Several people looked at the little hamster in the cage eating with relish.

"It's so cute! Brother Sixth Emperor, give this little hamster to me!" The fifth princess was so excited to see it.

"Okay." If it is still alive later, Shangguan Xuanyi thought to himself.

The little hamster stopped eating after eating five or six ginkgo pieces, and then crawled around in the cage.

But it didn't crawl for long before it fell down, its whole body twitched, and then it stopped moving after a while.

The Queen Mother's face changed drastically when she saw this. She had eaten a lot of that dish just now!

Thinking of this, the huge fear made her feel sick to her stomach.


The maid next to the Queen Mother quickly brought a spittoon over.

The Queen Mother began to vomit wildly into the spittoon, wishing she could vomit everything she had eaten during this meal!

The fifth princess hurried over to help the Queen Mother carry it, but she herself felt sick to her stomach.

"Tell the imperial doctor!" Although he knew that the Queen Mother was not poisoned and was just frightened, such a thing still needed to be solved by the imperial doctor.

The Queen Mother finally vomited until there was nothing left to vomit. After the palace maid helped the Queen Mother rinse her mouth, the Queen Mother felt relieved when she saw that everything she had eaten was vomited out.

"How do you feel, Grandmother Royal?" The fifth princess looked worried.

"It's okay!" The Queen Mother patted her hand.

"What do you two think?"

The fifth princess and Shangguan Xuanyi both shook their heads.

The imperial doctor came over quickly and took the pulses of several people. Fortunately, they were all fine.

The emperor and the queen heard about this and rushed over. They were relieved to see that everyone was fine.

The emperor asked Shangguan Xuanyi: "What's going on?"

Shangguan Xuanyi told what happened. Of course, he did not say that he knew in advance that eating too much ginkgo fruit would cause poisoning.

The Queen Mother is a very protective person. If she directly handles or exposes the people she brings back, the Queen Mother will never be happy! He may even do some troublesome things that cause headaches for others! As long as she feels the crisis personally and finds out on her own, she will be more ruthless than anyone else.

All the dishes on the table were poisoned with silver needles, and they were all fine.

"This is simply unreasonable! You actually dare to poison the Ai family's Cining Palace! Investigate! Let the Ai family thoroughly investigate this matter! Whoever is found out will be killed with a stick!" The Queen Mother was extremely angry, with a hint of viciousness in her words.

The imperial doctor pondered for a moment and then said: "Ginkgo fruit can be used as medicine, but I have never heard of it being poisonous in many years. The official guessed that the ginkgo fruit itself may be slightly poisonous, and people will be fine if they eat a small amount. And the hamster is still young after all, so it is After eating a few pills, the poison will develop. Of course, it still needs to be verified whether this is the case."

"The imperial doctor will carefully study how the ginkgo fruit poisons people. After the study is completed, notices will be posted across the country." The emperor has a fire in his heart!

As the prince grew older, more and more things happened in the harem.

He is still young! So quickly someone started wanting to replace it!

The Queen remembered that her Xiaoqi often ate food made from ginkgo fruits recently. Fortunately, he had no appetite and didn't eat much. She couldn't bear to force him, otherwise she would go crazy.

The Queen Mother also thought about her little grandson. She had seen his menu with her own eyes. She also thought about the little hamster's appearance just now, and was even more frightened!

She is older, and it can be said that half of her legs are in the coffin, so she cherishes her life even more! She hates this kind of thing that silently kills people!

There are countless incidents of poisoning in the harems of the past dynasties, and the methods of poisoning are endless and becoming more and more sophisticated!

It's just that there are not many concubines in the harem these years, so these things have become rare.

The Queen Mother had gone through so many secrets to survive, so how could she not understand that this incident was definitely not an accident.

The Queen Mother thought of the cook she brought back!

OK! Unexpectedly, I attracted a wolf into my house!

The Queen Mother thought of the accident three years ago and her life was saved by the cook. Now she felt that the accident was probably not an accident after all!

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that a distressed woman with a miserable life experience and good at medicinal diet saved his life?

Wu Yatou is right: with such skills, he can live well anywhere, how could he be so miserable!

It was because I was temporarily blinded by lard, and after being saved by her, I decided that she was a kind-hearted person.

When Wu Yatou came to her, she had been with her for more than a year. She observed secretly and found that she always adhered to her duties and was sincere and fearful.

Unexpectedly, he is another person who has put all his efforts into arranging things for himself!

Sure enough, a dog that doesn’t bark will bite!

Thinking of the kitchen he brought back, he almost killed his little grandson! Thinking of her, using herself, deceiving herself for so long! Isn’t this just playing like a fool for many years? Thinking of this, she was trembling with anger and wished she could be tortured!

"Go and bring Chef Gu up!"

Aunt Gui came to the imperial dining room in person.

"Ms. Gu, the Queen Mother invites you!"

"Does Aunt Gui know why the Queen Mother called the servant over?" Chef Gu's thoughts were spinning in her mind.

Could it be that what you did was successful? The seventh prince is dead!

"How can I know the Queen Mother's thoughts?" Aunt Gui replied coldly with a distant attitude.

No, if the seventh prince died, the palace shouldn't be so quiet!

It was not the time for Aunt Gui to summon her to see the Queen Mother.

Has the matter been exposed?

Is there anything wrong with the Seventh Prince? Or was he just poisoned and rescued?

Chef Gu looked at Aunt Gui, but she couldn't guess what happened to the seventh prince.

After nine twists and turns, the two finally arrived at Cining Palace.

Before entering the door, Chef Gu quickly looked at everyone present, then lowered her head and walked in with fear.

She was trembling a little, and she quickly knelt down and kowtowed, paying attention to her surroundings out of the corner of her eye.

She saw a cage on the ground with a dead mouse in it. Next to the mouse was a plate with leftover ginkgo nuts on it.

So that’s it, this was such a good move that was ruined by a mouse! Pity!

The emperor's life was indeed tough. Even after eating ginkgo fruits for so many days, it didn't kill him!

Chef Gu thought of the Queen Mother's character and knew that she would inevitably die this time!

Rather than being tortured and tortured to death, it would be better... she bit the poison sac in her mouth hard.

When Shangguan Xuanyi noticed something was wrong, he immediately stepped forward to stop it, but it was already too late.

The imperial doctor quickly stepped forward, checked her breathing, and shook his head: "Back to the emperor, the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, Chef Gu has passed away!"

"That's unreasonable!" The Queen Mother died before the anger in her heart could be vented!

The Queen Mother is so frustrated! My blood pressure almost soared!

What a poisonous woman! I really thought that just dying would be enough!

"Whip the corpse, whip the corpse for the Ai family!"

Thank you to Blue Sky and White Clouds, Zui Wo Yunjian and Chen Chen for the tips. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes.

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