"Mom, Wen'er is a scholar. It's so rude to give such a small amount of silver reward and then try to get it back! Besides, it was rewarded by my father. By doing this, you are not making my father a renegade man. person!"

Mrs. Shen Zhuang doesn't care whether it's rude or not, she only cares about money! Seeing that no one was willing to chase her, she started wailing: "Such a small reward? You spend all day eating, drinking, and having sex, not giving birth! All you do is think about how to drain your parents' blood and sweat! Why don't I see you take it?" Give me such a small amount of silver? Oh my god, I can’t survive this life! Just reward me with five taels of silver like this, and you are eating my flesh..."

Lan's face turned red when she was told, why don't you just give birth and squeeze out the blood and sweat of your parents! It was as if she had used their money.

It was obvious that they wanted to use their son's reputation to become an official master and his wife, so they provided money for her son to study! Now they blame them for using their money!

In the past, when Shen Zhuang used such wild and treacherous tactics to deal with the third room, Lan only felt gloating!

Now everyone in the third and fourth bedrooms has left, and no one has been seen in the second bedroom all day long. Only the eldest bedroom has returned to the village due to the imperial examination in the past few months, and has to bear the motherly love of Shen Zhuang alone. Lan feels it is so unbearable. !

Mr. Shen was even more angry now. He finally felt brave enough to go out and meet people, but this old woman was embarrassing him in front of everyone on this special day!

And does she want to alienate even her eldest son from them?

When the money comes out, it comes out, why are you still holding back? Besides, he was the one who gave the money as a reward. Could it be that he, the head of the family, couldn't even use a little money?

There is no cure for an unkind wife and unfilial son, top-toed shoes!

When Mr. Shen thought of this, he became full of anger and became more and more angry.

Master Shen raised his hand and slapped Mrs. Shen Zhuang in the face!


The loud slap made everyone stunned.

"If you say another word, go back to your banker's house! Don't harm the descendants of my old Shen family!"

Quiet! Everyone was silent at this moment!

Mr. Shen actually beat Mrs. Shen Zhuang!

Mr. Shen Zhuang had been so harsh on Shen Chengyao's family before, and he had never really blamed Mr. Shen Zhuang at all!

Unexpectedly, he would beat his wife of decades just to recover a few taels of silver reward.

Sure enough, what Mr. Shen loves most is the big house!

But Shen Zhuang has long been in need of a beating, some old people thought to themselves.

After Shen Zhuang came to his senses, he wanted to make a fuss again.

"Get out! Get out! Get out of here right away!" Mr. Shen yelled at the top of his lungs.

Mrs. Shen Zhuang was frightened now. She shut her mouth tightly and stopped making any sound. She just ran back to the house crying!

Seeing this, everyone was too embarrassed to stay any longer, so they all found excuses to go back to their homes.

Mr. Shen also feels tired!

Dafang and his family returned to the east wing.

Lan just wanted to sweep the things on the table to the floor to vent her dissatisfaction.

Shen Chengguang quickly stopped him.

"No, this is so bad for people to hear!"

Lan shook off Shen Chengguang's hands grabbing her: "I can't live like this, I want to go back to the imperial capital!"

"Madam, I know I have wronged you, but I can't do it now! Think about it, when Mr. Tan donates an official position to Wen'er, we can follow him and take office. But it can't happen now! I heard that there are officials before the donation. It’s a character review! What if we don’t stay with the two elders now, and we will be accused of being unfilial?"

"Dad, do I have to take my grandparents with me when I take office? Then I will be embarrassed to death!" As for Shen Zhuang's mischievous and stubborn temper, once she gets angry, won't she become the laughing stock of the entire yamen? .

"This can't be possible..." How could Shen Chengguang be so sure about this! His parents insisted on following him, but there was nothing he could do! If I had known when the family was separated, I should have found a way to let the two elders live with other families!

"Dad, if we give the shop in the town to the second bedroom and let the second bedroom take care of the two elders, would they be willing?"

"But for the shop in town, we can still get one or two and a half silver dollars in rent every month!" Shen Chengguang was not happy after hearing this!

His parents are not his parents, so why should he be raised by himself!

Those brothers of his are so inhuman!

"As long as father and mother don't follow us to take office, will you lose the one or two and a half silver in your hand? And if mother goes with us..." Lan didn't finish the sentence.

But Shen Chengguang also understood that with Shen Zhuang's temperament of desperately trying to pull money into his arms, could he still live a good life?

Thinking of this, he felt furious!

"Then another day, when we meet the second child, let's find out what he says!"

Mr. Shen Zhuang was in a bad mood that day. Mr. Shen was angry for a few days before he came back to his senses. Shen Jingwen won the scholarship, and their family hadn't even held a banquet to celebrate!

Anyway, a few days had passed, so Mr. Shen took out Tongsheng and picked a good day to entertain guests.

Some time passed, and the day after tomorrow was a good day for Mr. Shen to find out.

After dinner in the evening, it was just getting dark, and many people in the village went outside to enjoy the cool air.

Mr. Shen said to Shen Chengguang: "Tomorrow is market day. Boss, you go to the town to buy some chickens and ducks first. You have to start killing chickens and ducks the day after tomorrow! As for vegetables and pork, there is no need to buy them yet. The weather is too hot. If you can’t let it go, you can drive the ox cart to buy it the day after tomorrow! In addition, you can also buy some rice, flour, grain and oil!”

Shen Chengguang was very unhappy doing these jobs, but now that he was the only young and strong man in the family, he had to do it no matter how unhappy he was.

The second child, the third child, and the fourth child are all so damn inhuman!

"By the way, when you come back after shopping, you can also borrow some tables, stools and dishes from the village...and by the way, ask the wife from the village to come over and help with the work."

Whenever a family in the village has a banquet, they all rely on the wives to help each other with tasks such as washing vegetables, cooking, cooking, etc. Otherwise, the family would not be able to keep busy if they only rely on entertaining guests.

Mr. Shen explained in detail to Shen Chengguang what he had to do tomorrow.

Suddenly there was a loud noise of fireworks being set off outside.

"Who has a happy event today? Why are there fireworks?"

"I heard it was coming from the end of the village. Could it be that the third child and his family are back?"

Mr. Shen was stunned after hearing this, and then said, "Let's go out and have a look! Dad hasn't seen fireworks for a long time."

When the two of them walked out of the house, they found many people running towards the village.

At the end of the village, in the open space, Butler Qian was taking the servants and long-term workers of Xiaoer's family to watch the fireworks.

Not far away were two baskets of fireworks, and two servants were lighting them.

"Butler Qian, what good things are you doing today? Why are you setting off fireworks?"

When Manager Qian saw many villagers coming over, he loudly said: "I received a letter today. My master and young master have both passed the scholar examination, and the young master is still the head of the case. These are the fireworks that my young lady specially ordered us to buy. She said that she would wait until the evening Show it to all the folks, so that everyone can have fun together!"

Thank you for the reward, and thank you to the book friends who voted for recommendations and monthly votes.

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