"Son, you must have worked hard to answer all the questions! I see how tired you are, but I feel so bad for my mother. My son just works hard, unlike some people who waste their parents' money and like to brag! Unlearned and incompetent! This scholar is not just a boast! Let's wait and see their jokes then. What's the use of just having a good skin? I think this is what you said, my son, gold and jade outside, but failure inside. !" The woman looked at Shen Chengyao and his son with contempt.

It's so amazing that this woman can even tell the difference between gold and jade, and everything bad inside.

But is this person sick? If you are sick, go to a medical center! You praise your son and no one says anything about you, but don't belittle others and elevate yourself! Xiaoer thought to herself.

"Master, Master, fortunately you are in great health and you look in good spirits, unlike other people who look sick. There are only two children's exams left, and you feel like you are going to collapse so quickly. It seems that the difficulty of the exams in the future will be getting higher and higher, how should I take the exam?!" Yang Liu followed Xiaoer and spoke suddenly, which shocked Xiaoer.

But it’s so well said! Xiaoer turned around and gave her an appreciative look.

It would really be beneath her status to argue with this woman in the street.

Yangliu gave Xiaoer a look that said, "I'll take care of everything."

The girl's identity makes it difficult for her to quarrel with others, but she is different, she is the protector!

Xiaoer thinks that she should add some silver to Yangliu when she goes back. This maid is so clever!

The woman was not happy after hearing this. She dragged her son to Yang Liu's face and said fiercely: "I said you are such a scumbag, why are you so vicious in your mouth? No wonder you are a slave! Who are you talking about?" Is he sick? Who do you think looks like he’s about to collapse! Who do you think won’t be able to take the next exam?”

"I'm talking to my master and young master! Why are you interrupting? What's wrong with being a slave? Being a slave is nobler than you! What a biting mad dog! Get out of the way, we are going back to the house!" Yang Liu stood far away. Yang Mei looked at her and asked her to take her master and the others back first.

"The other people you are talking about are talking about my son. Why do you want to curse my son not to take the exam next time? You are a mad dog, you cheap maid!" The woman let go of her son's hand and supported her waist with both hands.

"Then who are the people you're talking about? Who's the best, but who's the loser? Who's bragging, who's uneducated?" Yang Liu followed her example and replied with his hands on his hips.

"I'm talking about you, what's wrong!" The woman puffed out her rather impressive chest and returned arrogantly.

"Mom, let's go home! It's shameless for two fathers and sons to take the exam together! We don't want to argue with those who have no etiquette, justice and shame."

The woman's son's words offended not only Shen Chengyao and his son. There were actually several people in the examination room who came to take the examination together. However, Shen Chengyao and the others came out late, and most of the people in the examination room had left.

But they were still heard by a father and son. However, they considered themselves to be masculine men and were not as knowledgeable as this man with long hair and short knowledge. They just muttered in a low voice: "It is really difficult to raise a woman and a villain!"

Of this pair of mother and son, one is a woman and the other is a villain!

It was obvious that she was the one who ridiculed others first, yet she still blamed others for ridiculing them back.

Yang Liu looked at the two people from head to toe with disdainful eyes: "Sour rot!"

At this time, Yang Mei pushed through the crowd and came over. "Master, young master, girl, the carriage is ready, I will escort you over!"

Xiaoer nodded: "Dad, brother, let's go home!"

Shen Chengyao nodded. The more this kind of person pays attention, the more he will bite you. Just ignore him!

When the woman saw Xiaoer and the other two people actually leaving like this, how could this be possible? She wanted them to apologize to her son! So she stretched out her hands to stop the three of them:

"You are not allowed to leave. You all have to bite your head and apologize to my son!"

Xiao'er laughed after hearing this: "We just stood aside from the beginning to the end, and no one said a word. What kind of apology can we apologize for?" He is indeed sick!

"You were lax in discipline, of course you have to apologize!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer showed a disdainful look, ignored her, didn't need to pay attention to her, passed her, and left.

Apologize? Why? They don't deserve it either.

Seeing this, the woman quickly stretched out her hand to try to hold Xiaoer.

Seeing this, Yang Liu kicked her hand away: "How reckless!"

The woman's body staggered.

"Oh, it's a murder, it's a murder! Help! Do you know who I am! How dare you kick me!" The woman rubbed her hand that was sore from Yangliu's kick while using all her strength in her Dantian. For crying out loud.

There happened to be a group of officers patrolling not far away.

His face changed drastically when he heard the words "Kill, save."

Isn't that the examination room for today's county examination?

There was a fatal accident?

Several officials ran over quickly.

"Everyone give way, give way quickly, where are the lives lost?"

The students and parents who were watching the excitement and had not gone far turned around after hearing this. Seeing that an official was coming, they hurriedly made way for a passage.

When the woman saw that the official had arrived, she was secretly happy. Her cousin was the head catcher!

"Captain Li, here, here, catch these people, there is also this bitch who wants to kill people and silence them!"

Kill and silence? Many students next to him could not help but twitch their lips slightly after hearing this.

These people were also unlucky to find this shrewish woman.

Agent Li had just started working as an agent. He had seen this woman bringing food to the head catcher and knew that she was the catcher's cousin. Now that she met a bad person, she knew that she had a chance to show off. She quickly raised her saber. , rushed to the front: "Who! Who dares to commit murder and silence in broad daylight! Get arrested quickly!"

The onlookers couldn't help laughing when they saw the head catcher's foolish energy.

An old catcher behind him couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw it.

What a fool! No one was killed! Obviously not!

He stepped forward and asked sternly: "What happened just now? Who called for help?"

"Brother, catch me, it's me, this bitch is the one who beat me! It's them who bully us orphans and widowed mothers!"

"Mother! This is not how orphans and widowed mothers are used." The scholar blushed at his mother's words. His father was still alive and well!

"Really? Oh, that's because they bullied us, mother and son! This person also wants to kill me!"

The old catcher followed the woman's finger and looked at the person he was pointing at. He felt that Shen Chengyao looked familiar, but couldn't remember it for a moment. Then he looked at Xiao'er and then his expression changed. He hurriedly bent down and saluted: "Marquis Shengping, Ruian County host!"

Shen Chengyao nodded.

Marquis Shengping, Lord of Ruian County? The woman was dumbfounded: "Why does Marquis Shengping come to take the exam? Isn't this harmful to others?!"

Shen Chengyao was a little embarrassed after hearing this and his face turned red. There was nothing he could do about it, he was thin-skinned.

At this moment, the blood on the woman's son's already pale face was even drained of color.

How dare his mother cause so much trouble for herself!

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