The person behind the false accusation against Xiaoer was not found.

The whereabouts of the person with the ear of the wind are unknown.

And there is no proof of what happened to Chef Gu, and I don’t even know why she did what she did.

Someone was sent to check her life experience, and it was indeed as she said to the Queen Mother.

Shangguan Xuanyi tapped the table with his hand, wondering if these things were done by the same person; there was something else he had overlooked.

However, nothing was found.

"Master, the examination papers from Shengping County have been delivered." Xiao Fuzi's words interrupted Shangguan Xuanyi's thoughts.

"Leave it alone!" Shangguan Xuanyi came to his senses and motioned to Xiao Fuzi to put the examination paper on the desk.

"Is there any news from An Yi?" It's been quite some time.

"Master, no, that person just disappeared into the sea." An Yi even doubted whether the portrait given by County Lord Rui'an had the wrong person. He checked almost all the people in the country with ears, but she was not there. That person in the painting, Xiao Fuzi thought to himself.

However, An Yi just didn't find anyone to complain to for such a long time, but he didn't believe that County Lord Rui'an would make a mistake.

Now who doesn’t know that County Lord Rui’an has an amazing memory! The scene outside the gate of Gongyuan can be restored with memory!

Coupled with the fact that the eldest son of Marquis Shengping passed the exam, many colleagues recently asked him when they saw Marquis Shengping, what on earth did his wife give to the children, and how did she raise them to be so smart?

After Shengpinghou was asked more questions, he said that his family had always eaten high-quality food from the supermarket, and the food they ate the most was fish. People who eat more fish will be smarter.

As soon as these words came out, almost every household in the entire Imperial City that could afford it had fish on the table.

The fishmonger was so happy that he couldn't smile from ear to ear.

Shangguan Xuanyi's timely voice interrupted Xiao Fuzi's desertion.

"Keep looking, and ask the people over at the bar to keep an eye on it! We'll also arrange for people over at the border to keep an eye out." Shangguan Xuanyi thought for a while and said.

"Yes." It is not easy to find a person who deliberately hides in the huge crowd.

"By the way, let An An check if there are any wealthy families named Gu who have declined or been exterminated in the south of the Yangtze River." Shangguan Xuanyi rubbed his brows and could only expand the scope to look for clues.

"Yes." Xiao Fuzi responded obediently.

"Reserve your horses in an hour, get down!" Shangguan Xuanyi said again and asked Xiao Fuzi to retreat.

"Yes." Xiao Fuzi bowed and left.

Shangguan Xuanyi picked up the examination paper and started to read it.

When he saw the good ones, he picked them out, until he saw Shen Jingwen's exam paper. Halfway through, he couldn't stand it anymore. What rubbish! It makes no sense!

Shangguan Xuanyi continued to read, then picked out all the test papers with good answers, and then took a look at the list of scholars in Shengping County this year.

He looked up the names of the people with the best answers and looked at their rankings in the imperial examination. The result made him extremely angry and laughed!

Shangguan Xuanyi wrote down the names of those who gave the best answers and those who cheated.

"Xiao Fuzi!"

Xiao Fuzi walked in quickly and saluted: "Master."

Shangguan Xuanyi handed him the list, "Check these people!"

"Yes." Xiao Fuzi took it with both hands.

"What's going on over there with Shen Jingwen?"

"Prepare to take office in Qinghe County."

"Take office? Even the official donated?"

"I donated a county magistrate."

"Good! That's great!" A person who speaks inappropriate words and talks nonsense can become an official directly!

How many students have passed the Juren Examination, but they still can't get such a good job!

"Is the horse ready?"

"Go back to Master, it's ready."

Shangguan Xuanyi strode out quickly.

"Girl, the Sixth Prince is here."

at this time? Xiaoer put down the book in his hand and stood up to greet him.

"Brother Shangguan, have you eaten?"

"No." He came here specially to have dinner with her.

"Yang Liu, tell the kitchen to cook a light meal and send it to the pavilion." She had already eaten and stopped eating.

"have eaten?"

Xiaoer nodded.

"Eat some more with me."

Xiaoer nodded again: "I will accompany you."

But she stopped eating.

There were only two people in the room, so Shangguan Xuanyi let go.

In addition to eating by himself, he would also feed Xiaoer a mouthful from time to time.

Xiao'er didn't want to eat at first, but he just held the chopsticks in front of him without saying a word, and just looked at you with his smiling eyes, which made him feel like he had been with you forever.

Xiaoer was impatient and opened her mouth to eat the food he fed her.

Xiaoer, who was only seven-tenths full after eating, was now gorgeously stuffed.

Shangguan Xuanyi also realized that he had fed too much because it felt so wonderful.

But don't rush now, the future will be long.

Shangguan Xuanyi put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. Yangliu and Yangmei each brought a basin of water over to clean their hands.

"Let's go! Go for a walk in the garden to eat." Shangguan Xuanyi stood up first.

The garden of Shengpinghou Mansion was also decorated by Xiaoer and her gardeners. Every wall and corner is thoughtful and poetic.

The evening breeze is gentle and the fragrance of flowers is charming.

"Shen Jingwen Academy cheated in the exam." There was a hint of cold contempt in Shangguan Xuanyi's voice.

Xiaoer nodded without any surprise: "Then what?"

"Prepare to take up the post of county magistrate in Qinghe County."

"Donating your official position? Are you planning to take the imperial examination?" Xiao'er was a little surprised, but took it for granted.

Master Tan seems to have spent a lot of money to get his brother a wife.

"It's not that easy to cheat in the provincial examination."


"How does Brother Shangguan plan to deal with cheaters? Such people must not be tolerated! Tolerating them is to support adultery!"

"What do you think?"

"Children who have eaten sweets know better how to complain!" Xiaoer stopped in a rose bush.

Dafang's family has tasted what it's like to be an official, and it would be even more unbearable for them to let him go back to the days of nothing.

However, the pain of having something that is close to your heart and then gone in the blink of an eye is very painful.

Anyway, no matter what, it’s fine!

She found the scissors hidden in a corner of the flowers and started cutting them.

Children who have eaten sweets know better what it means to be miserable? Is this to let him serve as an official for a few days first, and then remove him after getting the benefits?

It coincides with my own thoughts.

"I'll do it." Shangguan Xuanyi also squatted down and stretched out his hand to snatch the scissors from Xiaoer's hand.

"No, I want to cut a bouquet of roses with my own hands and give them to Brother Shangguan." Xiaoer stepped aside.

Shangguan Xuanyi gave up after hearing this. He remembered that this girl had mentioned before that all flowers have their own language, and the flower language of roses represents love?

"Girl, what is the meaning of the rose flower?"

Meeting Shangguan Xuan Yi's half-smiling eyes, Xiaoer said fiercely: "Do you want it? Don't pull me down! Where do you get so many flowery words?"

"Yes, how dare you not?" Shangguan Xuanyi chuckled as he saw Xiaoer's angry expression.

This person is too bad!

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