Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 335 Dog bites dog bone

"Even if he was strangled to death, you can't spray blood and say I was the one who killed him! This murder requires evidence! What evidence do you have!" Xing Tian stiffened his neck and tried to make his words sound justified.

"Huh? How did the back of your hand get injured?" Xiaoer asked without answering.

Xing Tian glanced at the back of his right hand, and there were three scratch marks. He remembered that they were scratched by the woman when she was strangling her to death. Xing Tian instinctively lied: "The cat scratched me when I was feeding the cat!"

Xiaoer nodded: "So you killed the cat!"

"That's nonsense!" Xing Tian became furious.

"Sir, the scratches on his hands were made by his wife when he strangled her to death!"

"That's nonsense! Sir, if you want to incriminate yourself, why bother! This was caught by the cat when I was feeding it! It was definitely not caught by my wife!" Xing Tian found an excuse and spoke more confidently!

"Sir, please look!" Xiaoer pointed to the fingers of the deceased: "There is still some flesh between her fingernails, which was clearly left when she grabbed her husband's hand. If you don't believe it, you can compare the fingers of the deceased. Do the fingernails match the scratches on his hands?"

Mr. Fu Yin bent down, lowered his head and glanced at the gap between the woman's fingernails. Sure enough, there was some flesh.

After hearing Xiaoer's words, Wu Zuo quickly ran to the deceased, squatted down, grabbed her hand and looked at it. This was true! Because her nails were painted with Codan flower juice, he didn't notice it during the autopsy just now! He didn't expect that a little girl could actually do an autopsy, which was quite surprising.

"Come here, the deceased's fingernails and..." Mr. Fu Yin recalled the man's name written on the paper, which seemed to be Xing Tian. "Compare the scratches on Xingtian's hand to see if they match."

Mr. Fu Yin also didn’t expect that County Lord Rui’an was as thoughtful as a servant!

"Just, even if the scratches on my hands were made by my wife, it doesn't prove that I killed her. Sir, you are wronged! How could I kill my wife?" Xing Tian unconsciously retracted his hands behind his back.

"Are you admitting that the scratches on your hands were made by your wife? Then why did you say panic just now?" Xiaoer asked sharply.


"It's because you have a guilty conscience! Those scratches were left on your hands when your wife resisted when you strangled her with a rope! You didn't dare to say it, so you just lied to us that it was a cat scratching her!"

Mr. Fu Yin has been an official for many years and has long developed a pair of sharp eyes. Seeing Xing Tian's guilty performance, there is nothing he doesn't understand.

"Sir, I'm unjust! I..." Xing Tian was about to find an excuse to explain, but Xiaoer was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and interrupted him directly:

"No matter what you say, your wife was strangled to death by you. Your wife has evidence on her hand that you strangled her, and you also have evidence on your body that your wife has strangled her." Xiao Xiao. As he said this, he came to the woman's feet and took off one of her shoes.

Xiaoer raised her shoes so that everyone could see the soles clearly. She continued: "Sir, the white footprint on his clothes, if my guess is correct, it should be that his wife was being strangled by him. It was left when he instinctively resisted on his neck! The soles of the deceased's shoes were also stained with some white lime. If you compare the shoe prints on his body and you can match them, then Xing Tian is the murderer of his wife! He today It’s the evildoers who file the complaint first!” Xiaoer’s last two sentences were very impactful!

After Xing Tian heard this, he quickly looked at himself. Sure enough, there was a white footprint on his black clothes. He was used to not changing his clothes for several days, so he didn't even notice the footprint.

When the woman turned around and wasn't paying attention, he put a rope around her and strangled her to death. She struggled and resisted at that time, and the wounds on her hands were caused by her grabbing them at that time. He vaguely remembered the woman. At that time, he stepped on himself a few times. He couldn't remember whether he kicked himself or not.

Xing Tian wanted to reach out and pat off the footprints on his clothes, destroying the body and eliminating traces.

Yangliu quickly stepped forward and tapped his acupuncture points.

Xiaoer handed the shoes to Yang Liu.

Yang Liu compared the shoes to the shoe prints on his clothes: they matched perfectly!

"Xing Tian! What else do you have to say!" Mr. Fu Yin glared at Xing Tian!

Not only were there footprints on his clothes, there were also traces of being stepped on on his shoes, but they were not as complete as the footprints on his clothes! I really can’t wait until I reach the Yellow River!

"Sir, such a person should be beheaded! He kills himself and dares to slander the county lord. He deserves death!" A man from Qinghe County happened to come to the imperial capital to buy things. When he saw this, he couldn't help but be filled with righteous indignation. scolded angrily.

These two father and son committed murder themselves and then framed others. They were heinous and unforgivable. They should be cut to pieces! It would be a scourge for them to exist in this world any longer!

Who is the Lord of Ruian County! The Lord of Ruian County is the savior of the entire people of Qinghe County! How could such a kind person kill someone!

"Sir, I'm sorry. Those shoe marks were just caused by my mother-in-law accidentally kicking them up when she raised her foot while she was sitting across from me eating!" Fortunately, when he and the woman were eating, her feet under the table often kicked him accidentally. , otherwise he wouldn't have been able to think of such a good excuse.

"Oh, it turns out your wife likes to have her back to the table when eating, and she also likes to kick people backwards with her feet!"

The people who were watching all laughed after hearing Xiaoer's words.

"Sir, you can tell from the footprints on his body that the toes are downward and the heels are upward. At a glance, you can tell that they were kicked backwards instead of forwards!"

Everyone who saw the footprints nodded and said it was right. They kept saying panic again and again. No matter how stupid they were, they knew it was him who killed the person!

Qian Zuo felt that he had been a gangster for many years in vain. The murderer and the deceased were both in front of him. The evidence was still so obvious, but he still only found out that the deceased committed suicide by hanging.

Mr. Fu Yin looked at the footprints and nodded: "Come here, put Xing Tian and Xing Tao in prison. Xing Tian killed his wife and wanted to slander the county master for committing a heinous crime. He will be executed on another day! Xing Tao is an accomplice. ! Get fifty hits and be imprisoned for life!"

Xing Tao was frightened after hearing this. He knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and cried, "Sir, I'm unjust. I didn't know that my mother was killed by my father! I was deceived by my father. I can't bear the thought of my mother." My dear, you are so stubborn that you came here to complain!"

When Xing Tian heard that his son actually put all the blame on himself, he was angry: "You rebellious son! It's obviously you who said that a noble man said to you: As long as your mother is killed and blamed on the Lord Rui'an, you will If I have a great future, I can have as many houses and concubines as I want! Now you are so lazy!"

"Dad, I obviously found out that my mother had hanged herself after I got home. It was you who told me that the maid of Lord Rui'an forced her to death! Are you trying to drag me down like this to annihilate your descendants?!" The last sentence, Xing Tao said it a bit harshly, and the purpose was to remind his father that if he confessed himself, he would be cut off.

Thank you Xiao Xiaoyanyan and Xian for the reward, and thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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