The woman's son quickly bowed his head and said: "Marquis Shengping, Lord Rui'an, you are so polite. My mother was so offended just now, I hope Lord Shengping, Lord Rui'an will not be as knowledgeable as an ignorant woman like her."

Xiaoer glanced at him with a half-smile, her mother was an ignorant woman, it would be common sense for them to argue with an ignorant woman! This man really knows how to talk!

However, although his words sounded like he was pleading for his mother, he was sure that he was saying that a mother who wholeheartedly protects him is an ignorant woman. Is this really good?

The scholars of this dynasty were the most filial and respected parents. If he said that his mother was an ignorant woman in public, he would definitely be looked down upon.

The fact is that many people present looked at him with contempt after hearing his words.

Although he didn't say anything, he made up his mind not to have close friendship with this person even if he met him in officialdom in the future, but also to be on guard against him.

At this time, the woman's son said to the woman who had not yet come to her senses: "Mother, you were so rude just now, why don't you come over and apologize to the Marquis and the County Lord?"

The woman was thinking at this moment: Has she offended the Marquis of Shengping and the Lord of Ruian County? Will this affect her son's career? Will her son fail to pass the examination as a scholar and become a high official because of this?

Thinking of this, the woman was scared!

In fact, she didn't mean to mock them. Someone gave her five taels of silver and asked her to deliberately say some mocking words to them to anger them.

The man said that these two people were just ordinary people from relatively well-off families. They had no relatives in the family who were officials and were helpless. Otherwise, she would not dare to say anything even if she was given ten courages!

It’s all my own fault! He has no relatives who are officials, but he himself is a high official!

Woohoo... now she is almost killed by those five taels of silver! If her man knew that she had harmed her son's future for five taels of silver, he would definitely beat her to death. Although she had scolded her all over West Street as an invincible hand, she did not dare to take a breath in front of her man.

Thinking of this, she knelt down and kowtowed more tightly. The moment she raised her head, she slapped herself twice and cried, "It's all my fault, Marquis Shengping and County Lord Rui'an. I was blind. I really didn't know you were so powerful." You noble man! Otherwise I wouldn’t dare to do this! I did this because someone gave me money to laugh at you. I know my mistake. I will never dare to do it again next time! Please don’t blame my son. ! If you want to blame, blame me! This has nothing to do with my son!"

She didn’t know they were such powerful nobles, otherwise she wouldn’t dare to do this? As expected, the master bullies the weak and fears the strong.

"Mother, how could you do this? I'm about to be killed by you. How dare you make these ill-gotten gains." The woman's son was very angry after hearing this!

He actually offended a noble man just for five taels of silver. How could he have such a petty advantageous mother!

The onlookers shook their heads after hearing this. Is this still a scholar? Did you read the whole book into your stomach? Haven't you seen that his mother's forehead was swollen when she was protecting him wholeheartedly? There are also two red palm prints on his face! He still accuses his own mother!

At this time, you should take responsibility and take the initiative to apologize!

"You said someone gave you money to satirize my father and my brother? What about that person? What evidence do you have? If you can prove that someone deliberately gave you money to do this, then forget about this incident. We I don’t have to argue with you." After hearing this, Xiaoer glanced around, and that person should have been watching at the scene just now.

Who is the person behind it? Xiaoer frowned.

After hearing this, the woman's face showed joy: Just don't care about it, just don't care about it.

"He's right there..." The woman pointed to somewhere in the crowd, "Hey, he was there just now! When the police came over just now, I saw him standing there. Where is he now?"

The woman stood up and looked everywhere, but there was nothing! That person is no longer here!

The woman's face turned pale again: thinking that if she couldn't catch anyone, she and her son would be convicted, and her son would not be an official. She couldn't help but cry again: "Master Hou, Lord Ruian County, you have to believe me!" Someone really asked me to do it!”

She took out another five taels of silver from her arms and handed it to Xiaoer: "He gave me these five taels of silver, and I haven't used them yet."

She was planning to use the five taels of silver to buy some good things for her son, but fortunately she hadn't used them yet.

"Where was that person standing just now?" Xiaoer took it and took a look at the silver. It was just ordinary silver with no mark on it, and then handed it back to her.

"Master Rui'an, don't you want this money?" The woman took it with red eyes and asked timidly.

"Why should I? You haven't said where that person is standing." This woman's thinking is indeed very different from ordinary people's.

"Standing behind the man in red clothes and long beard." The woman was secretly happy to be able to get back five taels of silver.

The man in dark green clothes listened to the woman's words and pointed to the man in red clothes in front of him: "Is that the person behind him? He left when the official brother came just now."

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this.

"What kind of clothes is that man wearing, and what are his characteristics?" the old officer asked hurriedly after hearing this.

To actually bribe a woman and ridicule an official of the imperial court, you are really brave!

"Gray robe, a little white hair on the head, a nose, a pair of eyes, two ears..."

The onlookers couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. Someone said directly: "Who doesn't have one nose, one pair of eyes, and two ears? Can you say it more distinctively? It's like whether there are moles on the face or whether there are knives. Scars and stuff like that!”

"It seems like there are none." The man scratched his hair in embarrassment, then thought of something, clapped his hands and said, "Charming ears! He has a pair of wind ears! He walked in that direction!"

After saying that, the man pointed in another direction.

The wind-catching ears are not that special, they are quite common!

"I'll go after him!" The young and foolish man hurriedly chased after him with the intention of making meritorious service in front of the Marquis.

The man ran away as soon as he saw the catcher coming. He would definitely be out of pursuit now. The old catcher shook his head.

"Marquis Shengping, Lord of Ruian County, after we capture that man, we will definitely hand him over to Master Fu Yin to deal with him impartially." That was all the old catcher could say.

Shen Chengyao nodded.

"Then Marquis Shengping and Lord Ruian don't blame us?" the woman asked cautiously.

"Where do you live?" Xiaoer asked.

Why ask her where she lives? She just said a few stinging words. Does this mean her house will be ransacked?

She quickly knelt down again: "County Master Rui'an, I know I was wrong. Don't raid my house! I will kowtow to you!"

Yang Liu hurriedly stepped forward to hold her back. Is this person really stupid or pretending to be stupid? She was just being used. What kind of house was confiscated? If she keeps doing this, her girls will have a reputation of bullying the people!

"I just have something to ask you so I can send someone to find you!" Xiaoer glanced at her face that was swollen like a pig's head, and then at her son standing next to her. A really hateful person must be pitiful. At!

"Dad, brother, let's go home!"

"Okay." They both said in unison.

"Marquis Shengping, Lord Rui'an County, my mother was stupid and fell into the trap of a bad person, and accidentally insulted a noble person. One day, my mother and I will definitely apologize and apologize."

This is the rhythm of trying to be strict and clinging to power

After hearing this, everyone felt in their hearts: How shameless!

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