. Her clothes and makeup were impeccable.

The daughter of the eldest princess, just because of this relationship, there is no need to explain, everyone understands why.

The second place is Shen Yun'er, the third place is Xiao'er...

For such an unlucky question, it's pretty good to get third place.

After all, the dress Xiaoer changed can only be said to be not rude when attending a funeral, but it is definitely not suitable for attending a funeral.

Fourteen people were eliminated in this round, leaving only ten participants.

The third competition was about dining etiquette.

Xiaoer looked at the green pastries in front of her and felt like vomiting!

What did you put in it? It stinks!

Her nose was very sensitive, and she could clearly smell a hint of sweetness emanating from other people's cakes from the stench in front of her!

The Queen Mother is indeed very dissatisfied with herself!

I wouldn't eat this thing even if I beat myself to death!

It is said that if people respect you one foot, I respect you one foot!

She was kind enough just now, but she won't tolerate it anymore this time!

Xiaoer calmly and gracefully picked up a piece of pastry with chopsticks and put it to her mouth. Then she pretended to be faint with the most beautiful gesture!

Shangguan Xuanyi rushed over.

The girls and wives present all looked over: "Okay, why did you suddenly faint?"

"Sister" Yun'er also ran towards Xiao'er.

"Quickly send the imperial doctor!" The emperor stood up on the dragon chair.

Xiaoer slowly woke up the moment Shangguan Xuanyi helped her up.

"Girl, are you okay?"

"Xiao'er, what's wrong with you?" Ms. Liu came over at this time and asked anxiously.

Xiao'er looked confused in Shangguan Xuanyi's arms as if she had just woken up: "What's wrong with me?"

"You fainted just now." Shangguan Xuanyi frowned.

"Oh, fainted? I remembered, it's okay, I was fainted by Xun." After Xiaoer said this, she quickly covered her mouth, as if she had made a mistake.


What made you faint? The emperor felt strange after hearing this.

The Queen Mother's face darkened after hearing this! She underestimated this girl and actually did this to herself!

"Girl, who farted and knocked you out?" Shangguan Xuanhao glanced at the girls on Xiaoer's left and right.

The faces of the two girls instantly turned redder than overripe crayfish.

Xiaoer almost laughed after hearing this! Shangguan Xuanhao, you are a prince after all! Can you stop being so down-to-earth when you speak!

After listening to Xiaoer's words, Shangguan Xuanyi noticed a foul smell coming into his nose.

What else doesn’t he understand?

Shangguan Xuanyi picked up the cake that fell on the table, smelled it, and his face looked as if it had been frozen!

"Xiao Fuzi, send someone to imprison the people in the imperial kitchen to the clan mansion! I want to interrogate them personally!" Shangguan Xuanyi's voice was as cold as frost.

The Queen Mother became even more angry after hearing this, "Okay!" For the sake of such a beautiful woman, she actually didn’t even care about the face of her royal grandmother!

After hearing this, Nanny Lin secretly thought it was not good. She quickly knelt down and said, "Sixth Prince, please calm down! This pastry was made by the servant instructing the people in the imperial kitchen. The palace maid probably took it by mistake, so she accidentally gave it to County Master Rui'an."

"Did you order someone to do this? Why?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at her with cold eyes.

"That's a snack from my hometown. I miss this taste very much. It happens that the new royal chef knows how to cook it, so I asked him to make one for me!"

"Very good, then you should finish these pastries now! Then you and the palace maid who brought the wrong pastries will each receive ten pieces of banquet and be demoted to the Clothing Bureau!"

"Sixth Prince, please spare your life, Your Majesty, please spare your life! Your Majesty, please spare your life..."

"Xuan Yi, Nanny Lin has served the Ai family for many years. This is just a small mistake."

"Royal Grandma, this is not a small mistake. The Lord of Rui'an County is the future imperial concubine of my son. He is half their master. He should treat his master with great care. What if this pastry is not only smelly but poisonous? So is my grandson. I was given a lenient sentence just for the sake of the Royal Grandmother!"

"Take it down!" The imperial doctor came over at this time, and Shangguan Xuanyi helped Xiaoer sit up without saying anything.

The imperial doctor put a handkerchief on Xiaoer's wrist to check her pulse.

After it was over, Shangguan Xuanyi asked: "Doctor Luo, is County Master Rui'an okay?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just a lack of energy and blood that makes you faint. I'll prescribe some medicine to replenish energy and blood. County Lord Rui'an will take it for a month and he'll be fine." He has never seen anything happen. Such a healthy person! However, he is soft-spoken when eating people and short-handed when taking others, so he has to cover up for this girl.

The queen breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the maid to help Xiaoer down to rest.

Xiaoer naturally refused, saying that she was fine and could just go home and rest.

The queen did not force her, and ordered Xiaoer to be sent out of the palace in a sedan chair.

Shangguan Xuanyi personally sent them back to his home.

Thank you to the book friends who voted for recommendation and monthly votes, and thank you Queen Ant for your reward.

Also, thank you to the book friends in the bookstore with warm hearts and sunny, blue sky and white clouds, joy, Gian Yi, Wei, Ao Ao, book friends 1576443626... and others for their rewards.

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