Shangguan Xuanyi returned to the palace and walked into the seventh prince's courtyard.

"Good luck to the Sixth Prince!" Shangguan Xuanyi walked by, and maids and eunuchs kept greeting him.

After walking into the palace, the eldest maid of the seventh prince hurriedly ran out of the inner room to salute. Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at her lightly, and his expression softened: "Where is the seventh prince?"

"Back to the Sixth Prince, the Seventh Prince is practicing Chinese calligraphy in the study. The Sixth Prince is practicing calligraphy seriously today. He has not gone out to play after practicing all day." The eldest palace maid Ziyun said with a smile, with a hint of amusement in her words. Doting on the seventh prince.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and walked in.

I saw a little person, wearing red clothes, sitting at the desk seriously, writing something seriously.

Shangguan Xuanyi stepped lightly and approached gently, only to see the two characters "Xi'er" written on the light yellow rice paper.

Really serious!

When the seventh prince saw his brother coming, he stretched out his hand happily: "Brother Sixth Prince, do you think the big characters I wrote are beautiful?"

Shangguan Xuanyi hugged him and nodded, "Not bad."

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out a hand and looked through the words he had practiced all day, and found that they all contained the word "Xier".

A feeling of powerlessness arose in my heart. This boy had been poisoned by Xi'er! Xi'er is long and Xi'er is short all day long. Now when I practice calligraphy, I only write the word Xi'er!

"Why are they all written about Xi'er?"

"Because Xi'er said that she can write my name, but I can't write her name yet! She won't play with me anymore! Alas, it's really inappropriate for me not to be able to write her name!" The seventh prince looked annoyed. , why didn't he think of learning to write Xi'er's name before?

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded in agreement: "It really shouldn't be the case. Xi'er is about the same age as you, knows more words than you, and writes more beautiful words than you. You need to reflect on it!"

After hearing this, the Seventh Prince's head suddenly dropped, as if he was shocked: "I will work hard in the future!"

Then he thought of something again, raised his head, his eyes sparkling:

"Brother Liuhuang, can you help me pick a piece with the best handwriting and send it to Xi'er? By the way, tell her that I will go and play with her in a few days!"

"Okay! Last time I saw Xi'er was as tall as you, do you think she will be taller than you next year?" Facing the youngest brother, Shangguan Xuanyi was more patient than usual.

After hearing this, the seventh prince became unhappy again, and his little face wrinkled together.

The food in the palace is no better than that at Xi'er's house. Xi'er eats more, so naturally she grows faster!

Thinking that his father is much taller than his mother and his queen, and that the Sixth Emperor is much taller than the Lord of Ruian County, someone became uneasy: "I will eat well!"

Just like this, a little fat boy will grow up in no time.

"Well, what have you eaten today? Have you finished all?" Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and asked casually.

"Ginkgo porridge, crystal shrimp balls,..., I haven't finished all of it, but I will definitely finish the dinner." It was impossible not to eat, because Xi'er grew up too fast, and the little person felt depressed in his heart. .

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded as if nothing had happened, then looked at the ancient Western floor-standing clock on the side, and then told Ziyun who was guarding the door: "Pass the meal, I will eat dinner with the seventh emperor brother."

"Yes." Ziyunfu retreated.

Soon dinner was served.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the dishes on the table and said in a cold and deep voice: "Who arranges the meals for the Seventh Prince?"

"Going back to the Sixth Prince, the Queen Mother brought back a cook this time. I heard that the chief cook was making medicinal meals. The Queen Mother asked her to make some medicinal meals for the Seventh Prince to heal his body. The Seventh Prince's dishes every day are made by the cook. After the arrangements were made, it was presented to the Queen for her review, and it was done only after the Queen agreed."

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the ginkgo egg custard and a cup of ginkgo pork ribs soup on the table, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

"Go down, I will take good care of the Seventh Emperor Brother."

Ziyunfu retreated as soon as he got lucky.

The Sixth Prince didn't like anyone else serving him food when he was eating. He liked to do it himself. This was no secret in the palace.

Shangguan Xuanyi personally prepared dishes for the seventh prince, and the two brothers ate in silence.

The seventh prince glanced several times at the bowl of steamed, golden, fragrant and smooth custard, but it was a pity that the sixth prince refused to give him a spoonful.

Helpless, he stretched out his little arms and became self-reliant.

After Shangguan Xuanyi gave him a spoonful of custard, he ate all the remaining custard.

The seventh prince looked at the empty black porcelain bowl, feeling sad in his heart, and made up his mind to never eat with the sixth prince again! He didn't understand Kong Rong giving pear at all! Well, I felt like crying and couldn't swallow the food, so the seventh prince decided to drink some soup first.

After Shangguan Xuanyi spooned a tablespoon of soup from the Seventh Prince, he drank the rest of the ginkgo soup.

Now the little man couldn't help but burst into tears.

The royal brother ate up all his share!

Can't you bear to do such a small thing?

Shangguan Xuanyi's face darkened: "Has Master ever told you that a man should not shed tears lightly?"

Ziyun heard the crying and ran in quickly.

"Get out!" Shangguan Xuanyi shouted sternly without even looking at her.

Ziyun glanced at the Seventh Prince worriedly and quickly retreated.

"If you cry again, Brother Huang will never take you out of the palace to play with Xi'er."

Upon hearing this, the Seventh Prince did not dare to cry. He just accused Shangguan Xuanyi with his eyes as if he was bullying me.

Shangguan Xuanyi sighed in his heart, children are troublesome!

"Brother Huang hasn't eaten egg custard and pork rib soup for a long time, so he accidentally became greedy. Isn't it possible that the Seventh Brother is not even willing to give Brother Huang some food?"

What's more, he obviously ate them all.

"But, my brother has finished eating, how can I still grow taller!"

Shangguan Xuanyi felt funny after hearing this, "Brother Emperor will ask the imperial kitchen to bring you a cup of soup that will help you grow taller tomorrow. Don't eat too much at night, as it is easy to accumulate food."

Is there such a soup?

"I have to drink soup stock every day!"


The next day, Shangguan Xuanyi took his new pet to Cining Palace to have dinner with the Queen Mother.

After the meal, Shangguan Xuanyi picked a small plate of ginkgo biloba on top of the leftover vegetable stir-fried three-color vegetables and fed it to his new pet hamster.

"Brother Sixth Emperor, if you just feed it something, will it eat it? It's too perfunctory for you to keep a pet!" The fifth princess couldn't help feeling sorry for the little hamster!

"Really?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the hamster in the cage and ate one ginkgo fruit in one go, and then another.

Probably because it was the first time to eat this kind of cooked food, the little hamster ate with gusto and finished one piece after another.

The Queen Mother looked at this cute little hamster eating, and her face was full of smiles: I didn't expect there to be such a cute mouse in the world.

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