Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 334 One Hundred Monthly Tickets and Additional Updates

After hearing Jia Zheng's words, Xing Tao looked at him with anger on his face. Why did this man defect in front of the battle? Isn't he afraid of that man's revenge?

Jia Zheng avoided his gaze with a guilty conscience. He really didn't dare to gamble with his own future.

"Please, sir, find out who forced the deceased to break his forehead and hit himself until his face was swollen."

The people at the door started talking after hearing this.

"It's so inhumane. He forced his mother to apologize. His mother's head was bruised and her face was swollen, but he himself was unscathed!"

"This man is so bold. He even dared to make false accusations against Marquis Shengping and County Lord Rui'an! I really don't want to live anymore!"

"That woman was too bully and fearful of evil. When she didn't know the identities of Marquis Shengping and others, she stopped them and asked them to apologize. When she found out, she beat herself and even broke her head!"

"Both mother and son are not good people! Her son is even less human. He talks nonsense and even Marquis Shengping dares to make false accusations!"

"You can't say that. The woman is dead. Who knows what's going on here? We haven't seen it with our own eyes, so how can we know?"

"Even if you didn't force my mother to death, it was you who sent the maid to force her to death! My lord, it was the maid who came to my house to force my mother to death! Tian Fu, I can testify!" Xing Tao listened to the people. If so, his face turns dark.

Mr. Fu Yin slapped the table hard:

"Tian Fu, answer honestly, did you see this person coming to my house yesterday?"

The man named Tian Fu had long been frightened and trembled by the atmosphere in this official hall, and now he was even more frightened by Master Fu Yin's majestic posture and shrank back inward: "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Girl, did you go to Xing Tao's house yesterday?"

Yang Liu stood up and blessed Yifu: "Sir, yes. Please allow me to ask this witness a question."

"Ask!" Mr. Fu Yin nodded.

He also understood it clearly. Without him to investigate any cases, it is estimated that the head of Rui'an County will be able to exonerate himself immediately.

"Tian Fu, you saw me going to Xing Tao's house yesterday. Did you see me leaving his house?"

"Yes, yes!" Tian Fu nodded.

"Why did you see me leaving his house?"

"Because, because of you, you came out quickly."

"How fast? Is it as fast as when I first went in and said a few words?"

"Not bad, almost!" Tian Fu nodded.

"Sir, yesterday I brought a portrait to the deceased and asked the deceased if the person who mocked my master for giving her the money was the person in the painting. She said: Yes. After I knew the answer, I went out, and it was just one or two sentences. Time to speak! I want to know how in such a short period of time I can force the deceased to have to die to clarify his will!" Yang Liu spoke righteously to Mr. Fu Yin.

"You only said one thing at that time. You said to my mother: If you don't go out to clarify those rumors for my master, be careful about your life! My mother was frightened by your words. She thought that she would die anyway. , it’s better to die wisely!”

"Since you know what your mother is thinking, why didn't you stop her and let her die?" Yang Liu sneered after hearing his words.

"Your Excellency, the corpse has been inspected." At this time, an official came in to deliver the message.

"Passenger's work!"

Wuzuo walked in, knelt down and bowed.

"Qian Wuzuo, what's the result?" Lord Fu Yin asked.

"Sir, he did hang himself."

"Mother, you died so unjustly! I will definitely bring the person who forced you to death to justice!" Xing Tao cried after hearing this.

Xiaoer looked at this so fake person and shook her head.

"Sir, I want to see the dead man."

"Aren't you afraid, Lord Rui'an?"

"It's not me who killed him, why should I be afraid?"

"Then you go and have a look!" Mr. Fu Yin secretly cursed in his heart: A normal girl is afraid of dead people, let alone seeing them! County Lord Ruian is also too courageous.

Xiaoer came to the door of the Yamen and wanted to lift the white cloth to check.

Xing Tian hurriedly stopped him fiercely: "You murderer, what do you want to do! You forced my wife to hang herself from a beam. Are you still unwilling to let her go? Do you still want her to be in peace?"

"You placed her at the gate of the government office and she was at peace? I just want to help you find the real murderer!"

"You don't need to be pretentious, the murderer is you!" After hearing Xiao'er's words, Xing Tian's eyes flashed.

"Who the murderer is, your wife has the final say!" Xiaoer didn't miss the twinkle in his eyes and sneered in her heart.

"My wife is dead, what can I say? It was all your fault. Please confess your guilt quickly so that my wife can rest in peace!"

"I will ask your wife to tell you who killed him. If you don't get out of the way, it will only mean that you killed her!"

Xing Tian sneered after hearing this, but he didn't believe it in his heart. He stepped aside: "I want to see how you make her tell me!"

Xiaoer opened the white cloth and looked at it seriously.

After a while, she straightened up, turned around and walked into the Yamen.

"Didn't you ask my wife to tell me? Why didn't you let me do it again?"

"Just wait!" Xiaoer walked in without looking back.

"Sir, Xing Tao and his son are panicking. Mrs. Xing did not hang herself, but was killed by her husband."

The people present were in an uproar after hearing this!

"You are spitting blood!" Xing Tian roared with guilt outside after hearing this!

After hearing this, Xing Tao was filled with turmoil. How did she know? He didn't even find out.

"What did Lord Rui'an say?" Mr. Fu Yin was also shocked when he heard this.

"Master Rui'an County, I have already seen it. There are no other wounds on the woman's body, and she is not poisoned. There are obvious rope marks on her neck. It is obvious that she hanged herself to death!" Wu Zuo saw a door. The little girl who had never left home dared to do anything in front of him, and she felt dissatisfied.

"Sir, please come with me!" Xiaoer ignored Qian Zuo's words and let him do the work. She didn't even know how many unjust deaths and wrongful cases there were under Mr. Fu Yin's hands.

In the future, the sixth prince's concubine must still be given face. Mr. Fu Yin followed Xiao'er and walked out.

"Sir, look, there are indeed strangulation marks on the woman's neck, but the direction of the strangulation marks is wrong! If she hanged herself from a hanging beam, shouldn't the strangulation marks left by the rope on her neck point upward like this?" He gestured on his neck.

Master Fu Yin thought for a moment and nodded.

"Sir, look at the strangulation marks on this woman's neck, which are flat and backward. It's obvious that she was strangled from behind!"

Mr. Fu Yin took a look at his lower body and found that it was indeed the case!

The head of Rui'an County actually knows how to do an autopsy, it's amazing!

The onlookers were shocked when they heard this:

"He didn't hang himself, he was actually strangled to death. Oh my God! This man is so cruel!"

"That is, strangling his wife to death and trying to frame the blame on County Lord Rui'an is a heinous crime!"

"I have seen something today. What does it mean to be a thief and to catch a thief!"

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