There is no need to pay any attention to such people.

After Xiaoer and the others returned home, Mrs. Liu saw that the two fathers and sons were not in good spirits as usual, and said distressedly: "The hot water is ready. Go take a shower, eat something and then rest. You must be exhausted these days."

Both of them nodded. Exams are always very tiring, but as soon as they left the examination room and encountered such a bad thing, both of them felt a little tired and just wanted to have a good sleep.

Jing Hao also saw that the two of them were not energetic and did not dare to ask them how they did in the exam. After they all went to take a shower, Jing Hao immediately couldn't help it anymore: "Sister, how did your dad and eldest brother do in the exam?" Why are you returning home so late?"

"Dad said he can do all those questions and he should be able to pass. Mom, don't you care how dad and eldest brother did in the exam? Why didn't you ask?" Normally, most people would be concerned about the exam situation immediately. .

"Is the test result more important or is it your father and your brother? The test is over, and the result will not change just because I ask you right away. Wouldn't it be the same if I ask you later? I think they all have it. If they are not energetic, of course they must go to rest first!" Mrs. Liu said matter-of-factly.

Xiaoer gave Liu a thumbs up: "Mom, you are indeed a model of a good wife and mother! My father is so lucky to marry you!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! I'll go to the kitchen to see if the soup is ready!" Ms. Liu felt a little embarrassed after hearing Xiaoer's words, blushed, and then ran away looking for an excuse.

"Sister, you scared my mother so much that she ran away. By the way, you haven't told me why you came home so late?"

"I met a strange mother and son..." Xiaoer told Jing Hao what happened word for word.

"Have you been bribed to say something sarcastic on purpose?" Who did their family offend this time?

"Well, I have to check it carefully. I always feel that this is just the beginning." Xiaoer has always believed in her own intuition.

After hearing this, Jing Hao's expression became serious.

After dinner, Mrs. Liu heard about this and was so angry!

"Those people just think their lives are too easy, and they always want to cause trouble! If one or two of them can give them a taste of the life our family lived before, they will know how to live in peace! But if you mock your father and the others in public, What is his purpose for doing this?"

"It's ruining our reputation! That person probably thought that we used to be ordinary people in the city. Such quarrels would never be tolerated. As long as one of my father, brother or sister couldn't stand it, he might quarrel with that woman. Our family has a reputation of bullying the common people and serving the strong and bullying the weak."

"What should we do now?" Mrs. Liu asked worriedly.

"Mom, don't worry. We didn't argue with the woman at that time. What Yang Liu did was just to protect the master. That is the duty of a maid! Besides, everything has two sides. We bully the people, and she is also insulting the imperial officials. , this matter cannot cause big waves." Xiaoer comforted.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu felt that it made sense. Since ancient times, people have been afraid of officials. It is sinful to insult the imperial officials. Thinking of this, she relaxed.

Xiaoer returned to her room, then took out a pen and paper, closed her eyes, and slowly recalled the pictures in her mind, trying to find the person from the memory pictures.

After that, Xiaoer picked up the charcoal pen and started sketching quickly.

The next day, Xiaoer handed a painting to Yang Liu and asked her to find this person.

"Who is this girl?" Yang Liu made a guess in his mind as he looked at the person in the painting with a pair of striking ears and an ordinary face who would be forgotten in a blink of an eye if he blended in with the crowd.

"The man who gave the woman five taels of silver yesterday."

"Did the girl notice him at that time?" Only by noticing the man on the spot and taking note of the man's appearance can he be able to draw him so vividly, right down to the glimmer of success in his eyes.

The girl's painting skills are so good! It's a pity that the painting was of a bad guy, otherwise she would have wanted to frame it.

"Well, find him as quickly as possible." Xiaoer couldn't help but confess.

Rumors began to spread in the city, saying that Marquis Shengping was bullying the people and the Lord of Rui'an County. The woman just didn't know that he was the Marquis of Shengping and the Lord of Ruian County, so she said some unpleasant words. As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty, but the Lord of Ruian County ordered him to do so. She smashed her head and her face was swollen! The head of Rui'an County asked someone to bear the burden of a thorn and apologize.

However, there were also people who helped and said good things, but it was obvious that someone was instigating and fanning the flames behind the scenes.

As for the people present that day, most of them were students and their families. There were government and college examinations to be taken soon. They were all busy preparing for the exams and had no time to care about these rumors.

When Jingrui heard about this, he was so angry that he slapped the table: "It's just confusing right and wrong!"

"Brother, don't be angry, it's not worth it! Let's just wait and see what happens." If soldiers come to block it, if water comes to cover it, everything will be solved.

The rumors have not stopped spreading for several days, and officials have begun to slander Shen Chengyao and Xiaoer.

The emperor personally asked about it.

Shen Chengyao told everything that happened that day.

After hearing this, the emperor understood that someone was fanning the fire behind his back!

He ordered the governor of Shuntian Prefecture to bring that person to justice. It was an unforgivable crime to slander an official of the imperial court like this!

After hearing this, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture felt bitter in his heart!

If you don’t know what a person looks like, how can you catch him?

Do you want to catch a man wearing a gray robe and a pair of provocative ears on the street?

Why is it that the Shengpinghou family is so destined to him that they always want to sue him?

After this matter is over, he has to persuade Marquis Shengping to buy some villain clothes when he returns home and go beat the villain!

This old criminal is not the one in trouble!

On the seventh day, the woman died.

The woman's son came to the government to play drums and sued Shengpinghou's family for forcing his own mother to death.

A life was lost, and now the whole city was boiling!

Some people who originally lived with Shengpinghou and Ruian County Lord did not dare to say anything.

And those students who were present at the time were silent. It was not like they had never seen such things like officials coercing people, and they had not seen it with their own eyes, so it was better to remain silent and protect their own safety.

The governor of Shuntian Prefecture had a headache. He could still remember how the Sixth Prince had to protect the Marquis Shengping and his family regardless of their lives!

Now someone is suing Shengpinghou again!

Can he resign now and return home? !

This was of course impossible. After changing into his official uniform, Yin Daba of Shuntian Prefecture sat in front of the hall and struck the table majestically: "Who is here, and why are you beating the drum?"

"Xing Tao, a grassroots citizen, is suing Shengping Hou and Ruian County Lord for forcing my mother to death." Xingtai knelt on the ground and raised a long piece of paper above his head.

"Send it up."

The master walked down, took the paper, and presented it to the governor of Shuntian Mansion.

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