Shengping County

Shen Jingwen was walking around the room, and Mr. Shen was also smoking on the kang.

Mr. Shen Zhuang was so smoked that he kept coughing!

"Old man, can you smoke less?" She was almost smoked to death!

Old Shen didn't say anything, and he didn't want to smoke, but if he didn't smoke, he would feel panicked!

In order to take the imperial examination this time, Yuzhu married Mr. Tan's younger brother, who was twelve years older than her. He was almost old enough to be her father!

If there was any possibility at that time, he would not...

well! You must pass the exam!

"Here it comes! The person bringing the good news has arrived at the head of the village!" Shen Chengguang ran in excitedly.

"Dad, hurry up, hurry up! Let's all go to the door to greet you!" Shen Chengguang kept waving to the few people who were still sitting on the kang in a daze!

Haven't you been waiting all morning? Why is there no response when the person bringing the good news comes now?

"Are you sure you want to come to our house?" Thinking of the disappointment in the past few years, Mr. Shen became timid.

"Dad, only Jingwen in our village will take part in the imperial examination this year!" Lan gritted his teeth.

It’s really hard to pick up any pot!

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Mr. Shen finally believed it. He quickly put down his pipe and got off the kang to put on his shoes: "Old lady, have you prepared the silver reward?"

"It's been prepared a long time ago! It's always been tied to the palm of your hand!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang grunted in dissatisfaction, and then spread out the copper coins in her palm to show Mr. Shen.

When Mr. Shen saw the five cents in her hand, he was so angry that he almost fell down!

"Didn't I ask you to prepare two strings of money? You are giving these few pennies to the beggar!"

"Who would reward a beggar five cents? If there is such a person, then I'll be a beggar!" Shen Zhuang choked back.

Five cents seemed too much to her! Originally she wanted to reward her with a penny! Of course it’s best not to use a penny at all!

What bad luck! Dissatisfaction flashed through Lan's heart, but on such a festive day, she didn't say anything, endured it, and ran out quickly.

"Hurry up and count out two bunches of money!" Mr. Shen ran out without saying this.

This was the scene he had been looking forward to for decades, and now that he finally got what he wanted, he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang reluctantly counted a bunch of money, and then decided not to count it!

Several hundred articles? It’s enough to feed their whole family for a month!

When Shen Zhuang just walked out, she saw that Lan rewarded the official who reported the good news with a tael of silver!

Her eyes suddenly glowed fiercely! What a prodigal Lan! See how I deal with you later!

When Mr. Shen saw Mrs. Shen Zhuang coming out, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to her: "Old lady, hurry up!"

Mrs. Shen Zhuang gave Mr. Shen a penny angrily.

When Mr. Shen saw the penny in his hand, he wanted to throw the penny directly into Mr. Shen Zhuang's face!

Mr. Shen glared at Shen Zhuang, but Shen Zhuang just ignored him and walked out. If she didn't go up to ask the official about the one tael of silver, it would be a great honor to the old man to take it back, okay?

There were many villagers watching the excitement at the door.

Everyone was praising Shen Jingwen and saying good things. They all said that the ancestral tomb in Mr. Shen’s home was smoking again! Soon their family will have another high-ranking official!

Although they felt a little upset after hearing the word "you", they were still happy after all.

Ever since Mr. Shen was released from prison on Wanshou Day, he has never felt that his waist can be so straight! He never goes out much except when he goes to the ground! Now I can finally feel proud!

As soon as Mrs. Lin saw Mr. Shen Zhuang coming out, she pulled her along and said her nice words as if she didn't need money.

Several meddling women also hurriedly gathered around Shen Zhuang.

Before, they were unwilling to associate with Shen Zhuang because she had been in prison, but it was different now! If Shen Jingwen passes the scholar examination, he may pass the examination and become an official in the future, and Shen Zhuang may become an old lady!

As the saying goes, there are people in the court who are easy to get things done, so we have to get on well with the Shen Zhuang family while it is still early!

Seeing Mrs. Shen Zhuang among several old women, who looked like he was fighting a hen, Mr. Shen squeezed the penny in his hand and wanted to crush it into pieces. He was so full of anger that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

Seeing that his eldest son and grandson were chatting animatedly with the official who was announcing the good news, he quickly ran back to the house, took out the wooden box where Shen Zhuang's money was hidden, took out the key from where she hid the key, and opened the wooden box. Without rummaging around, he took the largest silver ingot and ran out.

It wasn't until Mr. Shen gave the ingot of silver to the official who announced the good news that his anger finally subsided.

The official did not expect to receive a reward of six taels of silver for this trip, which was more than half a year's wages!

He happily said goodbye to Mr. No and the others. He had to rush to other villages to announce the good news! Maybe you can get a few more taels of silver!

"Wen'er, your old man is so generous! Tsk, tsk, five taels of silver is just a reward!" Aunt Lin's eyes were filled with tears.

"No, you just know how to be a big-headed ghost! Just now, Lan Shi has rewarded me with one tael of silver! If you ask me, I don't need to give you these 5 taels of silver anymore!" Every penny is her heart's content! To give her away for free would be to cut off her flesh!

etc! Five pieces of silver? Not a penny?

"What did you just say? Five taels of silver? You said that the old man rewarded the official with five taels of silver?" Shen Zhuangyin grabbed Aunt Lin hard and asked in surprise.

"Yes! Didn't you see it?" Aunt Lin was startled by Shen Zhuang's explosive hair.

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang quickly let her go and ran back into the house. She only saw her treasure box opened and placed on the kang like this. What is there that she doesn't understand!

She ran directly out and took Mr. Shen's hand and asked, "Did you take the five taels of silver in my silver box to reward that official?"

"It should be!" At that time, Mr. Shen was so angry that he didn't care how many taels the silver was. Now that Mr. Shen Zhuang said it was five taels, Mr. Shen suddenly felt a little heartbroken!

"Boss! Wen'er! Go quickly! Go and chase back the official who announced the good news! Just say that the reward of five taels of silver just now was wrong! I will give you five yuan, and you can go and chase my five taels of silver. Come back!" Mrs. Shen Zhuang pushed Shen Chengguang and Shen Jingwen to chase people.

The villagers were speechless after hearing this! It would be too shameless to chase back the money that was given out as a reward.

"Mom, if I get back the money I gave away, where will my face go? I won't go!" Shen Chengguang's face turned red!

"Mom, I'm going to be an official. How unbecoming is it for you to ask me to recover the silver reward?" Shen Jingwen directly slapped away Shen Zhuang's hand that was pushing him. It was so embarrassing! I can't see it anymore! He goes back inside.

"Lan, go! You're a woman, what kind of dignity do you want!" After hearing this, Shen Zhuang urged Lan to chase her.

There is one more chapter to be held a little later in the night

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