But Xingtian is not the deceased, and he does not truly love his son. He is a selfish person. He raised his son and provided for his son to study, because he just wanted his son to lead him to live a rich life!

If someone were to die between himself and his son, he would push his son out without hesitation.

So such threats were useful to the woman, but not to him.

However, both father and son are the same, no one is much better than the other!

Now after listening to Xing Tao's words, Xing Tian was even more furious! If he could move, he would have gone up to beat this white-eyed wolf. Now he just sighed: "I was obviously deceived by your words, so I killed that stinky woman. Now I want to behead her, but you still Want to be free and at ease? Don't even think about it! Please see clearly, sir, I am really unjust! I am just an accomplice, Xing Tao is the mastermind! He asked me to do this! If you want to behead him, behead him too. head!"

After hearing what his father said, Xing Tao was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Why was it not his father who was designed to kill but his mother? At this moment, he felt extremely regretful!

If his mother were still here, she would definitely take over everything to save his son!

"Sir, don't listen to my father's nonsense. He killed my mother and married others. If I hadn't insisted on reporting him to the government, my mother would not be able to rest in peace! I would have to continue to be with such a heartless person. Life! Fortunately, your Excellency was aware of it and found the real culprit! It is really a network of heaven and earth, and no omissions are missed!"

"You brat, a white-eyed wolf, I really spent all my time supporting you, and now you actually harm me like this, you..." The two father and son turned against each other in public and began to accuse each other!

After hearing this, the people watching simply refreshed their outlook on life!

There is such a son and such a father in this world! Such a gentleman! Not human, simply too inhuman!

That woman would be in bad luck for eighteen lifetimes if she had such a son and husband! It’s really an early death and an early birth!

"What's going on? Why don't you hurry up and call Chongshi!" Mr. Fuyin ignored their dog-eat-dog attitude and snorted heavily!

It's worse than a beast!

"Sir, it's not what my father said. My father has long wanted to divorce my mother so that he can marry more beautiful concubines. However, it has always been hindered by the fact that my mother's maternal cousin has a headhunter. He didn’t dare to divorce my mother! A while ago, my mother had a dispute with Marquis Shengping and others at the gate of Gongyuan, so he probably thought of this solution to get the best of both worlds, and even I was kept in the dark by him without knowing anything about it!”

Master Fu Yin was so angry that his beard stood up! This person doesn’t shed tears when he doesn’t see official officials, right?

I really thought he was confused! The noble person behind it has not been recruited yet!

"Come here, put these two people in a prison! They will be punished!" He has many ways to make them tell the truth! I'm not afraid that they won't say anything, but I'm afraid that they will speak too quickly! It didn't make them suffer, and it didn't quell the fire in his heart!

I have been an official for many years and have tried various murder cases, but I have never seen such a vicious father and son!

"Sir, spare your life!"

"My lord, you are wronged!" Both of them shouted sadly.

It's a pity that no one here took pity on them!

Kill people to fill their lives, even if they die, they deserve it.

For such a vicious father and son, death would be an advantage for them!

Some people even threw rotten vegetable leaves and spit at them: "Bah! Who are these people! They are so crazy!"

"Sir, a man who even killed his own mother and concubine should be immediately dragged to the Meridian Gate and beheaded as a warning to others!" an old man dressed as a scholar said angrily.

"That's right, kill one to serve as a warning to others! Kill one to serve as a warning to others!"

"No, it's too cheap to behead someone like this. He should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!"

"Yes! Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!"

"Death by a thousand cuts!"

After hearing the people's words, both of them were too frightened to speak out.

Jia Zheng was extremely glad that he stepped back from the brink and did not give a false confession, otherwise he would not be able to escape now! What a risk!

in cell

Xing Tian did kill someone after listening to his son's words. Of course, the fact was that he had long been fed up with his mother-in-law and wanted someone else to kill her.

And he really didn't know who the person behind the scenes was to frame County Lord Rui'an.

So when faced with the torture, he just cried like a pig but didn't know.

Xing Tao gritted his teeth and said nothing in the hope that the person behind him would save him.

It's a pity that others didn't appreciate his loyalty, so the father and son died silently in the cell in the middle of the night.

And the murderer is unknown!

As for the man in gray with windy ears, it was like a stone sinking into the sea!

In April, Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui successfully passed the government examination, and soon after, they also took the college examination.

After all three exams were completed, Shen Jiyao relaxed.

On the day when the results of the hospital examination came out, the housekeeper sent someone to guard the announcement place in front of the Yamen before dawn.

Xiao'er just got up and walked out of the house when she saw two sparrows chirping on a crabapple.

Xiaoer smiled, good things were coming.

Sure enough, not long after, a servant came running in and announced: "It's hit, it's hit! Both the master and the eldest young master are hit!"

The housekeeper quickly found firecrackers and set off two firecrackers at the gate.

Mrs. Liu heard it in the house and ran out quickly: "Did everyone win? Thank God!"

"What's your rank, Master?" Xiaoer asked with a smile.

"The last one!" Jingrui's servant said happily.

Even though he is the last one, it is not easy to be a scholar in Imperial City!

The test papers of Imperial City are different from those of other states and counties, but they are the most difficult!

So his master is also very powerful. He only went to school for a few years when he was a child and passed the imperial examination for the first time!

"Where is the young master?" Mrs. Liu was not unhappy when she heard that her husband came last in the exam. It would be great if he won!

"Master, first place, head of the case!!" The boy was so happy that he wanted to jump up.

The master is awesome! But my young master is even more powerful! The head of the case! The thirteen-year-old case leader, the case leader of the imperial capital examination! Looking at the entire Minze Dynasty, this is also the first one! The youngest case leader in the past academy examinations was fourteen years old, and he was the grandson of the imperial master Gu Wenyuan, Gu Shuoshu! Now his young master has surpassed him!

He was so excited that he fell several times while running all the way back from the Yamen gate, but he didn't feel any pain at all!

"Okay, okay..." Ms. Liu kept saying okay.

Xiaoer took out an ingot of ten taels of silver and gave it to Jingrui's servant, and then said: "Tell the accountant that there is a great joy in the house today. All the servants will be rewarded with a month's worth of silver, and those in the master's courtyard and the young master's courtyard will be rewarded with taels." Months of silver!”

The boy took the money, bowed and thanked him, and happily ran to find the counting house.

"Mom, since I got the head of the case, we have to seal the purse a little thicker that we are going to give to the official who announced the good news." Xiaoer said to Mrs. Liu who was so happy that she was dizzy.

"Yes, I'll go right away! I'll prepare it myself!" After hearing this, Mrs. Liu hurriedly walked back to the house.

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