The Queen Mother is sick!

The Queen Mother saw no one. The Emperor, Queen, and several princes asked to see them, but they were all stopped outside Cining Palace.

Even imperial doctors are not allowed in!

In the past few days, the atmosphere in the palace has been quite delicate. The maids and eunuchs have been more cautious in doing things.

Shangguan Xuanyi had just returned from the palace and took off his black cloak. A eunuch immediately stepped forward to take it.

Shangguan Xuanhao had already had people guarding the palace gate, and when he saw Shangguan Xuanyi returning to the palace, he informed him.

So as soon as Shangguan Xuanyi stepped into his yard, Shangguan Xuanhao followed suit.

"The Imperial Grandmother has been unwilling to see us for three days. It seems that she is going to fight you to the death this time." Who doesn't know that the Queen Mother is ill because Shangguan Xuanyi punished Nanny Lin.

Shangguan Xuanhao admired Shangguan Xuanyi when he remembered what happened that day.

That day Shangguan Xuanyi sent Xiaoer back to the palace. After leaving the palace, the Queen Mother treated Nanny Lin on the grounds that Nanny Lin had served her for decades, with no merit but hard work, and that Nanny Lin had saved her life when she was young. She was given a lighter sentence and was spared the punishment of being slapped on the board. She was only demoted to the Huanyi Bureau.

The laundry room is actually the laundry room of the palace.

The Queen Mother originally thought that she would let Nanny Lin stay in the Huanyi Bureau for a while and then find an excuse to call her back. Who knew that after Shangguan Xuanyi came back, without saying a word, she was slapped so hard that her butt was bruised. Blood stains!

When the Queen Mother found out, it was already too late, so she had no choice but to have someone send her Jinchuang Medicine.

The Queen Mother summoned Shangguan Xuanyi and asked him why he still wanted to hit Nanny Lin even though she said she would spare her punishment. Whether it was her words or not, he didn't have to listen to her.

Shangguan Xuanyi saluted the Queen Mother, and then said: "The Queen Mother is angry. My grandson just came back and didn't know that the Queen Mother had exempted her from punishment. Now she will beat her even if she doesn't. Why don't my grandson go and make amends for her?" crime?"

The Queen Mother could not say anything else.

Let a prince plead guilty to a slave? ! How can this be!

The master is the master, and the slave is the slave. If the master makes a mistake, he can be appeased, but there is no reason to apologize.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother was filled with raging fire and was suddenly poured with a basin of water. The flames made a sizzling sound. The fire could not be extinguished, but it could not grow stronger. It burned her so much that it hurt!

Then the Queen Mother complained of illness and was bedridden, unwilling to see anyone.

"I'm just a slave. I'll be punished as long as I'm punished." Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly after hearing Shangguan Xuanhao's words.

Subdued? If he gives in this time, what will happen to his girl in the future? That means anyone can be bullied!

He just wants to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. If he gives in, all his previous efforts will be wasted.

The Queen Mother felt sorry for her maid. His girl was bullied and treated so badly by the Queen Mother, so who would feel sorry for her?

He just wanted the Queen Mother to understand how important Xiaoer was to him.

Shangguan Xuanhao choked at Shangguan Xuanyi's words: "That is the imperial grandmother's dowry maid, a master-servant relationship for decades. Anyway, you are equivalent to chopping off the imperial grandmother's right hand, don't you know!"

Just a minion? Is that an ordinary slave? That is the dowry maid that the Queen Mother has grown up with since she was a child, a loyal maid who has been through ups and downs for decades! There has been a master-servant relationship between the two for decades, and it can be said that they are as close as sisters.

In a family like theirs, such a loyal servant is sometimes warmer than a relative.

"Do you have any objections?" Just because she was a loyal protector, he didn't take her life!

"How is it possible! But what should the imperial grandmother do now?"

Between a slave and that girl, how could he defend a slave?

The Queen Mother did this unkindly and went too far. Otherwise, my father would never let Shangguan Xuanyi deal with Nanny Lin.

"A slave is a slave, and no matter how deep your feelings are, they can't change it. Could it be that the Imperial Grandmother would become ill because of a slave?"

"Then just leave it alone?" Shangguan Xuanhao followed Shangguan Xuanyi into his study, sat at the round table, and picked up an apple to eat.

"When I returned to the palace, I saw the emperor's aunt." Shangguan Xuanyi mentioned this elder with rare warmth on his face.

The eldest princess? It is said that a daughter is the caring little cotton-padded jacket of her parents. It’s okay, it’s okay, the rain has passed and the sky has cleared up~ Shangguan Xuanhao was relieved now.

Cining Palace

The Queen Mother vomited all her bitterness to the eldest princess.

"How much contribution did Queen Mother, Marquis Shengping and Lady Rui'an make to the court? Lady Rui'an not only saved the lives of countless people, but she also personally went to sea to save Xuan Yi's life. This is a funeral ceremony and an embarrassment for stinky pastries. You have meritorious service. Little girl, does your mother think this is what you should do?"

The Queen Mother was heartbroken. Is this daughter a little cotton-padded jacket or a top-toed shoe? She also accused her of comforting herself. How could this be an accusation?

"Xuan Yi's punishment of Nanny Lin is too lenient. He should be merciful just because of his mother's face! Otherwise, he dares to tease the future princess like this! Even a hundred deaths are not enough to avenge her crime!"

"The Ai family has already made excuses to avoid Granny Lin's punishment, but Xuan Yi still beats her. How does this make me embarrassed?"

"Mother, because of her negligence, a slave caused the county master, who is the future sixth prince's concubine, to faint! Mother, are you sure that she can just banish the slave to the Clothing Bureau? This kind of punishment can stop the ministers from thinking. Everyone? With such unclear rewards and punishments, can our dynasty maintain long-term peace and stability?"

The Queen Mother couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "You girl, you are going too far. You are talking about whether the imperial court can have long-term peace and stability! Is it so serious!"

"Of course it's serious! Who is willing to go to pieces for a master whose rewards and punishments are unknown?!"

"The Ai family just thinks that a woman with that kind of background is not worthy of being our royal wife! I just tried to think of a way to let her get away with it. She is too hateful! She actually pretended to be faint and made the situation out of control! By This shows that she is too ignorant."

"Although my daughter has never met County Lord Rui'an, I heard from Ranhui that County Lord Rui'an has better rules and etiquette than her. She is also smart, quick-witted, and can handle things easily when others make things difficult for her. Isn't such a woman more suitable? Want to be the wife of the royal family? Besides, under the circumstances at that time, if County Lord Rui'an didn't pretend to be dizzy, could he really eat that smelly cake? Can it be eaten? You will definitely vomit if you bite it. Isn't that disrespectful in front of the palace? So, I feel that County Lord Rui’an is indeed quite quick-witted!”

If you eat that stuff, it will make your body smell bad for seven or forty-nine days in a row. The Queen Mother is going too far! No wonder the emperor brother didn't help her either!

"Are you here, girl, to comfort the Ai family, or to anger the Ai family! Who are you talking about for? Besides, the Ai family doesn't insist on her eating! The Ai family just wants her to make a fool of herself, and then find a reason to break off the engagement. That's all." The Queen Mother lightly slapped her hand.

Thank you Lantian Baiyun and a certain book friend for the tip (I’m sorry it’s not shown in the background), thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes~

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